Rafik: hi

Greg Shatan: Good morning all

Bill Drake: Greg the Red!

Marilyn Cade: thanks. am here.

Becky Burr (.us): Happy New Year folks!

Greg Shatan: @Bill, want me to start singing "Bandiera Rossa"?

Matthew Shears: hello

Marilia Maciel: Hello everyone

nigel hickson: Good evening all! Great attednace

Marilyn Cade: I will not use this chat for substantive discussions, as those really must happen on the full transcription of the discussions I view chat as about adm discussions

judith hellerstein: HI All. Sorry I was late

Bill Drake: only do CSTD when it's in Geneva

nigel hickson: @Bill - will be in May

Bill Drake: as always

Bill Drake: but intersessionals roam

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Full agenda for today's call, with links is on https://community.icann.org/display/CPMMB/CCWG+on+IG+Teleconference+-+2016.01.15

judith hellerstein: The chat is also archived and on the site right before or after the transcript

judith hellerstein: Great that good to hear that

Bill Drake: good of IGF to provide CSTD with tech support :-)

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: @Judith: please let us know the URL

Marilyn Cade: Intercessionals are hosted by the chair, so I am not sure what Bill's point is. The facts, which always matter is that the Intercessional will always be either in geneva/at Palais, OR in the host country. So, "roaming' is not really factual. :-)

Marilyn Cade: CSTD has two assignments, and this year, the agreement was to look on how to merge and integrate the two  core activities -- STI and WSIS follow up.

Marilyn Cade: Nominations expected by mid March and will be posted on the CSTD website

Farzaneh Badii: Are these new missions?

judith hellerstein: @olivier, here is the link to the chat from the December call, https://community.icann.org/display/CPMMB/CCWG+on+IG+Teleconference+-+2015.12.22

judith hellerstein: It is not as easy to find as the at large stuff but is there

Rafik: tunisia as co-host?

Farzaneh Badii: who is gonna be the member from ICANN ?

Marilyn Cade: Tunisia was the second WSIS host country. Switzerland was first host. THAT was WSIS.

Marilyn Cade: ICANN and others from the technical community will nominate. RIRs, ccTLDs, IEEE, and others from technical commuity can nominate.

Matthew Shears: certainly should be open

Rafik: @Marylin trust me as Tunisian, Tunisian government under ben ali reminded us often about WSIS :)

Marilyn Cade: Mathew- what do you mean: open?

Matthew Shears: what are the expectations of the HL session and what are the ouputs?

Bill Drake: and the global public interest also Monday

Marilyn Cade: ah, ha. I misinterstood: Matthew was speaking about HL meeting. The slot should not clash with the HL event, but needs to be scheduled so that HL attendees CAN attend the session.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: The HL session is the whole day

Matthew Shears: Nigel what are the expected outcomes of the HL?

Marilyn Cade: I would prefer to have the IG session scheduled when the HL atendees can attend.

judith hellerstein: I agree with Marilyn

Farzaneh Badii: Is there an agenda for this high level meeting ?

Farzaneh Badii: found it

Bill Drake: Nigel has a keen sense of peoples' priorities

Bill Drake: will it be a dry reception?

Marilyn Cade: Farzaneh, this is a government session, right? I think that we need to be respectful that this is about the GAC setting the agenda.

Rafik: @Bill probably not

Mark Carvell  GAC - UK Govt: @Matthew: output will be the Chair's report. Not a negotiating session: aim is securing political support for ICANN reform, IANA transition and global outreach. Not a GAC meeting: hope for non-GAC members such as Saudi  Arabia to attend.

Farzaneh Badii: Marilyn the agenda is already up there.

Farzaneh Badii: no need to correct me

Matthew Shears: thanks Mark

nigel hickson 2: @Bill - hope not "dry"

Marilia Maciel: Sounds like a good proposal, Bill

Marilyn Cade: I would devote more time to the Open/unfragmented Internet as the priority topic/just an update  only for Outcome of WSIS, but taking different approach for the two One informational/the second more engaging and  "touwn hall approach..?

judith hellerstein: I like these two topics

Marilyn Cade: sorry. Town Hall

Matthew Shears: suoport these two topics

Marilia Maciel: Agreed

Bill Drake: to slightly recast that Olivier, we are also interested in ways in which fragmentation affects names and numbers

Bill Drake: I lost sound

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: @Bill: it goes without saying - Internet fragmentation as it related to ICANN's remit

judith hellerstein: Reload it and it should be fixed

Marilia Maciel: Mark: this is a topic I particularly like very much, but I think it is more adequate to other spaces, like euroDIG, IGF, etc. But would love to talk if others agree it is good for ICANN

Marilyn Cade: I amcareful not to take over the CCWG-IC as about  NON ICANN activities, but the other way around,. While I like using this WG as 'relevant' iwe need to be sensitive  about taking on too much in this CCWG IG.

Matthew Shears: interesting idea Mark - I think having such a set of principles puloling on agreed texts would be a very useful contribution to the EC debate

Marilyn Cade: If this is about ICANN, then I can consider it, but not to try to over extend..

Bill Drake: we can't really do three topic areas in 75 min so will have to choose

nigel hickson 2: ABill - agree in past 3 topics is too much

Marilyn Cade: I agree taht we cannot do 3. BUT, we can do 2, and then the CCWG -IG might do some 'intersessional discussions', not at te public event, but within the WG

Marilyn Cade: and plan for the mid year June meeting..

