Action Items

  • Individual members-
    Idea "How to maximize participation" Holly: What do we mean by "participation" is the main question, rather than individual membership
  • ROP WG- CLO confirmed that she will lead the discussion in Beijing. 
  • Wolf requested to limit the time for discussion to 7 min 

  • Holly mentioned that Alan can speak at the High level about what has been done.

c. Metrics Working Group: Tijani (10 min)


Capacity building

Sylvia Herlein: Preparing material to talk about this in Beijing.

Agenda for the meeting:

  • What people are doing for capacity building and Outreach 
  • Wolf: outreach is a different issue and does not link to capacity building
  • Recruitment of new ALS- How do we get people to participate ? 
  • RALO RIRs: - OCL....Holly believes we do not need the Agenda item in the meeting Agenda item 3: Review of Multi-stake holder outcomes (Holly /Rinalia)
  • ALAC Summit June 2014. This will be the beginning of the discussion.

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