1. Quorum rules: Two rounds of votes: 50% of ALses to set quorum
if not 50% then second round to be called in X number of days and vote to take place with 3 proposals with minimum participation thresholds
-a) Whatever # vote is valid
-b) X number is valid
-c)% of votes to make vote valid
Aziz proposes: 2 types of votes, usual votes (policies,) exclusion on decertification for the second round .
- Tijani Ben Jemaa will draft a proposal on quorum based on the opinions expressed at the call
2. Vice Chair Position
Members present at the call were in agreement to remove this position. Only Beran and Phillip are against the removal of VC position
The decision was to remove the VC Chair position and the Secretariat shall take the Chair's functions when the Chair is not available.
- Tijani Ben Jemaa will draft a proposal on the removal of VC taking into account the input received in this call.