Gisella Gruber:Welcome to the ICANN Accessibility Taskforce Meeting on Wednesday 8 April 2015 at 1800 UTC
  Gisella Gruber:Agenda:
  judith hellerstein:HI All
  judith hellerstein:Can we not speak by computer
  judith hellerstein:it does not seem to be available
  judith hellerstein:@heidi @gisela the connect by computer icon is not there
  Silvia Vivanco:Welcome  Tina
  Silvia Vivanco:and thank you for joining on behalf of Lauren
  Silvia Vivanco:and Nora
  Tina Guirguis:thank you!
  Greg Shatan:I am on AC only as I am trying to multitask :-(
  judith hellerstein:Great it is now available
  judith hellerstein:@gisela. there was an apology from Gunela
  Gisella Gruber:@ Judith - pleased you are connected
  Gisella Gruber:@ Jusith - apology from Gunela noted thank you
  Gisella Gruber:Glenn has joined the call
  Glenn McKnight:Hi all
  judith hellerstein:@heidi any updates on the special budget requests
  Heidi Ullrich:@Judith, we are hoping that the results will be announced on the 15th. I will update you when I hear more.
  judith hellerstein:Thanks
  Silvia Vivanco:I  would like to update  the  group on SURVEY
  Alan Greenberg:Difficult to hear Silvia
  judith hellerstein:@silvia can you speak louder
  judith hellerstein:yes
  Glenn McKnight:I am back now,  My anti malware  found some  malware and when I Quaranteed the items  it rebooted
  Glenn McKnight:Hard to hear  Silvia  still
  Glenn McKnight:The  survey was  created in Survey Gizmo
  Silvia Vivanco:So I will send you a SURVEY with  our edits  and  comments
  Silvia Vivanco:so you all can look at and agree on
  Glenn McKnight:
  judith hellerstein:Great
  Glenn McKnight:I need the changes  to modify the  Survey
  Silvia Vivanco:For now the SURVEY  is in  word, so we can play around with words and then we can put it in a user-friendly format
  Glenn McKnight:@silvia  can we go through the two  documents
  Silvia Vivanco:Glenn what documents?
  judith hellerstein:Are you on mute?
  Glenn McKnight:The MS Word version vs the Survey Guizmo
  Glenn McKnight:Activated my mic now
  Glenn McKnight:
  Glenn McKnight:I did modifications and waiting for Silvia's changes
  Silvia Vivanco:I  will send you all a GOOGLE survey
  Glenn McKnight:What is the purpose of  Google Survey when I made it in SurveyGizmo?
  Silvia Vivanco:Jusr keep in mund Glenn, we need to  be aware that it is staff who will answer it
  Silvia Vivanco:so they need to be comfortable with the survey
  Glenn McKnight:Sure  it's no different to the end user
  Glenn McKnight:\sure can
  Silvia Vivanco:the platform
  Glenn McKnight:yes the platform is agnosic
  Glenn McKnight:agnostic
  judith hellerstein:Also I think it should also put in resources for blind users as well
  Glenn McKnight:muted
  judith hellerstein:Also it should include the software that blind users use to access the net, also screen readers and braille keyboards
  Glenn McKnight:@laura  speak about the  Radio  program at NTEN
  Glenn McKnight:We need to track down that interview
  Glenn McKnight:Non profit  Radio
  Glenn McKnight:I will search for it
  judith hellerstein:Great work glenn
  Glenn McKnight:No
  Glenn McKnight:Thanks  Judith
  Laura Bengford:This is where the interview will appear eventually...
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Excelent  Thanks :-)
  judith hellerstein:BOF-Birds of feather
  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you for sharing the interview Laura
  Laura Bengford:NTEN Birds of the Feather lunch session.  
  Laura Bengford:It was very good, thanks Glenn!
  Glenn McKnight:Muted again
  Glenn McKnight:Your welcome.  We appreciate  the ICANN NTEN  support
  judith hellerstein:As well as the CROPP funding
  Glenn McKnight:Yes  I agree  Judith
  judith hellerstein:Yes. Please update us on video captioning
  Glenn McKnight:The link for   Video Captioning  slideshow
  Glenn McKnight:My computer  is running  really slow  after  removing some malware.  Perhaps its  the reverse
  judith hellerstein:@cheryl. Yes great idea
  Glenn McKnight:Here is the slideshow  it's  Craptioning  to Captions
  Glenn McKnight:
  Glenn McKnight:Its  a  tool developed by a Aussie  who is deaf
  Glenn McKnight:His tool is  really good on converting  Youtube subtitles
  Glenn McKnight:Looks  like Tony hasn't yet posted the  audio clip yet
  judith hellerstein:There is also a really good google hangout that Joly had sent me about AMARA
  judith hellerstein:Another tool he uses for captioning of videos
  Heidi Ullrich:Could this be brought up to ICANN's Meeting IT staff?
  judith hellerstein:But that means we need to have headphones and jacks around so pople can plug in
  judith hellerstein:if you are not at a table you do not have a jack
  Alan Greenberg:Indeed Judith, it is not a perfect solution, but better than without, and for no initial cost.
  Alan Greenberg:And virtually zero installation time.
  Glenn McKnight:Good  idea
  judith hellerstein:but i guess at all icann meeting you can get headsets and the box to carry with you
  judith hellerstein:these are rented and so that is the cost
  judith hellerstein:Also these need to be available to all rooms that do not have interpreters
  Alan Greenberg:Yes, but they do not tend to put the IR transmitters in a room if there isn't interpretation.
  Heidi Ullrich:Should staff follow up with IT staff?
  judith hellerstein:@heidi I think that is a good suggestion
  Alan Greenberg:Regarding the use of the mike boxes, no, Nancy and staff are well aware.
  judith hellerstein:Yes. that is a great idea so then we can always have people plugging in
  Heidi Ullrich:We can follow up on this, Judith
  Gisella Gruber:@ All - I will send out a Doodle and juggle with all the 'other' meetings and make it a better time for all
  judith hellerstein:Yes Gisella can you not include this time in the future doodles that way Gunela can be on the call
  Gisella Gruber:(yes, will take into account GNSO, NomCOm, CCWG, CWG etc)
  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, All!
  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all !
  Glenn McKnight:Bye all
  Laura Bengford:Thank you
  Tina Guirguis:thank you!
  judith hellerstein:Bye all
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Bye  thanks everyone...

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