This page has been established to provide some very generic descriptions of key leader positions within At-Large as reference for both internal and external stakeholder groups who may want to know more about the various positions in preparation for Selections and Elections of key leadership roles within At-Large. These are not to be taken as an absolute list of requirements for each of the leadership roles identified in this list, but to be used as a guide.

The At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) is the ICANN body responsible for representing the voice of the end user in policy and operational discussions.

Any person seeking a position of leadership or responsibility within the ALAC/ At-Large must firstly fulfill the required ICANN expectation of integrity, objectivity and intelligence, as well as most, if not all, of the following criteria and expectations:

  • a commitment to ICANN's mission and an understanding of the potential impact of ICANN decisions on the global Internet community
  • an understanding of the DNS and the impact of ICANN policy on end-users
  • demonstrated capacity for thoughtful group decision-making and sound judgment
  • an interest in bottom-up consensus policy building in a real-life environment
  • an ability to chair or otherwise provide leadership and support for a multi-stakeholder group working to reach consensus
  • the following knowledge, qualities and experiences are specifically sought:
    • A strong advocate for the needs and interest of end-users not only those of the region they will represent, but globally.
    • Experience and skills that bear on gathering, understanding, and communicating the interests of individual users and in group decision-making.
    • Consumer protection and or consumer advocacy experience particularly in communications/telecommunication sector.
    • Specific experience and/or expertise in internet-related policy development.
    • An interest in and knowledge of internet governance issues.
    • Leadership experience in local or regional internet-related or DNS policy experience in gTLD or ccTLD activities including issues relating to Internationalized Domain Names.
    • Ability to work as a team leader bringing perspectives not otherwise reflected in the existing ALAC membership and is intended to diversify the skill and experience sets of the ALAC.
    • Strong local networks that will positively enhance the current ALAC and regionally focused strategic and project planning as they relate to the wider ICANN Strategic plan and ALAC Improvement Implementation.
    • Ability and interest to work in a multi-cultural environment.
  • a willingness to serve as a volunteer, without compensation other than the reimbursement of certain expenses
  • an ability to work and communicate effectively in English (although there is no requirement that English be the candidate's first language)
  • A minimum of 25-30 hours per month which may include participating in online (email) discussions; commenting on/contributing to documents/proposed actions; participating in monthly ALAC telephone conferences;
  • ALAC members may be invited to take on an ALAC Leadership Team (ALT) position. These members will be expected to attend all ALAC and ALT+ meetings and to participate actively in policy-related issues and working groups
  • ALAC members are expected to attend three face-to-face meetings each year held during the ICANN Public Meetings, which generally run about seven days. These may require potentially extensive responsibilities on most days. There may occasionally be additional face-to-face interim meetings or regional meetings.
  • ALAC members, RALO Chairs and other At-Large Leaders are expected to make a commitment to attend monthly ALAC and ALT+ meetings and to participate actively in policy-related issues and other working groups.
  • ALAC members and other At-Large Leaders may be invited to serve as liaisons to other Advisory Committees or to Supporting Organizations which will require 10-20 more hours than the basic hours per month. 
  • ALAC members, RALO Chairs and other At-Large Leaders may chair or participate in Working Groups within At-Large and sometimes within the wider ICANN community, outside of At-Large; they may also meet with/ make presentations to local and regional organizations.
  • The ALAC operates in a transparent manner and publishes participation statistics on its website.



  1. Must fulfil ALAC/At-Large Leadership Criteria and Expectations
  2. Is appointed by the ALAC on a year by year basis
  3. Responsible for the organisational management of the ALAC
  4. Manages ALAC and ALT+ meetings
  5. Selects the ALAC Leadership Team members
  6. Attends the SOAC Chairs meeting (and participate in Empowered Community discussions)
  7. Meet regularly with the ICANN Board Chair and the CEO


  1. Must fulfil ALAC/At-Large Leadership Criteria and Expectations
  2. Is appointed by the Chair on a year by year basis
  3. Accept duties assigned by the Chair
  4. Deputise in the absence of the Chair


