Customer Standing Committee (CSC) Meeting 36

16 December 2019 @ 18:00 – 19:30 UTC


1. Welcome and Introduction

2. Action items (only report on open items)


Action Items

Action 01 35 2019

PTI to update explanation in CSC Findings PTI Performance October 2019


Action 02 35 2019

Secretariat to propose schedule of meetings 2020, taking into account Geographic diversity CSC

Completed (see agenda item 8)


3. PTI Performance November 2019

a) PTI report to CSC

b) CSC Findings PTI Performance

4. SLA Amendments - Updates

5. IFRT Update

6. Work Plan: items the CSC may need to address moving forward

7. Meetings in Cancun

  • CSC Public Session: Monday, block 3
  • PTI Board: Agenda item of the CSC Public Session
  • ICANN Board Technical: TBD
  • Update to RySG: Tuesday
  • Update to ccNSO: Wednesday, block 1

8. Scheduling of Monthly Calls & Next meeting

  • Wednesday, 15 January at 18:00 UTC
  • Wednesday, 19 February at 18:00 UTC
  • 09 March – ICANN67 Cancun, Monday, block 3 (remote participation will be available)
  • Wednesday, 15 April at 19:00 UTC
  • Wednesday, 13 May at 19:00 UTC
  • Wednesday, 10 June at 19:00 UTC
  • Wednesday, 15 July at 19:00 UTC
  • Wednesday, 19 August at 19:00 UTC
  • Wednesday, 16 September at 19:00 UTC
  • 19 October – ICANN69 Hamburg, Monday, block 3 (remote participation will be available)
  • Wednesday, 11 November or Wednesday, 18 November at 18:00 UTC

 9. AOB

10. Adjourn

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