Matthew Shears: agree - also Mark's proposal lends itself to an indepth working session

Marilyn Cade: But, let's also always recall that the rest of the EC world and the engagement of participatnts is far beyond ICANN, and must remain taht, as ICANN is only PART of the IG ecosystem

nigel hickson 2: @Marilyn - if we did on Monday would clash with HLM

Bill Drake: I think we should consider what the community will be interested in, sometimes I feel like the public session is a small group of policy wonks talking about what's happening in spaces the rest don't participate in

Rafik: @Olivier marrakech meeting format is not different from thr usual

Matthew Shears: @ Marilyn - agree

Mark Carvell  GAC - UK Govt: I expect most HLGM attendees will leave late Monday or early Tuesday - certainly Ministers will not stay more than one day. Weds is a heavily-loaded day for the GAC.

judith hellerstein: I think in the afternoon there may be some flexibility

judith hellerstein: that is on Tuesday

Chris Wilson: online only right now. 

Marilyn Cade: I am not sure that Constituencies have rescheduled their expections but Chrs and Gret can comment.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: ok no worries

Marilyn Cade: Rescheduling constiteunies is a BIG deal, so I would not just assume this is easy.

Chris Wilson: greg is correct

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: @Marilyn -- I know it is a strongly politically charged discussion

Greg Shatan: Meeting B on the other hand, could be a real shock....

Marilyn Cade: Olivier -- NOT politically charged. is a challenge regarding moving people/spaces, and work load. 

Bill Drake: Wednesday is fine

Greg Shatan: Just not enough hours in Meeting B, but I could be proved wrong....

Marilyn Cade: I am looking at Meeting B, thanks for that reminder, Greg! but also there is time to consider this.

Bill Drake: yes

judith hellerstein: For At large we were told that there is a shorter number of available openings for our own meetings

Bill Drake: I can do that for you, Greg ;-)

Matthew Shears: what specific sessions is ICANN particpating in at the WEF?

Mark Carvell  GAC - UK Govt: IWeds is problematic if you want to involve those GAC experts who are involved in IG negptations worldwide: not easy to step out of the GAC room when communique drafting!

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: @Marilyn: I said politically charged because no community ants to give up their own F2F time, which is well undertandable

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: @Mark - then we have an intractable problem to find a suitable time for F2F meeting of the CCWG IG

Marilyn Cade: Oliver, ah ha.

Marilyn Cade: What about Sunday?

Matthew Shears: we're all looking forward to seeing the fragmentation report Bill

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: @Marilyn: Sunday's GNSO council working day and ALAC working day

Marilyn Cade: Tuesday breakfast?

Carlos Raul (ISOC Costa Rica Chapter): not open to mortals

Marilyn Cade: WEF is not that easy to get access to.

Marilyn Cade: Agree with Carlos: mere mortals not included.

judith hellerstein: Yes Carlos is correct

Rafik: nope

Rafik: old hand

Marilyn Cade: It is not a criticism though, not all groups have to act alike each other.

Bill Drake: @Matt it goes live on the web Wednesday

Bill Drake: we have three minutes

Marilyn Cade: We shoudl hear about the post WSIS event in UN, and while we don't have time, here, I can post about the WSIS Forum and planning for that.

Marilyn Cade: so, do hope we can hear from Veni in AoB.

Marilyn Cade: I may have to drop off but I do not support the omission of Doodles

nigel hickson 2: Will try and update group on exact sessions that Fadi will be taking part in at Davos. 

Marilyn Cade: Schedule change. Instead the members need to respond to the Doodle

Marilyn Cade: My concern is that we cannot only use one date.

Mark Carvell  GAC - UK Govt: @ Nigel:  Is there an NMI evetn in Davos?

Avri Doria: maybe you can find a single day that works for everyone.

Avri Doria: for regualrity.  and then some may miss some becasue they travel, but there are recording.

judith hellerstein: Are we getting an update from Veni?

nigel hickson 2: Was not aware of an NMI event at WEF

Marilyn Cade: Yes, an update from Veni before we leave, please.

Marilyn Cade: Mariella would know about the NMI at WEF. perhaps she can update in Chat?

Bill Drake: never ending

Avri Doria: in other words we need to keep paying attention to the UN?

Matthew Shears: Veni - how can they chage the text in the resolution?

Avri Doria: with new resolutions?

Bill Drake: there is no NMI event at Davos

Marilyn Cade: I will note that this was discsused at CSTD s why the CSTD is such a priority, as that is where the resolutions are written/and then go to the ECOSOC /and teh cyber security expert discussions are indeed important...

Marilia Maciel: Marylin, Mark, no official NMI meeting at the WEF, only talks between council members and WEF participants. The next meeting of the NMI council will be 26th feb, back to back with GSMA

Marilyn Cade: That is why I am spending so  much time at CSTD and other places

Matthew Shears: Digital blue helmets is a terrible idea

Bill Drake: cybersecurity and Internet of Things are certainly two UN areas to watch

Mark Carvell  GAC - UK Govt: Stakeholders need to talk to their govt contacts about protecting WSIS+10 outcome in annual ICT4D resolution. EU govts very alert to this.

judith hellerstein: Thanks Veni. Very helpful

Marilyn Cade: no, wait, let's not over react. let's instead understand the bi furcated discussions and note that the  work and engagement in the CSTD and ECOCOC followup  remains  our work in progress.

Marilyn Cade: I agtee with Carvell on this...

Marilyn Cade: but let's not overreact but instead gather information

Marilyn Cade: ... Submit a workshop proposal/ask for volunteers to draft the proposal

Matthew Shears: Happy to participate

Marilia Maciel: Yep

nigel hickson 2: And me - happy to do

Carlos Raul (ISOC Costa Rica Chapter): ok

Marilia Maciel: Thank you all

Matthew Shears: thanks!

Avri Doria: bye

judith hellerstein: great. have a great weekend

nigel hickson 2: Goodbye all 

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