12:25:18 From Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    To follow along with the RTT:  https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net]
12:29:10 From Gabriel BOMBAMBO (Kinshasa) to Everyone:
    Bonjour à tous
12:29:42 From Aziz Hilali to Everyone:
    Bonjour Gabriel
    Bonjour à tous
12:31:35 From Raihanath B. A. to Everyone:
    Hello Everyone 
    Happy New Year 2024 to all.
12:31:56 From Bram Fudzulani to Everyone:
    Compliments of the season everyone
12:32:08 From Raihanath B. A. to Everyone:
    Bonsoir à tout le monde 
    Mes meilleurs vœux pour cette nouvelle année 2024.
12:32:48 From Dr Houda CHIHI to Everyone:
12:32:48 From MICHEL TCHONANG CAPDA to Everyone:
    Meilleurs Voeux chers collègues et succès pour toutes vos initiatives
12:32:56 From Fatimata Seye Sylla to Everyone:
    Hello everyone
12:32:56 From Moustapha Abakar Abdramane to Everyone:
    Hello everyone,
    Happy new year, mes meilleurs vœux
12:33:03 From Dr Houda CHIHI to Everyone:
    Happy new year !
12:33:12 From Fatimata Seye Sylla to Everyone:
    Happy New Year 2024!
12:33:17 From Emmanuel MFITUMUKIZA to Everyone:
    Happy New Year
12:33:44 From Athanase Bahizire -DRCongo to Everyone:
    Happy New Year!
12:33:47 From Youssouf Allafouza Mahamat(house Of Africa) to Everyone:
    Bonsoir à tout le monde mes meilleurs vœux happy new year 2024 Youssouf from house of Africa Chad
12:33:53 From Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    To follow along with the RTT:  https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net]
12:34:20 From Elias Mane-GhanaSig to Everyone:
    Happy New year to everyone,
12:34:37 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to Everyone:
    Hello All welcome / Bonsoir à tous soyez la bienvenue
12:35:50 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Monday 29 Jan
12:35:53 From Kabine Doumbia to Everyone:
    Hi Segal /bonsoir Segal
12:37:02 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to Everyone:
    Monday the 29th of  January Tentative date for Webinar . we will confirm you by mailinlist for the exact date .
12:37:04 From Omar Shuran to Everyone:
    Hello everyone
12:37:55 From Dave Kissoondoyal - ICANN AFRALO to Everyone:
    Bonjour tout le monde. Hello everyone. Sorry to be late
12:38:06 From Adetokunbo Abiola to Everyone:
    Hello from Nigeria!
12:39:27 From Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    To follow along with the RTT:  https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net]
12:39:37 From Dr. Adebunmi AKINBO to Everyone:
    Reacted to To follow along with... with "
12:39:45 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to Everyone:
    Reacted to "To follow along with..." with 
12:41:10 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Warm welcome Yaovi
12:41:25 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to Everyone:
    Reacted to "Monday 29 Jan" with 
12:41:26 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    And Warm welcome to all AFRALO members
12:41:39 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to Everyone:
    Reacted to "And Warm welcome to ..." with 
12:41:44 From Fatimata Seye Sylla to Everyone:
    Reacted to "And Warm welcome to ..." with 
12:41:45 From Hadia elminiawi to Everyone:
    Welcome Yaovi - Thank you for being with us today
12:42:22 From Yaovi Atohoun - ICANN Org to Everyone:
12:43:53 From Raymond Mamattah to Everyone:
    Happy New Year from Ghana. Ƒe yeye nami. Afihyiapa.
12:45:54 From Yaovi Atohoun - ICANN Org to Everyone:
12:46:00 From Dr. Adebunmi AKINBO to Everyone:
    Reacted to https://www.icann.or... with "
12:46:12 From Yaovi Atohoun - ICANN Org to Everyone:
12:47:08 From Dr. Adebunmi AKINBO to Everyone:
    Thanks @Yaovi Atohoun - ICANN Org
12:47:21 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to Everyone:
    Thanks @Yaovi Atohoun - ICANN Org
12:47:29 From Yaovi Atohoun - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Registration link for the webinar of 23 January: https://icann.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xC4Sue1lR0-WW6KRa0VsxQ
12:47:35 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to Everyone:
    Reacted to "Registration link fo..." with 
12:47:42 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Thank you very much Yaovi
12:50:01 From Hadia elminiawi to Everyone:
12:50:25 From Hadia elminiawi to Everyone:
    FY25 At-Large Funding Request
12:50:42 From Aziz Hilali to Everyone:
    Thank you Bukola
12:50:49 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    SEE:  https://www.icann.org/en/blogs/details/streamlining-resource-requests-from-the-icann-community-08-11-2023-en
12:50:53 From Raymond Mamattah to Everyone:
    Thank you Buki
12:51:09 From Setondji Herve Hounzandji to Everyone:
    Thanks Buki
12:51:43 From Lavish Mawuena Mensah to Everyone:
    Reacted to "Thank you Buki" with 
12:52:10 From Lavish Mawuena Mensah to Everyone:
    Many Happy Returns Seun...
