00:28:15 Abdalmonem Galila: I am here as well
00:29:59 Michelle DeSmyter: To follow along with the RTT: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN
00:30:04 Silvia Vivanco: Warm welcome back and greetings to all
00:30:53 Yazid Akanho: Seems that some participants have been omitted during the attendees name call
00:31:17 Abdalmonem Galila: you right
00:31:52 Esther Patricia Akello: we can’t hear seun
00:31:53 Glenn McKnight: I can hear Seun but his sounds ' very slow"
00:32:47 Dave Kissoondoyal: Seun your line is bad
00:35:37 Paul Muchene: Yes Seun loud and clear - much better
00:37:21 Captioner: I can not understand
00:39:13 Glenn McKnight: We are doing a Workshop at the IGF Poland
00:40:01 Glenn McKnight: http://intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/igf-2020-ws-107-educational-opportunities-challenges-in-times-of-crisis-0
00:40:16 Jacob Odame Baiden: That's great Glenn!
00:40:37 Glenn McKnight: it includes
00:40:39 Glenn McKnight: Dr. Gloria Chinyere Alaneme, E-LEARNING AND ONLINE LEARNING: THE NIGERIAN EXPERIENCE Pre-COVID19: Narrate briefly the transition of learning modes from the traditional face to face through to blended learning which incorporates both e-learning and online learning in dual mode Nigerian Universities, and the only single-mode University offering distance education. Describe the accessibility challenges faced by students as well as other stakeholder (teachers, institutions, parents etc.) challenges in bringing about inclusive e-learning and online learning. Examine the fall outs from the COVID19 pandemic and the implications for the future of education in Nigeria.
00:41:16 Glenn McKnight: We will be having a Virtual Booth at the IGF
00:42:18 Yaovi Atohoun: https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2020-08-31-en
00:42:27 Silvia Vivanco: Thank you Yaovi!
00:43:15 Dave Kissoondoyal: Thank-you Yaovi
00:43:42 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Thanks @Yaovi
00:44:20 Abdulkarim Oloyede: hello everyone one. am only managing to attend and listen during this call . I am currently on the hospital bed recovering very fast but I don't think I would be strong enough to give a report. Apologies. I hope to get back up as soon as possible. thanks.
00:45:18 Jacob Odame Baiden: Speedy recovery AK
00:45:19 Yazid Akanho: Sorry to hear, Take care dear Abdulkarim
00:45:20 Yaovi Atohoun: Thank you Leon
00:45:23 Glenn McKnight: Get well
00:45:46 Sarata Omane: Speedy recovery AK
00:46:04 Heidi Ullrich: Hope you are doing ok, AK.
00:46:06 Dave Kissoondoyal: Thank-you Leon
00:46:15 Chokri Ben Romdhane: Good recovery @Ak
00:46:23 Dave Kissoondoyal: Wish a speedy recovery Abdulkarim
00:46:28 León Felipe Sánchez Ambía: thanks Tijani
00:46:36 Sarah Kiden: Thank you, Leon!
00:46:46 Jacob Odame Baiden: Thank you Leon!
00:46:52 León Felipe Sánchez Ambía: thanks you all
00:47:17 León Felipe Sánchez Ambía: thanks Sarah
00:47:24 Yaovi Atohoun: Thank you all
00:47:42 Heidi Ullrich: All, PLEASE be sure to read all the details of the new program. There is a FAQ in the blog as well as the application form. https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2020-08-31-en
00:51:26 Dave Kissoondoyal: Please Tijani give an update
00:53:25 Michelle DeSmyter: To follow along with the RTT: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN
00:56:21 Dave Kissoondoyal: Thanks a lot Tijani..You gave a comprehensive update
00:59:33 Mutegeki Cliff: I need some guidance with establishing a Universal Acceptance local Initiative in Uganda.
01:01:01 hadia Elminiawi: Hello all, apologies for joining late, I had another commitment
01:01:19 Glenn McKnight: @fatima and @Daniel I got confirmation for a Virtual Booth at IGF. Please reach out to Anja to request a booth
01:01:21 Silvia Vivanco: Welcome Hadia
01:01:32 hadia Elminiawi: Thanks Silvia
01:01:50 Yaovi Atohoun: we will send the presentation AFRALO staff and this will be shared to all
01:02:07 Silvia Vivanco: Thanks Yaovi
01:02:19 Yaovi Atohoun: we will send the presentation to At-Large staff and this will be shared to all
01:02:42 Abdalmonem Galila: https://uasg.tech/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/UASG-Local-Initiative-Charter-20190919.pdf
01:02:57 Yaovi Atohoun: Thank you Abdelmonen
01:03:10 Abdalmonem Galila: feel free to reach me to guide in how to organize a local or even regional initiative
01:03:26 Sarah Kiden: Thank you, Yaovi!
