Renate De Wulf:To all, if you have dialed into the Adigo bridge for audio, please mute your mic in the AC room

  judith hellerstein:Hi All

  judith hellerstein:It is snowing in the US

  Avri Doria:this time the snow is staying south of us in New England.

  Bill Drake:snow?

  Bill Drake:still?

  judith hellerstein:Yes first day of spring and we have snow

  judith hellerstein:pretty heavy but not sure it will stick

  judith hellerstein:There is a webinar sponsored by the Global Partnership getting ready for the Global conference on cyberspace at 10:00am EDT

  bart boswinkel:I will enter rersponse in te chat

  bart boswinkel:Next steps are: checking with staff procedure to seek no-objection. Rquest for no-obejection finilsed. Once response from staff will inform co-chairs

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Nigel Hickson's recent email:

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Our UPDATED agenda is found on:

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:This agenda has all of the links to the documents we are discussing

  Bill Drake:I never quite understood the link between the BCG report and ICANN work...

  judith hellerstein:Great Nigel, would be great to have more detail about that session

  PDT:Thanks Nigel- copies of the presentations in NY would be much appreciated ; thanks

  judith hellerstein:+1 Marilyn

  PDT:Hello Olivier - indeed, it is !

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond::-)

  PDT:Thanks Nigel

  judith hellerstein:Thanks Nigel!! Much appreciated

  PDT:Thaks Marilyn - much appreciated

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Outcome Document on UNESCO's "Connecting the Dots":

  Bill Drake:I have not seen the calendar Marilyn was referring to before, where is that distributed?

  Renate De Wulf:I think it was a google doc

  Renate De Wulf:I will try to find the link

  Bill Drake:thanks Renate

  Greg Shatan:Good morning/afternoon/evening. Sorry to be so late.

  Renate De Wulf:Hi Bill,

  Bill Drake:ah, thanks Renate

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Greg: welcome. We will be extending this call to 90 minutes

  nigel hickson:@Avri - sorry forgot to acknowledge you

  PDT:Thanks Nigel- these updates are very helpful

  Avri Doria:that wasn't my point.  no need to remember me.  i was queit as a churchmouse.

  Avri Doria:I jus wanted to make a point about us paying attention to UNESCO and its impact of what was in our scope.

  judith hellerstein:+1 Avri. Yes it is very important. Thanks for mentioning it

  Greg Shatan:@Olivier, thank you!  Now I don't feel so late.

  Greg Shatan:@Nigel, I would be interested in hearing more about the trademark-related meeting you mentioned .  Doesn't have to be on this call, of course.

  bart boswinkel:Bye all

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Bye @Bart - thanks for attending

  nigel hickson:@Greg; pleasure; see

  Greg Shatan:@Nigel, thank you.

  Avri Doria:an intersting multistakeholder concept: them talking to us little folks

  PDT:@Avri - sounds like they are not talking, but waiting for much more work to be done before actually engaging..

  Avri Doria:PDT, i was more commenting on what Bill said.

  Bill Drake:can MAG members on the call clarify something: I've been told that Open Forums will no longer be accepted formats at the IGF, is that true?

  PDT:+1 Marilyn

  Avri Doria:Bill, I do not recall such a decsion but would need to double check aas some stuff is going on in subteams I am not on.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Boston Consulting Group Web pages about the report:

  Bill Drake:I think an OF would be the right format for any NMI activity

  Bill Drake:Glad to hear it

  nigel hickson:Yes; ICANN certianly plans an Open Forum

  judith hellerstein:Good to hear

  PDT:Chairs - we have 4 minutes for items 5 + 6

  PDT:can we move to those soon please?

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Well aware PDT :-(

  Avri Doria:April 30 deadlline for   open fora  - checked with Secretariat.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Avri: thanks

  rafik:@avri any extension for igf workshop?

  Avri Doria:Rafik, not that i have heard of.

  Avri Doria:as a MAG member I would not even rrecommend deciding on extension on maybe the last day.

  PDT:Agreed Bill - should that be the focus of this groups workshop in ICANN BA?

  Avri Doria:... unitl maybe ...

  Bill Drake:it doesn't need to be done now!

  Bill Drake:there's plenty of calendar between now and then

  Bill Drake:then being WSIS+10

  Bill Drake:As to BA, PDT that's for the group to consider

  Bill Drake:Nigel as we've discussed it'd be great to make the WSIS Forum session something with community involvement

  nigel hickson:@Bill - really welcome this

  Bill Drake:great

  Bill Drake:yes week off


  rafik:more discussion in the mailing list

  rafik:and sharing the action items list

  Greg Shatan:+1

  judith hellerstein:I do not mind pushing it off a week but can we not have it on April 3

  Renate De Wulf:OK, I will send a doodle poll out

  Bill Drake:have all the relevant IG orgs registered their .sucks? :-)

  PDT:Thanks Chairs - everyone - Useful session!

  nigel hickson:thanks all

  judith hellerstein:@bill :-)

  Mary:Bey All

  Greg Shatan:@Bill -- sunrise for. sucks hasn't opened yet....

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thanks fall or this very interesting set of updates!


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