12:52:11 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to Everyone:
    Thanks Buki , Raihannah and Aziz Team for the Update
12:55:30 From Dr. Adebunmi AKINBO to Everyone:
    Well done @Bukola Oronti
12:57:04 From Dr. Adebunmi AKINBO to Everyone:
    Thanks @Seun S. Ojedeji
12:57:06 From MICHEL TCHONANG CAPDA to Everyone:
    Thank Seun
12:58:02 From Setondji Herve Hounzandji to Everyone:
    thanks Seun
12:58:47 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to Everyone:
    Thanks Seun for the Update
12:59:09 From Alan Barrett (ICANN Board) to Everyone:
    I need to disconnect to join another meeting
12:59:49 From Yaovi Atohoun - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    @Alan:  noted and thank you!
13:01:01 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to Everyone:
    AFRALO PROPOSAL OF UA https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p_7xwz-rWOVqhK7z8KwM2o_0FYPWkD9RbntLj1sO0u4/edit
13:03:44 From Dr. Adebunmi AKINBO to Everyone:
    Thanks @Hadia elminiawi
13:03:57 From Dr. Adebunmi AKINBO to Everyone:
    Reacted to AFRALO PROPOSAL OF U... with "
13:04:09 From Peterking Quaye to Everyone:
    Thank you @Hadia elminiawi
13:05:16 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Last call of the ROP WG in December: https://community.icann.org/display/AFRALO/2023-12-14+AFRALO+ROP+Working+Group+Call
13:05:50 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to Everyone:
    Review of the AFRALO ROPs methodology          https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z-moQjIG-YGQvtS4dHM4EcR7951fVNUID8wuTYpeYXI/edit?pli=1
13:05:51 From MICHEL TCHONANG CAPDA to Everyone:
    Merci Bachar
13:05:56 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to Everyone:
    Reacted to "Last call of the ROP..." with 
13:06:04 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Staff will schedule the ROP WG webinar for Monday 29
13:06:05 From Peterking Quaye to Everyone:
    Merci @Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong
13:06:11 From Dr. Adebunmi AKINBO to Everyone:
    Well done @Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong
13:07:59 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    December Newsletter is published :  https://community.icann.org/display/AFRALO/AFRALO+Newsletter+Archives
13:08:18 From Stephen Dakyi to Everyone:
    Can hear you now
13:11:46 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to Everyone:
    Reacted to "Well done @Abdeldjal..." with 
13:11:50 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to Everyone:
    Reacted to "Staff will schedule ..." with 
13:13:11 From Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org to Everyone:
13:13:19 From Bram Fudzulani to Everyone:
13:14:02 From Dr. Adebunmi AKINBO to Everyone:
    Reacted to https://www.icann.or... with "
13:14:07 From Dr. Adebunmi AKINBO to Everyone:
    Reacted to https://community.ic... with "
13:14:11 From Martha Alade (WITIN.org) to Everyone:
    Reacted to https://community.ic... with "
13:14:11 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Blog from Tripti: https://www.icann.org/en/blogs/details/reflecting-on-a-year-of-change-22-12-2023-en
13:14:17 From Dr. Adebunmi AKINBO to Everyone:
    Reacted to Blog from Tripti: ht... with "
13:15:07 From Martha Alade (WITIN.org) to Everyone:
    Bram what form?
13:15:09 From Hadia elminiawi to Everyone:
    Please go ahead
13:15:13 From Raymond Mamattah to Everyone:
    Can we get the link for the CROP
13:15:47 From DANIEL’s iPhone to Everyone:
    There is a dedicated page for CROP
13:15:49 From Dr. Adebunmi AKINBO to Everyone:
13:16:27 From NURSES ACROSS THE BORDERS to Everyone:
    How much is available for the crop proposal per any ALS?
