SSAC Comments on the GNSO New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Draft Final Report (R3)
Date Issued | Document | Reference ID | Current Phase |
| SSAC Comments on the GNSO New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Draft Final Report (R3) | SAC114 | Phase 2 | Understand Request |
The SSAC recommends that the ICANN Board, prior to launching the next round of new gTLDs, commission a study of the causes of, responses to, and best practices for mitigation of the domain name abuse that proliferates in the new gTLDs from the 2012 round. This activity should be done in conjunction with implementing the CCT Review Team’s relevant recommendations. The best practices should be incorporated into enforced requirements, as appropriate, for at least all future rounds.
Date | Phase | Type | Status Updates |
| Phase 2 | Phase Update |
| Phase 2 | Phase Update | The org received answers from SSAC to clarifying questions for Recommendations 2-4 on 18 November. The org will finalize the Statement of Understanding after receiving the rest of responses from SSAC. |
| Phase 2 | AP Feedback | 7. Yes, the understanding is correct. 8. No, the understanding is not correct. The SSAC intentionally did not state “contractual requirements” in its recommendation. While contractual changes could ultimately be the mechanism used for enforcement, the SSAC is not prescribing a remedy or method of implementation for this recommendation. |
| Phase 2 | Clarifying Question | QUESTION 7: The Board understands that the SSAC would like ICANN org to commission a study, similar to those mentioned in CCT recommendations 13, 15, 16, and 20, on DNS abuse and abuse mitigation. Is this understanding correct? QUESTION 8: The Board understands that the SSAC recommends “best practices” to mitigate domain name abuse are to be identified in the recommended study and then enforced through contractual requirements. Is this understanding correct? |
| Phase 2 | AP Feedback | SSAC issued the addendum to SAC114 in February 2022 and requested that the ICANN org formally take SAC114 recommendations out of their deferred state in the Action Request Register and proceed with the consideration process. Is there an expected timeframe for the statements of understanding for SAC114? |
| Phase 2 | Phase Update | The SSAC provided an addendum to SAC114 ( ICANN is currently reviewing SAC114 and the addendum. |
| Phase 2 | AP Feedback | The SSAC published Addendum to SAC114: Additional Context for Recommendation 1, Recommendation 3, Recommendation 7, and Additional References <> The SSAC appreciates this opportunity to address concerns raised by the ICANN Board and community and further clarify the intent of recommendations in SAC114. The SSAC requests that the ICANN org formally take SAC114 recommendations out of their deferred state in the Action Request Register and proceed with the consideration process. |
| Phase 2 | AP Feedback | The SSAC is currently reviewing SAC114 as a result of community feedback since publication of SAC114. While it is conducting its review, SSAC requests that ICANN org pause its consideration of SAC114. |
| Phase 2 | Phase Change | Now in Phase 2: Understand |
| Phase 1 | Phase Update | ICANN org thanked the SSAC for their feedback and apologized for the misunderstanding. SAC114: SSAC Comments on the GNSO New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Draft Final Report is now in process. |
| Phase 1 | AP Feedback | The SSAC Admin Committee disagreed with the org's understanding: While the public comment process prompted the SSAC’s initial work on SAC114, due to time constraints the SSAC chose not to submit its comment through the Working Group’s Public Comment process. Instead, the SSAC analyzed the Draft Final Report and larger issues it raises with respect to continued allocation of the DNS namespace holistically and prepared this comment, and the recommendations within it, to the ICANN Board for consideration through the normal ARR process. |
| Phase 1 | Phase Update | ICANN is in receipt of the following statement: [ADVICE] SAC114: SSAC Comments on the GNSO New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Draft Final Report ( The ICANN org understands that this statement is the [ADVICE] SAC114: SSAC Comments on the GNSO New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Draft Final Report. As this item will be considered via the Public Comment process, there is no action for the ICANN Board, and the item will be considered closed. |
| Phase 1 | Phase Update | SSAC published SAC114: SSAC Comments on the GNSO New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Draft Final Report Link: |