• Gisella Gruber, Heidi UllrichSilvia Vivanco, Aziz HilaliSarah Kiden to hold an internal meeting to discuss the ICANN59 showcase logistics
  • Sarah Kiden to inform Evin Erdogdu on the affirmative support to the ALS applications from 1) Association Des Femmes d'Askejour pour le Développement et la Coopération (AFADEC) (Application 257), 2) Centre Africain de Complémentarité Scolaire, Universitaire et de Promotion, Brazzaville, Congo (CACSUP) (Application 258). 
  • Sarah Kiden to send a consensus call message to the AFRALO mailing list explaining that AFRALO will have a vote in the final election of the Board Director selection, Aziz will be the electorate member to cast the vote on behalf of AFRALO, and Aziz will be voting without the direction from the ALSes.
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