Customer Standing Committee (CSC) Meeting 42

15 July 2020 @ 18:00 – 19:30 UTC


1) Welcome and Introduction

2) Action items

Action Items

Action 01 41 2020

ICANN org update CSC report and circulate to CSC for approval.


Action 02 41 2020

PTI to share draft reporting on SLA creation/transfer ccTLD with CSC to seek feed-back from CSC membership.

To be discussed under item 3 a) on the agenda

Action 03 41 2020

Chair to convey view of CSC’s role in review of transition plan to  the IFRT.

To be circulated prior to the meeting. Discussion under item 5 b)


3) PTI Performance June 2020

        a) PTI report to CSC June 2020.

b) CSC Findings PTI Performance June 2020.


4) SLA Amendment Updates: Is SLA change process creation/transfer ccTLD completed?

5) IANA Function Review Update

a) James Gannon / Amy Creamer progress to date IFRT

b) Draft letter in response to IFRT question on role CSC with respect to review of transition plan ( IANA Naming Function Contract Section 9.3 Transition)


6)  Membership Selection: progress to date

Following Members and Liaisons reach end of term:

*  Members: Brett Carr (ccNSO), Gaurav Vedi ( RySG)

* Liaisons: Lars-Johan Liman ( RSSAC), Nigel Cassimire (GAC)

None is term limited

James Gannon indicated he may step down and be replaced as liaison

7) Next meetings

a) Reduce scheduled meeting time to one hour?

b) Next scheduled meetings

  • Mid- August: online discussion PTI performance and approval CSC Finding
  • Wednesday 16 September, 18.00 UTC
  • Wednesday 14 October, 18.00 UTC (tentative depends on geographic location CSC membership)


8) AOB

9) Adjourn

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