01:05:02 Yaovi Atohoun: The URL shared by Abdelmomen has all information UA Local initiatives . https://uasg.tech/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/UASG-Local-Initiative-Charter-20190919.pdf
01:05:32 Silvia Vivanco: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/Unaffiliated+Individuals+Mobilization+Working+Party
01:05:43 Dave Kissoondoyal: Thanks Yaovi
01:05:51 Abdalmonem Galila: and I will be happy to be part of any local initiative in Africa
01:06:03 Dave Kissoondoyal: Thanks Silvia
01:07:28 Dave Kissoondoyal: Thanks Abdalmonem and Esther
01:10:10 Michelle DeSmyter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18SqA8fyKTM8W3gd4RqSEOSwiyfuWp0zXVuXBb2pm0Gw/edit
01:10:28 Silvia Vivanco: Thanks for working on the AFRALO-AFRICANN statement
01:10:59 Glenn McKnight: VSIG Walkthrough https://www.virtualsig.org/2020/08/15/website-walkthrough/
01:11:12 Glenn McKnight: Registration page for Nov Jan or March https://www.virtualsig.org/2020/07/27/schedule/
01:11:24 Glenn McKnight: Course outline https://www.virtualsig.org/2020/07/29/course-outline/
01:11:36 hadia Elminiawi: Thanks Glenn
01:11:36 Glenn McKnight: FAQ https://www.virtualsig.org/faq/
01:11:46 Glenn McKnight: MOOC Site www.internetgovernance.moodle.school
01:12:07 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Je suis la
01:12:10 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: iam here
01:14:38 Silvia Vivanco: Abdel are you able to speak in FR
01:14:44 Silvia Vivanco: Ok great we hear you
01:17:21 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Thanks so much @Silvia
01:17:34 Silvia Vivanco: Thanks Abdel
01:17:34 hadia Elminiawi: Yes Seun
01:18:30 Michelle DeSmyter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IIjgBCwVr4xZ9nmPDeHlrLxrzxRYOx5VbdEdbX571LE/edit?usp=sharing
01:18:54 Sarah Kiden: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1II302CaagbXpyjyLVl2M9bqoyTdwYVjz7M6x0GCV2ys/edit?usp=sharing
01:20:07 Silvia Vivanco: Thanks Seun and all for your work on the FY21 O/E
01:20:53 Abdulkarim Oloyede: thanks everyone am getting better very fast. The Good side of it is I tested negative for COVID today.
01:21:11 Silvia Vivanco: Glad to hear Abdel
01:21:33 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Congrat Abdulkariam
01:21:58 Heidi Ullrich: Great news, Abdulkarim!
01:23:53 hadia Elminiawi: @Abdulkarim, hope you are better soon
01:23:55 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Thanks @Glenn for that opportunity .
01:29:52 Dave Kissoondoyal: thanks @Glen
01:29:58 Glenn McKnight: Welcome all
01:30:06 Glenn McKnight: thanks all.
01:30:21 Silvia Vivanco: thanks Glenn!
01:30:30 Glenn McKnight: We are doing one in Seattle and in San Juan in 2021 and 2021 for the North American School of IG
01:30:37 Glenn McKnight: Thanks
01:30:40 Glenn McKnight: Bye all
01:30:48 Caleb Ogundele: Great work Glenn
01:30:59 Glenn McKnight: Thanks for the vote of confidency
01:31:37 Heidi Ullrich: Great initiative, AFRALO!
01:32:34 Silvia Vivanco: Thanks Sarah, ATLAS III Ambassadors will be key to implement this FY O/E plan
01:35:18 Silvia Vivanco: AI: SV to coordinate a doodle to all ATLAS III ambassadors to organize a call for the week of September 7 and 14 to discuss the FY21 O/E Strategic Plan
01:35:54 Silvia Vivanco: Thanks for this update Kaleb
01:36:04 Silvia Vivanco: please kindly share it on the mailing list as well
01:36:13 Silvia Vivanco: So all are aware
01:37:05 Sarah Kiden: Will share on the list
01:38:57 hadia Elminiawi: Thanks bye
01:39:00 Mary Uduma: Thank you all and stay safe.
01:39:01 Yazid Akanho: Bye
01:39:02 Yaovi Atohoun: Thanks and bye
01:39:02 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Bye
01:39:04 Dave Kissoondoyal: Thanks a lot Sarah and all
01:39:04 Patricia Akello: thank you everyone
01:39:05 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: tHANKS

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