Andrea Glandon:Welcome to the At-Large Review Implementation Working Group call held on Tuesday, 11 September 2018 at 04:00 UTC.
Andrea Glandon:Agenda Wiki:
Evin Erdogdu:Hello all!
Amrita Choudhury:Hi Evin and Everyone
Alberto Soto:Hello everyone!!
Heidi Ullrich:Welcome, All!
Satish Babu:Hi all
Alberto Soto:Hi Charyl, are you here too?
Sarah Kiden:Hi Everyone!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):yes as well as trying to Chair the GNSO SubPro one
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):we just need to rotate out of sync
Maureen Hilyard:OK Im discconnected from my phone call and they are dialing out again. Sorry about that
Sarah Kiden:Yes
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):so if the next call is to be 1900 utc on the 24th it will again overlap by 30 nuns with SubPro that starts at 2000 utc... just flip them please so 1300 again next call then 1900 after that etc.,
Nadira AL-Araj:the sound is breaking
Heidi Ullrich:At-Large Review Implementation Overview:
Nadira AL-Araj:the sound now is perfect
Heidi Ullrich:Staff can make a chart from this timeline and post it on the ARIWG workspace.
Amrita Choudhury:Cheryl cannot hear you well
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:Cheryl sound slike she is ivery far away
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):I give up!!!!!!!! ;#
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:I can understand her, though
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):GRRRR
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): Eduardo YES
Heidi Ullrich:Maureen, we are having audio issues.
Heidi Ullrich:Are you using a speaker phone?
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:I am hearing Maureen well and I am only 1/2 awake
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:are you sure it is not the other side?
Heidi Ullrich:Much better!!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):this is an excellent example of a recommendation that has little or no additional costs from an ICANN budget POV and is not complex to carry out so can go first under the Board resolves
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):this is so frustrating not being able to be heard
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):in a minute
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO:@Cheryl : agree
Andrea Glandon:Cheryl, please let me know when you are ready for your dial out.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):now Andrea
Andrea Glandon:great, they are calling
Justine Chew:Hi, my apologies, just joined audio on this call, coming off SubPro call.
Sarah Kiden:Yes
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO:good
Evin Erdogdu:@Cheryl noted under AIs
Justine Chew:@Evin, apologies if I missed this earlier, how often are the ARIWG calls?
Justine Chew:Ah, no worries, I just saw the entry for Next Meeting in the agenda.
Evin Erdogdu:@Justine - every 2 weeks. Welcome :)
Cheryl (CLO):Sorry for the long intervention
Cheryl (CLO):but we need to know *What we are trying to actually do*
Cheryl (CLO):7. this is another one that is not costly or complicated as we are already doing in anyway ;-O)
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:The TTF has recognized Slack as a way for how At-Large can use Group Chat - see slides from page 22 :
Satish Babu:#10 can probably be supported by TTF as well as Social Media WG
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO:Great!
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:Bravo!
Sarah Kiden:Great news!
Justine Chew:Yay!
Satish Babu:Good news! What was the allocation last time?
Cheryl (CLO)::-)
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO:CAn we know the budget number?
Cheryl (CLO):it wil NOT be a large gathering like ATLASII however but rather a limited one and directly related to our work in the Implementation of our At-Large Improvements
Heidi Ullrich:Recall that the Board supported multi-year planning for Summits and General Assemblies. This might be a key note to place in issue No. 11. As well as the reports from all Summits and GAs.
Cheryl (CLO):Indeed Heidi
Heidi Ullrich:Could we say that Issue 11 is N/A.... re ATLAS and General Assemblies ? The planning and implementation of ATLAS III will be shown as part of the multi-year planning...
Cheryl (CLO):Simple and least costly matters first , matters that require ICANN Budget input are later and need to mesh with the usual ICANN Budget cycle (needs to be noted in the Gantt charting as well along with milestones etc.,
Cheryl (CLO):Yeah!
Justine Chew:The googledoc presents by areas/topic -- are going this way?
Justine Chew:Right.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Google Sheets
Satish Babu:Yes, Sheets would be easier...
Heidi Ullrich:Example of GANTT Charts:
Cheryl (CLO):I like a hybrid between a couple of these part Project part Basic/Milestone
Cheryl (CLO):Exactly Alberto CORRECT
Alberto Soto:Thanks Cheryl
Cheryl (CLO):Just
Heidi Ullrich:Please keep in mind there are Additional Budget Requests as well as the core budget (which there is a public comment period on)
Heidi Ullrich:Correct, Cheryl!
Heidi Ullrich:lol
Heidi Ullrich:that budget process for the FY20 budget is starting now - and will have a session Finance at ICANN 63.
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO:People are entertained with the EPDP so theya re looking elsewhere
Heidi Ullrich:The Additional budget request will launch likely in November with deadlines in January.
Cheryl (CLO):for now Eduardo
Nadira AL-Araj:yes to consider the ALS and you can get tgem engaged to up to limited smaller budget to national or regional levek
Heidi Ullrich:These are smaller budget items like outreach activities (RALO discretionary funding, etc)
Heidi Ullrich:but this year should likely be used with the implementation in mind...referencing certain issues within the review.
Cheryl (CLO):and some may be interdependant as well
Cheryl (CLO):a Sheet Doc yes I believ so Eduardo
Heidi Ullrich:I believe CLO said next call was 04:00 UTC
Justine Chew:SubPro call that week is on 24th 20:00 UTC
Heidi Ullrich:ok, 13:00 UTC.
Sarah Kiden:Sounds okay for me
Sarah Kiden:This time slot is also okay
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:which time?
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:13:0à UTC?
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:aah -- so another terrible time for me again.
Sarah Kiden:@Olivier, I believe same time as today
Alberto Soto: I´m going to slepp, thanks, bye bye!!! From Buenos Aires at 02:30AM
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO:Oliviier - dring lots of coffee
Cheryl (CLO):Yes same as today
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO:drink
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:It wil be 5:00am in UK.
Satish Babu:Thanks and bye!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:take care all
Evin Erdogdu:Goodbye, all!
Sarah Kiden:Thanks and bye
Cheryl (CLO):bye sorry for the time confusion (still suffering a tad here)
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:1:30 am in Trinidad
Cheryl (CLO):well it is the rotation of times 0400 and 1900
Cheryl (CLO):if you want to stick with 1900 that would be great from MY pov but we still need to avoid the SubPro PDP when it is at that toime in theor rotation
At-Large Regional Policy Engagement Program (ARPEP)
At-Large Review Implementation Plan Development