Desiree Cabrera: Today's agenda can also be found at

Alan Greenberg: Sorryto be late.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Welcome Alan

Young-eum Lee: I suggest having one.

nigel hickson: We did also discuss flagging IGF (perhaps as update)

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Proposed Discussion TOpics:

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: - Fragmentation

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: - various ITU discussion

Marilyn Cade: I'd like to speak?

judith hellerstein: Sorry I was late. My earlier call ran late

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: welcome Judith

Marilyn Cade: Yes, certainly: updates  I think. and then a major topic.

Young-eum Lee: Agree with Marilyn.

Marilyn Cade: I am lookig at speakers like Mary Uduma, who is an expert from Africa.

Marilyn Cade: No, I am not sure.

Alan Greenberg: No, no need to list speakers at this time

Marilyn Cade: No start with the agenda.

judith hellerstein: I agree we need to first define the agenda

Marilyn Cade: Let

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: 3. Discussion about Fragmentation vs. Openness (40 minutes)Inputs:WEF - fragmentation paper - Dr. William Drake, University of Zurich Perspective Mr. Patrik Fältström, SSAC ChairContext in wider political sense - Mr. Ihsan Durdu, Advisor to theMinister of Turkey's Ministry of Transport and Communications, GACrepresentative for Turkey

Marilyn Cade: BUT not only the WEF, right? Please, let's make sure that we are focused on an agenda. let's focus on the topic. For instance, I don't see IEEE on this list but they are engaged as well.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Yes @Marilyn that's a good point

Young-eum Lee: makes great sense

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: First part: what is fragmentation - and the ISO StackSecond part: why fragmentation mattersThird part: how that relates to ICANN / what can ICANN do? Should ICANN do something about this? Why ICANN should be engaged.Chart which shows how we are very small but are critical.

Marilyn Cade: I  hope to hear from Mary

Young-eum Lee: Sorry for not being able to speak.

judith hellerstein: HI Olivier.  I thought staff had said it was extended until spet 1

Marilyn Cade: I am speaking at some of the NRIs and I thnk, relly, they will support this session .

judith hellerstein: I like the proposal

Marilyn Cade: Let's go with a draft proposal? and then we can improve it with WG refinements.

Marilyn Cade: but I think timing is also a major challenge.

judith hellerstein: Yes good idea to start working on this now

Alan Greenberg: I have no seen an announcement of an extension.

Marilyn Cade: can we also talk about our f2f.

Marilyn Cade: I note that the timing is weird.

Alan Greenberg: ... NOT seen ...

judith hellerstein: Exactly

Alan Greenberg: 3-9

judith hellerstein: On my calendar it starts on a thursday

Marilyn Cade: Who are our audience?

judith hellerstein: nov 3

Alan Greenberg: Yes, Thursday-Wednesday.

Marilyn Cade: be careful. The GAC who don't have funding are not able to fully attend.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: here is the block schedul 

Marilyn Cade: Monday pm would be a good request. I can't bring business to a Sat/Sun  eeven. but ask the Chair ofGAC. good to ask/looks highly probable.

Marilyn Cade: Let's ask for a roundtable as much as possible.

Marilyn Cade: Face to face: can we do a Doodle? I have an NRI session, and a IGFSA session, so if we can focus on our F2F timeing, that would be great.

Marilyn Cade: Over the week end might work.

judith hellerstein: conference starts on nov. 3

judith hellerstein: Yes but since at large has not given a draft schedule I have no idea what the schedule is

Marilyn Cade: Yes, try for that.

Marilyn Cade: ICANN has also an open forum. the CCWG IG workshop is pretty  tidied up an has a good list of speakers. I note that I am not a apeaker as I am a MAG member.

Alan Greenberg: we are way over time. Need to leave now.

Marilyn Cade: I have heard that there is a date for the CSTD WG on Enhanced Cooperation. If so, I will update my timeline and share that.

judith hellerstein: Great thanks marilyn

Young-eum Lee: thanks!

judith hellerstein: bye all 

Marilyn Cade: thanks to the co chairs

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