- Gisella Gruber / Yesim Nazlar to arrange next ARIWG call at 4:00 UTC (25 Sept) followed by 19:00 UTC.
- Heidi Ullrich / Evin Erdogdu / Andrea Glandon to work with Maureen Hilyard and Cheryl Langdon-Orr on GANTT Charts for noting prioritization: 1) simple and least costly matters first; 2) matters that require ICANN budget are letter and need to coincide with the normal ICANN budget cycle.
- ARIWG to select which GANTT Charts to be used by next call.
- Evin Erdogdu / Maureen Hilyard / Andrea Glandon / Heidi Ullrich / Cheryl Langdon-Orr to edit Google Sheets - to include ALAC Proposal; phase; budget to show on next call.
At-Large Regional Policy Engagement Program (ARPEP)
At-Large Review Implementation Plan Development