  1. Must fulfil ALAC/At-Large Leadership Criteria and Expectations
  2. Is appointed by the ALAC Chair on a year by year basis
  3. Will consist of one senior member of each of the five RALOs
  4. Will consist of the two Vice Chairs each in charge of Policy or Outreach
  5. Each Vice Chair will be assisted by one of the other two senior ALAC members on the ALT.
  6. ALT members may be asked to accept other duties assigned by the Chair
  7. ALT members will attend both the ALAC and the ALT+ meetings each month and contribute to the discussions relating to Policy and Outreach (including capacity building)


  1. ALT members must attend ALT+ meetings
  2. It is recommended that ALAC members also attend ALT+ meetings
  3. RALO Chairs must attend ALT+ meetings to report to the wider leadership group about what prioritised activities are taking place in their regions
  4. Liaisons may report on the activities of their respective ICANN constituencies as they impact on At-Large or our end-user communities
  5. The ALT+meetings offer the more inclusive leadership team a chance to discuss issues and to take recommendations to the formal ALAC meeting for a decision - especially when there is quorum of ALAC members at the ALT+ meeting already.


  1. Must fulfil ALAC/At-Large Leadership Criteria and Expectations
  2. Responsible for the organisational management of their respective RALO
  3. Coordinates the duties of the other RALO leadership team members
  4. Coordinates the recommendation of the NomCom delegate
  5. Coordinates the recommendation of the co-Chairs for the Outreach and Engagement Subcommittee, the Social Media Working Group and the Capacity Building Working Group
  6. Are expected to attend the CPWG meetings and coordinate policy discussions within their RALO
  7. Will enable designated co-Chairs for various responsibilities on behalf of the RALO to report to the monthly RALO and give updates in relation to their specific responsibility.


  1. The personal specifications of those seeking the role of ALAC delegate to the NomCom are defined in the ALAC/At-Large Leadership Criteria and Expectations
  2. According to Bylaws Article 7, Section 7.5. Five members of the ALAC selected by the NomCom shall include one citizen of a country within each of the five Geographic Regions (Africa; Asia/Australasia/Pacific Islands; Europe; Latin America/Caribbean Islands; and North America
  3. According to the ALAC Rules of Procedure 18.5, ALAC Representatives to the ICANN Nominating Committee, one from each ICANN region, will be selected by the ALAC in consultation with the RALOs.
  4. NomCom members act only on behalf of the interests of the global Internet community within the scope of the ICANNmission and the responsibilities assigned to NomCom by ICANN 
  5. For the ALAC positions, experience and skills that bear on gathering, understanding, and communicating the interests of individual users would be advantageous. The NomCom's selections for ALAC are intended to diversify the skill and experience sets of the ALAC.
  6. Each NomCom delegate is to keep their RALO informed of progress of the NomCom appointments process (maintaining all confidentiality) and if requested by the RALO, to report to their wider community on their monthly RALO newsletter


  1. Must fulfil ALAC/At-Large Leadership Criteria and Expectations
  2. Working Group Chairs are appointed by the ALAC based on their demonstrable interest and knowledge about their working groups subject and the impact of ICANN Policy on end-users
  3. They must have an ability to chair and provide leadership and support for a multi-stakeholder group working to reach consensus
  4. They must be able to demonstrate capacity for thoughtful decision making and sound judgement
  5. They must be able to work in a multi-culture environment
  6. They must be able to work and communicate effectively in English (although it does not have to be their first language).


  1. Co-Chairs are appointed by their Regional members to represent their interests on their designated committee or working group
  2. They must already have a demonstrable interest and skills as well as active engagement in the work of their designated committee or working group
  3. They must have a working knowledge of the DNS and associated policy issues and be able to discuss these in a community context
  4. They must be prepared to participate actively in their work of their committee or working group
  5. They must discuss any issues relating to their committee or working group with the RALO leadership and seek permission to speak at the monthly RALO meetings.
  6. They must be prepared to regularly update their RALO communities about what is of priority interest to their committee or working group each month and gather any feedback.
  7. They must also write a report on the workings of their committee or working group for their monthly RALO newsletter

ALAC NomCom Description - 2024

Feedback on Fellow Skills needed 

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