Date: Monday, 24 March 2014

Time: 14:00 - 15:00 local time (for the time in various timezones click here)

Meeting Number: AL./0314/01

How do I participate in this meeting?  

Recording:    EN, ES, FR, ZH

Transcript: EN

Action Items:  EN    

AC Chat Transcript :  EN 

Adobe Connect Meeting Room: 




Lead: HU

Notes: SJ



Chair: Cheryl Langdon-Orr

1400 - 1405.         Welcome

1405 - 1425.         Introduction of participants and Apologies
                             (round robin style 2-3mins/attendee)

1425 - 1440.         Discussion of Primary Objectives for the Task 
                             Force -- Overall Mission Statement;  Identification
                             of the Key  Short,  Medium and Long Term    

1440 - 1450.        Outreach and engagement opportunities for the
                            showcasing  of Best Practices in Accessibility for

1450 - 1500.       Next Steps, future meeting(s) and review of any
                           Action Items


  1. As we have a relatively short time to discuss the Accessibility Taskforce’s objectives and actions, I’d like to suggest the below as a basis for discussion. I have incorporated the recommendations and ideas raised by Cheryl, Garth and Peter. Garth and I have suggested names of speakers for the LA and London meetings.


    Suggested objectives with actions:

       Building a culture of accessibility

    • Disability awareness toolkit be developed
    • Disability awareness training be provided
    • Keynote speakers at ICANN meetings to include representatives from disability community
    • Offer disability showcase events at ICANN meetings demonstrating various innovative ways people with disability use the Internet
    • “Accessibility Champions” amongst ICANN staff be identified
    • ICANN encourage employment of staff with disability
    • Incorporate an accessibility trigger in policy development as well as  ICANN processes and practices

     Increasing web accessibility

    • ICANN websites meet internationally recognised W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) v2.0 Level AA. This includes captioning of videos
    • Development of ICANN policy on web accessibility
    • Encouragement of ccTLDs to develop a best practice guide on web accessibility
    • Encouragement of registries to use the best practice guide in relation to registrars - in particular to alert registrants to use WCAG v2.0 when developing websites.

      Ensuring minimal barriers to participation and engagement with ICANN processes and practices

    • ICANN to consider adapting/adopting other existing accessibility meeting guidelines
    • ICANN meetings will where possible and practical be accessible for people with disability including real-time captioning and other facilities on request such as sign language interpreters and Braille materials
    • Communication tools such as web conferencing be as accessible as possible and practical
    • All ICANN information material is produced with good colour contrast and with sans serif fonts in an adequate size


    Is this a suitable starting point? Is this too much to start with? What should be included/excluded? What other approaches should we take?

    How we can move forwards on a suitable “Disability Action Plan” with realistic time-lines and assigned responsibilities?

  2. I have mentioned to staff to retreive the  coments from the pre working group  in response to  Chris Modinie   requests  back  in December



  3. Here is the video of  Gunella's presentation today


    1. Thanks Glenn.... Did you capture, any or all of the rest of the room/meeting or just this part where Gunela presented?
  4. HI   

    Since the session was being recorded by Adobe  I  only focused on her  presentation which was short and sweet and easy to upload    


    1. Ahh OK understood. ... but the quality of the Adobe capture is well hmm :-( OK but... ... ... so I had hoped your higher quality and closer focused material might have gone further and that we could perhaps use some for a short but more general VidPromo... Oh well never mind. I will see what other imagery I can source... Thanks any way Glen...