The current AFRALO operating Principles includes 3 AFRALO officers: a Chair, a Vice Chair and a Secretary. The Vice Chair only mission in the Operating Principles is to replace the Chair in case of unavailability. 

For the record, on the 5 RALOs, only AFRALO and APRALO have a Vice Chair.

I proposed in the 4 May call to consider the possibility of the AFRALO Vice Chair Position removal for the following reasons:


  • The VC doesn't have other duties than the replacement of the chair in case of unavailability
  • AFRALO has 2 travel support slots only for the ICANN meetings; It has always been embarrassing to decide on who among the Vice Chair and the Secretary should accompany the Chair
  • The Secretary can easily take over the Vice Chair duty
  • If adopted in the WG, and if ratified  by the AFRALO General Assembly, this provision wouldn't be effective before the end of the newly selected Vice Chair term (2019 AGM)

A short discussion was conducted that showed an objection of 2 of the present members while the others didn't give their opinion. On the list Seun approved the proposal.

I hope that the WG members express their opinion on this proposal by commenting on the wiki or through the mailing list before the upcoming call 


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  1. I agree that the position of Vice Chair be removed. 

  2. Indeed, it is embarrassing to have a position that does not have a precise role: no definition of the tasks except to replace the president in case of absence or impediment.

    I think we have to be consistent in eliminating this position in order to give more aeration in the governance of our platform.

  3. My thoughts on the issue is two fold. I think that the position of Vice Chair can be revised to be more valuable  to AFRALO as a whole instead of what obtains right now. Perhaps we could look at the responsibilities of the Chair and spread some responsibility to the Vice Chair. I am concerned because if we do get rid of the Vice Chair position completely and for some reason the Chair is not available for  long period, the secretary will have to hold the fort. This is not ideal. 

    These are  my concerns and if they can be allayed then I  will  consider getting rid of the Vice Chair position. 

  4. Beran, only AFRALO and APRALO have a Vice Chair. The 3 other RALOs don't.

    The proposal is that the secretary replaces the Chair for a short period necessary for selection of a new chair. It is not envisaged that the secretary becomes the Chair and Secretary for the remaining term of the Chair.

    The main reason for the proposal is to avoid any embarrassment with the Vice chair and secretary regarding the travel support since AFRALO has 2 slots only: one for the Chair and the second should be for the vice chair or the secretary. 

    1. Tijani

      We should really stop trying to change things in AFRALO to conform to other RALOS in my opinion. What may work for them may not necessarily work for us. Second, I really don't see the problem with the 2 travel slots and the embarrassment you speak of? The Vice Chair replaces the Chair ONLY when the Chair is not available. That fact is understood by everyone I believe. 

      Therefore, the Vice Chair should ONLY travel, if the Chair is unavailable. Otherwise it is quite simple, the Chair and Secretary should have that travel slot. This is a standard organizational procedure anywhere you go. 

      1. I totally agree with Beran, I dont really see any tangible reason for the removal of the Position of Vice Chair from the structure of AFRALO;. the role of the Vice Chair is defined, he or she serve in as Chair when the Chair is unavailable or The vice-chair stands in for the chair. In addition; the responsibility of the chair is to helps with difficult decisions between meetings. The chairs should liaise regularly with the vice-chair and ensure he or she knows enough about the current issues within the organisation to be able to stand in at short notice;

  5. Beran,

    We never tried to do thinks like the other RALOs; it is the other way:

    • We were the first RALO to organize a Showcase for their ALSes (Nairobi 2010), and then all RALOs did the same.
    • We were the fist RALO to organize a capacity building program (Dakar 2011), the other RALOs followed
    • We were the first RALO (and perhaps the only one) who did local community engagement (Durban 2013, Marrakech 2016 and now for Joburg)
    • We are organizing an ICANN African Community meeting every ICANN meeting (AFRALO - AfrICANN joint meeting) to address a hot topic at ICANN. We are the only RALO who has a continental gathering in ICANN
    • AFRALO was the only RALO who made comments on all CWG transition and CCWG accountability reports put for public comments.
    • AFRALO was the first RALO who signed an MoU with our Regional Internet Registry, and then all the other RALOs followed. 

    When I said only 2 RALOs have a VC and the 3 others don’t, I meant that the dramatic situation you described didn’t prevent the 3 other RALO to work with no problem since their creation. 

    I explained that the proposal doesn’t add to the duty of secretary all the duties of the Chair for the remaining period of the Chair term, but only for the short period necessary for the selection of a replacement Chair.

    Of course, you are absolutely free to disagree with the proposal. My intention from the personal e-mail I sent you yesterday wasn’t to make you change your opinion. It was to respond to the concerns you raised. 

    Be sure that AFRALO don’t try to change to be conform with the other RALOs. That’s said, AFRALO is not shay to take the positive thing from the other RALOs. We have no complex.

  6. What you're saying is relevant. However, this task as explained by Beran and supported by Philipp is not justified.

    The President and the Secretary can not be unavailable at the same time. However, in order for this position to be maintained and justified, it is necessary to define the consistent tasks that can convince the importance of this position. Or this post becomes more figurative for just in case of.

  7. I actually am of the initial opinion to remove the position as well. However after reading the comments here, I am now indifferent. Nevertheless, if we keep it then we should clarify that the Vice Chair only steps in when the Chair requests for it. So technically we have just the Chair and secretary roles​ (which means the travel slot will be available to the duo's alone), and then the Vice fills in for the Chair. We may give it a different name if that will reduce its formality. For instance we can call it "Alternate Chair" with just one role: Which is to stand in for the Chair when requested.