13:17:39 From Chokri Ben Romdhane to Everyone:
    Hi all sorry for being late
13:17:56 From Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Replying to "Hi all sorry for bei..."
    Welcome Chokri
13:18:12 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to Everyone:
    Reacted to "Hi all sorry for bei..." with 
13:18:35 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    FY 24 CROP procedures : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yRob30L_xP9ZU8AiXp-LETHfBCbnTZbiPUJCFvEsrwg/edit#heading=h.4zj06v4hbckd
13:18:48 From Lesley Tarabina (W.TEC) to Everyone:
    Replying to "FY 24 CROP procedure…"
    Thank you
13:19:02 From Lavish Mawuena Mensah to Everyone:
    Reacted to "FY 24 CROP procedu..." with 
13:19:04 From Dr. Adebunmi AKINBO to Everyone:
    Reacted to FY 24 CROP procedure... with "
13:19:10 From Chokri Ben Romdhane to Everyone:
    Reacted to "Hi all sorry for bei..." with 
13:19:13 From Chokri Ben Romdhane to Everyone:
    Removed a  reaction from "Hi all sorry for bei..."
13:19:32 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    CROP information : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yRob30L_xP9ZU8AiXp-LETHfBCbnTZbiPUJCFvEsrwg/edit#heading=h.4zj06v4hbckd
13:20:02 From Yaovi Atohoun - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Registration link for the webinar:  https://icann.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xC4Sue1lR0-WW6KRa0VsxQ
13:20:14 From Lesley Tarabina (W.TEC) to Everyone:
    Thank you
13:21:30 From Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Date of Webinar: 23 January at 14:00 UTC
13:21:38 From Raymond Mamattah to Everyone:
    The link gives information on what goes into the CROP funding but there's no link for the application.
    We need the application link as well please.
13:22:05 From Fatimata Seye Sylla to Everyone:
    Reacted to "The link gives infor..." with 
13:22:44 From Peterking Quaye to Everyone:
    Reacted to The link gives infor... with "
13:23:14 From Peterking Quaye to Everyone:
    Replying to "The link gives infor..." 
     The form link or ema...
13:23:49 From Adetokunbo Abiola to Everyone:
    Reacted to "The link gives infor..." with 
13:23:53 From Adetokunbo Abiola to Everyone:
    Reacted to "The link gives infor..." with 
13:24:09 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    @Raymond Mamattah for CROP questions kindly email the CROP staff at :crop-staff@icann.org
13:24:15 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
13:24:27 From Peterking Quaye to Everyone:
    Removed a  reaction from "The link gives infor..."
13:24:29 From Peterking Quaye to Everyone:
    Reacted to The link gives infor... with "
13:26:36 From Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org to Everyone:
13:27:22 From Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org to Everyone:
13:33:03 From Adetokunbo Abiola to Everyone:
    Great idea, Pastor Peters, especially on climate change.
13:34:57 From Frank Anati to Everyone:
    Hi everyone Frank Anati from Ghana
13:35:00 From Mahamat Haroun to Everyone:
    Hello  all 
    It's MAHAMAT HAROUN from Chad
13:35:16 From Hadia elminiawi to Everyone:
    ICANN 80 is a policy meeting
13:35:19 From Frank Anati to Everyone:
    Reacted to Hello  all 
    It's ... with 
13:37:59 From Yaovi Atohoun - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    ICANN 80 is also a policy forum
13:39:47 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to Everyone:
    Reacted to "ICANN 80 is also a p..." with 
13:39:56 From Godsway Kubi to Everyone:
    Hi everyone 
    Godsway Kubi here 
    Connecting from Ghana 
13:40:11 From DANIEL Nanghaka to Everyone:
    Do we have to wait for meeting to be in Africa to be engaged?
13:40:44 From DANIEL Nanghaka to Everyone:
    Irrespective of location we as Africans must be engaged
13:40:57 From Fatimata Seye Sylla to Everyone:
    Reacted to "Irrespective of loca..." with 
13:41:01 From Hadia elminiawi to Everyone:
    Policy discussions are importnat
13:41:01 From Fatimata Seye Sylla to Everyone:
    Thank you All.  I have to leave now.  Very useful meeting
13:41:56 From Dr. Adebunmi AKINBO to Everyone:
    I need to take my leave. Great meeting.
