Action Items

1) All RALOs are to look at the ALS application form so as to ensure that it is accessible and easier to use. Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Garth Bruen, Holly Raiche, Glenn McKnight, Aziz Hilali, and Wolf Ludwig will work on this task.

 Dev Anand Teelucksingh created a PDF form which will be distributed via email among all RALO Leaders  via email.

 Next steps: a) identify the parts of the ALS application form which will be publicly posted b) the parts of the form that are considered confidential or private information would be redacted when the ALS form is posted publicly.

2) All RALOs were requested to make contact with Maureen in Buenos Aires in Buenos Aires and by email  to discuss the Metrics WG work.

3) Cross-RALO Policy Development Activities and Processes Workspace - RALOs will continue discussions on whether to delete it or not. 

4) Decertification of ALS -All RALOs to continue discussions on this issue.

5) All RALOs are encouraged to see the work done by APRALO to update its ROPs to make them consistent with the newly approved ALAC ROPs.

Comments  by Siranush Vardanyan - ROPs.

As you may all know the new WG within APRALO has been established, APRALO ROP Working Group, chaired by Cheryl, with several members volunteered to be involved in it. This WG already in the process of finalizing the ROP WG Charter, and in a couple of days I will receive from the pen holder of his group the final draft of the Charter in accordance with the last adopted ALAC ROP procedures. The draft version will be shared with all ALSs in APRALO for their final input with the deadline given prior to BA meeting.

 Siranush Vardanyan:In Buenos Aires APRALO members are planning to discuss the final comments received from the ALSs during our monthly meeting on Wednesday 20th.. As an appointed Liaison of this WG I am going to share then this Charter with you all, meaning with the secretariat to see what has been done by APRALO. This can serve as an example for all RALOs to create their own ROP Charter. The link to this WG wiki page is posted in today’s agenda. APRALO intends to adopt this ROP during the ICANN #49 Meeting in Singapore.


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