Customer Standing Committee (CSC) Meeting 66

16 November 2022 @ 18:00 - 19:00 UTC




1) Welcome & Roll Call

2) Action Items 


Action Items

Action item 01 65 2022

Secretariat to circulate Findings to CSC fro approval


Action item 02 65 2022

Secretariat to circulate Findings


Action item 03 65 2022

Staff to schedule Table Top exercise RAP for future meeting

Pending, proposed for March meeting (in person)

Action item 04 65 2022

Staff to forward CSC update to RySG


Action item 05 65 2022

Staff to circulate draft comment 2nd CSC Effectiveness Review to CSC for final approval



Action item 06 65 2022

Staff to organize session discussing the results of IANA survey May/April meeting



Action item 07 65 2022

Amy to check with Marillia if CSC membership subscribed in multiple roles, with respect to survey.



3) Performance IANA Naming Function October 2022

a) PTI report to CSC October 2022.

Report submitted 3 November 2022: performance is “Excellent”

b) CSC Findings PTI Performance October 2022.

Draft Findings report proposed on 4 November 2022

 4) Proposed Next Meetings

  • Meeting 67: 14 December 2022, 02.00 – 03.00 UTC (discussion comments CSC effectiveness review)
  • Meeting 68: 18 January 2023, 10.00-11.00 UTC
  • Meeting 69: 15 February 2023, 18.00-19.00 UTC (start nomination chair and vice-chair)
  • Meeting 70 (ICANN76): Sunday 12 March 2023, Time TBD’ed (chair and vice-chair selection, Table Top Exercise)

5) AOB

6) Adjourn


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