00:29:08 Abd-El-Raouf: I'm Olévié
00:30:59 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Hello All / Bonsoir à tous
00:31:30 Raihanath GBADAMASSI: Hello everyone
00:33:18 Gabdibé Gab-Hingonné: Bonjour tout le monde
00:34:16 Gabdibé Gab-Hingonné: J'attends qu'on m'appelle. Merci. Gabdibé
00:35:46 FSylla: Hello everyone
00:36:04 Abdulkarim Oloyede: some backgrund noise
00:36:11 Hadia: hello fatimata
00:37:22 Michel TCHONANG: Bonjour tout le monde
00:40:50 Christiane: Hello all
00:41:00 Sarah Kiden: Bonjour, bienvenue!
00:41:38 Michel TCHONANG: Hi Sarah
00:42:21 Christiane: Merci Sarah
00:44:12 Abdulkarim Oloyede: Tijani, Can you please expanciate on the Atlarge review
00:45:40 Hadia: yes sure Tijani geo names is very controversial
00:46:12 Sarah Kiden: Good news about the Internet being restored in Sudan
00:46:38 Caleb Ogundele: Yes... Good news it is
00:46:52 Caleb Ogundele: ALS update from Caleb
00:47:07 Hadia: yes we can
00:47:29 Mohamed Elbashir: ABdeljalil > Caleb
00:47:35 Mohamed Elbashir: on the speakers list
00:47:47 Sarah Kiden: Nice, Nkem!
00:48:49 Gabdibé Gab-Hingonné: HelloI'm still waiting for the callat +235 99 24 95 56. Thank you. Gabdibé
00:49:11 Hadia: Thank you for this fantastic initiative
00:49:21 Gabdibé Gab-Hingonné: Hello! I'm still waiting for the call at +235 99 24 95 56. Thank you. Gabdibé
00:49:25 Abdulkarim Oloyede: Nkem, Please How can one join the next gen leaders group?
00:49:43 Gabdibé Gab-Hingonné: @staff!
00:50:02 Sarah Kiden: Interesting updates from our members :-)
00:50:54 davekissoondoyal: +1
00:51:31 Hadia: +1 great updates
00:52:47 Hadia: we can hear you Mary
00:53:03 Mohamed Elbashir: Next Speaker > Sarah
00:53:59 Sarah Kiden: @Mohamed, my update can come together with the next one on AIS
00:54:08 Mohamed Elbashir: Ok, noted
00:55:01 Sarah Kiden: Bicycle :-)
00:57:32 Heidi Ullrich: @All, these activities are extremely impressive!
00:58:06 Heidi Ullrich: Where are they being noted? Social Media? Perhaps an AFRALO newsletter should be created…
00:58:19 Heidi Ullrich: Or part of an At-Large newsletter...
00:58:33 Sarah Kiden: Good idea @Heidi. We can discuss it and have one
00:58:42 Heidi Ullrich: Should I note an AI?
00:58:54 Heidi Ullrich: These truly are so important to note!
00:59:01 Heidi Ullrich: Evin a wiki page would be ok
00:59:08 Caleb Ogundele: Yes @heidi
00:59:29 Caleb Ogundele: A newsletter is also important.
00:59:36 Heidi Ullrich: Thanks, Caleb. I’ll note an AI.
01:00:34 Caleb Ogundele: Will be happy to share some information /blog post from my end
01:00:35 Abdulkarim Oloyede: Hi, We didnt lost a Paticipant, one of the paticipant choose not to have his name published initially
01:00:37 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Thanks @Fatimata well noted we will do our best to Represente AFRLAO
01:00:38 Sarah Kiden: AI noted
01:00:59 Heidi Ullrich: @Sarah, may I put you down as the lead on this AI?
