12:59:32 From silvia.vivanco : Hello everyone
13:04:13 From silvia.vivanco : https://community.icann.org/display/AFRALO/AFRALO%27s+Operating+Principles+review+2020
13:04:20 From silvia.vivanco : 32 members in this WG
13:04:38 From silvia.vivanco : Kindly mute your speakers
13:04:44 From silvia.vivanco : if you are not speaking
13:05:34 From Michel TCHONANG : Hi all
13:05:39 From silvia.vivanco : Welcome all
13:09:30 From silvia.vivanco : https://community.icann.org/display/AFRALO/2020-03-24+AFRALO+Operating+Principles+Review+Working+Group+Call?preview=/126429663/126429812/Operating%20Principles_Sept.2017.pdf
13:09:56 From silvia.vivanco : the Document is posted in the meeting page (under Documents) down below
13:10:29 From silvia.vivanco : Article 5
13:11:38 From silvia.vivanco : 5.12 requires the review after 2 years
13:12:39 From davekissoondoyal : Sorry I am late due to access problems because of complete lockdown in Mauritius for COVID-19 coronavirus
13:13:43 From silvia.vivanco : Welcome Dave and all
13:29:19 From silvia.vivanco : Seun,…perhaps…would you consider asking the individuals themselves on how they value the experience of being an individual member?
13:29:26 From silvia.vivanco : and to all
13:29:53 From davekissoondoyal : +1 Sylvia
13:29:53 From silvia.vivanco : Of course if you would consider asking for their feedback on the experience so far
13:32:29 From Barrack Otieno : + 1 Silvia, this can be achieved through a Survey
13:33:47 From hilaliaziz@yahoo.fr : are there individual members on this teleconf?
13:34:02 From Sarah Kiden : Yes
13:34:24 From Sarah Kiden : 2 are on the call but they are relatively new
13:37:31 From silvia.vivanco : Hands up: Tijani and Seun in that order
13:42:20 From davekissoondoyal : Agree with Tijani
13:42:39 From silvia.vivanco : Please kindly note Seun is next
13:45:19 From Oreoluwa Lesi : I think the scope of this WG, as Seun has explained now, should be clearly stated on the wiki so there is no confusion about what we are meant to be doing.
13:46:53 From Oreoluwa Lesi : So if that means that we reviewing Section 5.5 to 5.12 and making recommendations, then why don’t we do that.
13:48:42 From silvia.vivanco : 5.12 “ The individual membership issue will be reviewed by or before 2 years after implementation to reconsider the rights and duties of unaffiliated members in light of the experience gained during initial trial”
13:52:26 From Remmy Nweke : Good evening from Lagos
13:54:26 From Remmy Nweke : Having listened to @Seun @Tijani and @Peters, I think we need to expand the ToR of this working group from onset. There is no need for restricting the work group to 5.5 section, because its going to be anti-progress. Let us from onset harmonise the ToR (Terms of Reference.
13:57:32 From silvia.vivanco : Proposal: he WG name will be changed to "WG on the review of section Part II, article 5 of the Operating Principles "
13:57:37 From Michel TCHONANG : I Agree
13:59:31 From Seun Ojedeji : @Remmy if there is interest from members of AFRALO to expand the scope then i suggest that this be motivated on the AFRALO discuss list.....but for now this process was triggered due to our existing rules of procedures
14:01:28 From Barrack Otieno : +1 Seun
14:01:56 From Michel TCHONANG : Totally Seun
14:02:01 From Michelle DeSmyter : We have Abdeldjalil back on the phone bridge
14:02:19 From silvia.vivanco : https://community.icann.org/display/AFRALO/AFRALO%27s+Operating+Principles+review+2020
14:02:31 From silvia.vivanco : WG wiki link above
14:04:25 From silvia.vivanco : AI: The Co-chairs to draft a document with the methodology to be written and to be posted in the wiki and WG mailing list .
14:07:45 From silvia.vivanco : To the co-chairs and WG members
14:07:49 From ABDELDJALIL BACHAR BONG (HOUSE OF AFRICA/IGF TCHAD) : ALSO Staff and AFRALO Bureau pourra nous forunir la liste des membres individuels
14:07:56 From silvia.vivanco : do you wish a bi-weekly or weekly call?
14:08:42 From Remmy Nweke : Every other week is ok pls
14:09:04 From Oreoluwa Lesi : Every other week works.
14:09:24 From Oreoluwa Lesi : No, every 2 weeks is fine.
14:09:30 From Emmanuel MFITUMUKIZA : 2 weeks
14:09:46 From ABDELDJALIL BACHAR BONG (HOUSE OF AFRICA/IGF TCHAD) : Staff and AFRALO BUreau can send us the list of indivual member with their performance .
14:09:49 From hilaliaziz@yahoo.fr : bi-weekly call
14:09:51 From silvia.vivanco : We will send a doodle to set up a recurring date and time
14:10:04 From silvia.vivanco : The list of individuals is on the wiki
14:10:07 From Michel TCHONANG : 2 WEEK IS OK
14:10:10 From Barrack Otieno : many thanks @ Isaac
14:10:26 From Barrack Otieno : i am ok with bi - weekly
14:10:26 From Seun Ojedeji : bye
14:10:27 From Emmanuel MFITUMUKIZA : Thanks and bye
14:10:33 From Barrack Otieno : bye everyone stay safe
14:10:36 From silvia.vivanco : Thank you all

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