13:42:10 From Adetokunbo Abiola to Everyone:
    Reacted to "Irrespective of loca..." with 
13:42:20 From Adetokunbo Abiola to Everyone:
    Reacted to "Irrespective of loca..." with 
13:43:22 From NURSES ACROSS THE BORDERS to Everyone:
    Did ICANN ask you to speak to us
13:43:34 From NURSES ACROSS THE BORDERS to Everyone:
    You do not speak for ICANN
13:43:46 From NURSES ACROSS THE BORDERS to Everyone:
    Your role is unhelpful
13:44:09 From NURSES ACROSS THE BORDERS to Everyone:
    You re not in ICANN to oppose issues relating to icannn
13:45:42 From Adetokunbo Abiola to Everyone:
    Yaovi's role is very very  unhelpful indeed.
13:46:02 From Allan Magezi to Everyone:
    Reacted to Irrespective of loca... with "
13:46:27 From Lavish Mawuena Mensah to Everyone:
    I second @Raymond Mamattah
13:46:28 From Lavish Mawuena Mensah to Everyone:
    [This is an encrypted message]
13:47:17 From Allan Magezi to Everyone:
    I request to leave for another engagement
13:48:14 From Adetokunbo Abiola to Everyone:
    We should make a request. We agreed on making a request for attendance at the Rwanda meeting. I can't understand why this request hasn't been made.
13:48:56 From Yaovi Atohoun - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Again I could not prevent anyone to write to the ICANN Board. Thanks
13:49:07 From Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    A kind reminder to please speak clearly and slowly for our interpreters, thank you.
13:49:56 From Hadia elminiawi to Everyone:
    @Yaovi Atohoun - ICANN Org Thank you - your response was clear and helpful
13:49:56 From Hadia elminiawi to Everyone:
    [This is an encrypted message]
13:50:14 From NURSES ACROSS THE BORDERS to Everyone:
    Seun, staff cannot speak for the ICANN Board.
13:50:44 From NURSES ACROSS THE BORDERS to Everyone:
    What do you or Yaovi see wrong with the proposal
13:50:47 From DANIEL’s iPhone to Everyone:
    You can’t wait for last moment and start lamenting
13:51:21 From Adetokunbo Abiola to Everyone:
    Seun and Yaovi are being very very unhelpful on this matter.
13:51:32 From NURSES ACROSS THE BORDERS to Everyone:
    It is shocking that you re now crying for the bereaved. What is your definition of REALISTIC
13:51:43 From DANIEL’s iPhone to Everyone:
    This is not the time to feel pity for ourselves as Africans
13:52:16 From Nouradine Abdelkerim to Everyone:
    good evening I am Nouradine Abdelkerim Youssouf coordinator of the NGO African Initiative for Sustainable Development we submitted our Als and without notification from you you proceeded to delete it without notification I wrote to you without response I ask for clarification concerning our  case
13:52:18 From Hadia elminiawi to Everyone:
    Yaovi has always been supporting and helping AFRALO
13:52:31 From Martha Alade (WITIN.org) to Everyone:
    Did the Afralo community unanimously go though that proposal?
13:52:33 From Hadia elminiawi to Everyone:
    Yaovi was an AFRALO member in fact he is one of the AFRALO MOU signatories
13:52:44 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to Everyone:
    Reacted to "Yaovi was an AFRALO …" with 
13:52:49 From Martha Alade (WITIN.org) to Everyone:
    Reacted to Yaovi was an AFRALO ... with "
13:52:51 From Allan Magezi to Everyone:
    Reacted to Yaovi was an AFRALO ... with "
13:53:20 From Hadia elminiawi to Everyone:
    And now we are all now lucky to haver Yaovi as an ICANN staff
13:53:48 From Omar Shuran to Everyone:
    Apology, I have to leave now
13:53:53 From Godsway Kubi to Everyone:
    Great submission @Seun S. Ojedeji
13:54:58 From Mahamat Haroun to Everyone:
    Good evening to everyone. I want to know why we haven't received any notification from your organization. I am the president of the Cultural and Social Development Association."
13:55:02 From Martha Alade (WITIN.org) to Everyone:
    Reacted to I think we are very ... with "
13:55:03 From Mahamat Haroun to Everyone:
    From Chad
13:55:18 From Dave Kissoondoyal - ICANN AFRALO to Everyone:
    Why should one be so negative in attitude in our community
13:55:39 From Mahamat Haroun to Everyone:
    Association culturelle pour le développement social ACDS
13:57:00 From Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    A kind reminder to please remember to say your name when you speak and please speak clearly and slowly for our interpreters and our captioner.  This makes it very difficult to interpret, thank you.