01:01:08 Sarah Kiden: Yes
01:01:23 Hadia: @Heidi agree a newsletter is also important
01:02:15 Heidi Ullrich: AI page: https://community.icann.org/display/AFRALO/Action+items%3A+2019-07-17+AFRALO+Monthly+Teleconference
01:02:50 Abdalmonem Galila: MOhamed, I want to share about about UA
01:03:20 Hadia: Aziz as usual a great host
01:05:38 yaovi.atohoun: Please recording of the “Africa Engagement Session” at https://65.schedule.icann.org/meetings/1058204
01:08:44 Sarah Kiden: Thank you, Yaovi!
01:14:15 gisella.gruber: @ All - Travel Support is dealing with all travel issues
01:14:20 gisella.gruber: I have responded to Remmy in person
01:14:39 gisella.gruber: We have been responsive to any queries from the Community
01:15:00 Heidi Ullrich: Thank you, Gisella.
01:15:02 gisella.gruber: We remain at your disposal for any questions you have
01:15:09 Sarah Kiden: Thank you, Gisella!
01:15:24 Sarah Kiden: Barrack was in the call
01:15:58 Heidi Ullrich: In addition, all participants identified will be subject to the regular ICANN travel checks and guidelines.
01:16:46 davekissoondoyal: Can we have the link to the MOU?
01:17:03 Hadia: Thank you Barrack
01:17:33 davekissoondoyal: Thank-you Barrack
01:17:42 Sarah Kiden: @Dave, the MoU was not posted online. I need to consult if it is okay to post it. Will get back to you
01:17:51 Sarah Kiden: Thank you, Barrack!
01:18:05 davekissoondoyal: ok thanks @Sarah
01:19:11 Abd-El-Raouf: Unfortunatelly, I can't speak on audio from where I am actually
01:19:32 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Thanks Barrack for the update . congratulations @Hadia once again so will wait soon the approval of ALAC.
01:21:06 Caleb Ogundele: Questions for Mohammed
01:21:31 Abdulkarim Oloyede: HI Muhammed, Please i think our proccess os OK and this year was just an exeption.
01:25:19 aziz: NomCom is a lot of work, a lot of teleconferences, more than two hundred applications to read and evaluate. Between March and June, there are also 4-hour non-stop calls.
01:28:47 Sarah Kiden: :-)
01:28:49 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: hhaha
01:32:43 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: more information about House of Africa please visit our website www.houseof.africa
01:32:47 Abdulkarim Oloyede: who is Abdeljalil I do not know him !!!!!
01:33:35 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: ahhahah Abdeldjalil is CEO of HOUSE OF AFRICA :-)
01:33:37 Sarah Kiden: Can I add something?
01:34:34 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: thanks Bro Abdul
01:35:24 Hadia: Mary your line is breaking
01:35:57 Abdulkarim Oloyede: House of Africa. I think i can support the good work you have been doing.
01:37:36 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Thanks bro for your support HOUSE OF AFRICA is for our people of AFRICA and you are welcome
01:38:53 Abdulkarim Oloyede: Thank you my brother Bachar
01:40:38 Michel TCHONANG: Thank Bachar
01:41:38 Abdulkarim Oloyede: Please, we seams not to undersatnd the rule. There is no requirement to be a member of AFRALO to be on NOmCOM and ALAC (appointed by NOMCOM). We need to be clear on this
01:42:14 Sarah Kiden: @Chair I would suggest that we take this discussion to the Rules of Procedure working group
01:42:25 Sarah Kiden: Or mailing list at least
01:43:27 Sarah Kiden: Thank you all! Merci!
01:43:30 davekissoondoyal: ok thanks ant bye to all
01:43:32 Mohamed Elbashir: Thanks you all
01:43:33 Mary Uduma: Tahnk you all for productive meeting. Bye All
01:43:33 Michel TCHONANG: bye bye
01:43:35 Hadia: when I first joined the community individual membership was not possible
01:43:38 Christiane: bye
01:43:38 Leon Sanchez: Thanks everyone

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