Terri Agnew:Welcome to the AFRALO ROP Working Group call on Friday, 15th August at 2014 at 1400 UTC

  Terri Agnew:meeting page: https://community.icann.org/x/1cPhAg

  Tijani BEN JEMAA:Hi Terri

  Tijani BEN JEMAA:Do you hear me?

  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:Hello all

  Philip F Johnson:Hello all,

  Aziz:Hello Evryone

  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:Hello Aziz I will note

  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:the AIs

  gisella.gruber@icann.org:Terri va faire l'appel

  Terri Agnew:Terri from Staff will begin call and Silvia will take notes

  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:Tijani the interpreters have a hard time understanding you

  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:hearing you

  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:Michel please repeat

  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:what you said

  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:apparently Michel dropped

  Terri Agnew:Michel is back on audio

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Beran Gillen

  Philip F Johnson:I think I agree Pastor Peters, There should be a kind of term of Reference for the working group,

  Beran Gillen:hello everyone sorry I am late

  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:Welcome to the AC room Pastor Peters

  Terri Agnew:Aziz back in adobe

  Fatimata:Hi Beran, happy to have you!  Is the baby online

  Beran Gillen:she is asleep but doing very well alhamdulilah


  Aziz:AFRALO_Operating Principleshttps://community.icann.org/download/attachments/48350165/AFRALO_Operating%20Principles%20-%20Fr%20-%2026%20October%202009.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1408056109000&api=v2NARALO_Operating Principles-Final-2013-08-20.pdfhttps://community.icann.org/download/attachments/48350165/NARALO_Operating%20Principles-Final-2013-08-20.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1408056318000&api=v2LACRALO_Operating Principles-en.pdfhttps://community.icann.org/download/attachments/48350165/LACRALO_Operating%20Principles-en.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1408056304000&api=v2APRALO ROPshttps://community.icann.org/display/AFRALO/AFRALO+ROP+WG+2014-08-15ALAC 2013 ROPshttps://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/Rules+of+Procedure

  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:the MOST RECENT rules are those of APRALO which are very good and consistent with the new ALAC ROPs

  Fatimata:Thanks Silvia

  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:@ Tijani, Staff could create a mailing list for this WG if needed. Kindly let us know

  Beran Gillen:Silvia do we have the english verson of AFRALO ROP?

  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:@ Beran yes see here current AFRALO legal docs : https://community.icann.org/display/AFRALO/AFRALO+MOU+and+Organising+Documents

  Mwendwa Kivuva, AFRALO:Greetings all. Since I'm not Francophone, I beg to submit in english using text. We were debating the issue of Voting for the ALSes. Submissions by some was that some country have like 6 ALS while others have 1. It was suggested that each country should have one vote, irrespective of the number of ALSes. The ALSes within a specific country can vote among themselves to decide which position to support

  Fatimata:Silvia, the link for APRALO leads to LACRALO ROP

  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:I will add the correct link now


  Fatimata:Not AFRALO but APRALO, please


  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:under the heading

  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:•APRALO Rules of Procedure Review 2013

  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:@ Aziz, please send me the list of members of the WG and we will create a mailist

  Fatimata:Thanks Silvia, I got it

  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:Good  Fatimata!

  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:Interpretation will be provided, we need a 1 week advance notice to book interpretation

  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:@ Tijani, we could set up a recurring time so we can already schedule the calls already now

  Terri Agnew:Michel has disconnected and we are trying to reach

  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:@ Tijani, got it

  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:I will create the child page

  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:Pastor Peters wants to speak

  Aziz:thank you Silvia

  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:@ Pastor Peters Adobe Connect can connect to one channel either FR or EN but not both

  Terri Agnew:Michel could join meeting for only 40 minutes

  Terri Agnew:Didier Kasole has disconnected and we are dialing back out to him

  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:Uusally 1 hr

  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:1 hr for WG

  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:is standard

  Terri Agnew:Didier has rejoined audio

  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:Noted Aziz, we will send a doodle out

  Fatimata:every other week


  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:Thank you all

  Fatimata:Thank you all

  silvia.vivanco@icann.org:I will post the AIs shortly

  Beran Gillen:thank you everyone bye

  Mwendwa Kivuva, AFRALO:Bye

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