Customer Standing Committee (CSC) Meeting 50

17 May 2021 @ 02:00 – 03:00 UTC


  1. Welcome & Roll Call
  2. Action items


Action Items

Action item 01 49 2021

Chair to execute Action 04 46 2020. Liman to send note endorsing the recommendations to the Board


Action item 02 49 2021

Staff to publish Findings report March 2021


Action item 03 49 2021

ICANN Org (Amy) to provide list of missed SLAs, using the IFRT background material. Compile list of missed SLAs, if cause was definition in days.

To be discussed under item 4

Action item 04 49 2021

CSC Chair and Kim Davies: Prepare Joint Webinar during or around ICANN71

To be discussed under item 5

3. Performance IANA Naming Function April 2021

a) PTI report to CSC April 2021.

b) CSC Findings PTI Performance April 2021.


4. Review Thresholds SLAs: Need to adjust (calendar) days to business days?

For discussion:

Follow-up discussions on SLAs thresholds meeting 48 and 49.

See Action item 03 48 2021.

5. Joint CSC / PTI webinar to update and inform community

For discussion: What to present?

The Joint Webinar is scheduled for 17 June 2021, 14:30 – 15:30 UTC.


6. Next meetings

  • Meeting 51, Wednesday 16 June 2021, 10:00 UTC (during ICANN71, but not included on Block schedule)
  • Meeting 52, Wednesday 21 July 2021, 18:00 UTC

August CSC meeting: approve the Findings report PTI performance July 2021 online

7. AOB


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