13:57:14 From Hadia elminiawi to Everyone:
    Reacted to "A kind reminder to..." with 
13:57:41 From Yaovi Atohoun - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Please I am here to serve the community and I will continue do the best for all. Thanks
13:57:50 From Hadia elminiawi to Everyone:
    Reacted to "Please I am here t..." with 
13:57:52 From Dave Kissoondoyal - ICANN AFRALO to Everyone:
    Reacted to "Please I am here to ..." with 
13:58:02 From Martha Alade (WITIN.org) to Everyone:
    Reacted to Please I am here to ... with "
13:58:03 From Dave Kissoondoyal - ICANN AFRALO to Everyone:
    Removed a reaction from "Please I am here to ..."
13:58:08 From Setondji Herve Hounzandji to Everyone:
    Reacted to "Please I am here to ..." with 
13:58:10 From Dave Kissoondoyal - ICANN AFRALO to Everyone:
    Reacted to "Please I am here to ..." with 
13:58:25 From Dave Kissoondoyal - ICANN AFRALO to Everyone:
    Reacted to "Please I am here to ..." with 
13:58:36 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to Everyone:
    Reacted to "Please I am here to …" with 
13:58:53 From Godsway Kubi to Everyone:
    Reacted to Please I am here to ... with "
13:59:06 From Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Time check, we have 2 minutes left, thank you.
13:59:30 From Martha Alade (WITIN.org) to Everyone:
    Reacted to Time check, we have ... with "
13:59:33 From NURSES ACROSS THE BORDERS to Everyone:
    Yaovi, no personal issues on my points. I hope you appreciate my grounds. AFRALO remains the most active and engaging Regional RALO
13:59:44 From NURSES ACROSS THE BORDERS to Everyone:
    We need to leverage on this
14:00:09 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to Everyone:
    Replying to "Good evening to ever…"
    Thanks for your message ICANN Staff will be in touch on your application.Thabks  if you have any question Staff@atlarge.icann.org
14:00:20 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to Everyone:
    Replying to "Good evening to ever…"
    Good evening to everyone. I want to know why we haven't received any notification from your organization. I am the president of the Cultural and Social Development Association."
    Thanks for your message ICANN Staff will be in touch on your application.Thabks  if you have any question Staff@atlarge.icann.org
14:00:28 From Martha Alade (WITIN.org) to Everyone:
    I hope this discussion ends in this meeting.  It's not pleasant
14:00:43 From Yaovi Atohoun - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Thank you all.
14:00:50 From DANIEL’s iPhone to Everyone:
    Personally, am driving to Kigali
14:00:53 From Dave Kissoondoyal - ICANN AFRALO to Everyone:
    Thanks and bye to all
14:00:54 From Godsway Kubi to Everyone:
    Reacted to Thank you all. with "
14:00:56 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to Everyone:
    good evening I am Nouradine Abdelkerim Youssouf coordinator of the NGO African Initiative for Sustainable Development we submitted our Als and without notification from you you proceeded to delete it without notification I wrote to you without response I ask for clarification concerning our  case
    Thanks for your message ICANN Staff will be in touch on your application.Thabks  if you have any question Staff@atlarge.icann.org
14:01:00 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to Everyone:
14:01:06 From Chokri Ben Romdhane to Everyone:
    Reacted to "Thank you all." with 
14:01:12 From Lavish Mawuena Mensah to Everyone:
    Reacted to "Thanks and bye to ..." with 
14:01:13 From Athanase Bahizire -DRCongo to Everyone:
    Thank you all
14:01:16 From Gabriel BOMBAMBO (Kinshasa) to Everyone:
    Aurevoir à tous
14:01:24 From Lesley Tarabina (W.TEC) to Everyone:
    Thank you all
14:01:26 From Godsway Kubi to Everyone:
    Thank you
14:01:28 From Lavish Mawuena Mensah to Everyone:
    Thanks and bye to all...
14:01:30 From Seun S. Ojedeji to Everyone:
    Thanks and bye for now
14:02:01 From Setondji Herve Hounzandji to Everyone:
14:02:06 From DANIEL’s iPhone to Everyone:
14:02:10 From Chokri Ben Romdhane to Everyone:
    Bonne nuit Africa
14:02:15 From NURSES ACROSS THE BORDERS to Everyone:
14:02:15 From Hadia elminiawi to Everyone:
    Thank you all bye
14:02:18 From NURSES ACROSS THE BORDERS to Everyone:

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