AFRALO Rules of Procedures Working Group

Date: Friday, 24 October 2014

Time: 15:00 - 16:00 UTC . (For the time in various timezones click here)


How can I participate in this meeting? English Conference ID = 1638

Comment participer a cette teleconference?  French Conference ID = 1838

Adobe Connect:


EN: Pastor Peters, Barrack Otieno

FR: Hadja Ouattara, Tijani Ben Jemma, Fatimata Seye Sylla, Said Mchangama, Aziz Hilali

Apologies: Michel Tchonang, Didier Kasole

Staff:  Silvia Vivanco, Terri Agnew

FR Interpreter:  Aurelie and Claire

Call Management: Terri Agnew


Action Items: AFRALO ROP WG EN 2014.10.24 Action Items    AFRALO ROP WG FR 2014.10.24 Action Items     

Chat:       AFRALO ROP WG EN 2014.10.24 Chat    

Recording: EN,   FR  

Transcript: EN,   FR


AGENDA - English 

  1. Roll call and house keeping announcement – Staff – 2 min

  2. Adoption of the agenda – Tijani – 3 min

  3. Individual membership 

    1. Compilation and approval of the proposed texts - All - 15 min

  4. Weighted vote 
    1. Discussion – all – 30 min
  5. Next steps - Tijani - 5 min
  6. AoB - 5 min

AGENDA - Français 

  1. Appel - Staff - 2 min

  2. Adoption de l'ordre du jour - Tijani - 3 min

  3. Affiliation Individuelle 

    1. Compilation et approbation des textes proposée - Tous - 15 min

  4. Vote pondéré

    1. discussion - Tous - 30 min

  5. Prochain étapes - Tijani- 5 min

  6. Questions Divers - 5 min

  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. In line with the resolution of the WG on the ROP at today's meeting for a draft resolution IN SUPPORT of weighted voting in AFRALO, I submit below, a draft for the consideration of the WG.

    WEIGHTED VOTING means one vote by one country as opposed to one vote by each ALS from one country.

    1. The resolution if adopted would bring about a cohesion of the various ALS(s) in each country thereby creating room for a common platform on any issue. This will in turn build collaboration and unity as opposed to the present trend where ALSs from the same country are working at cross purposes.
    2. It will prevent any country having the largest number of ALSs from pursuing an agenda beneficial to her interest ALONE as opposed to the benefit of the region-meaning influencing decisions to their own advantage
    3. Weighted voting will build and reinforce democratic practice within each country as decisions to be proposed by it would first be discussed and agreed upon by a majority before it is presented to AFRALO. This practice would transcend to their contributions at both regional and global meetings.
    4. This platform will also encourage stronger ALSs to identify the needs of lesser ones with a view to helping build institutional capacity.
    5. Will give room for the ALS to co-organize programs to promote ICANN at a national level as opposed to the present local activities by any ALS which will attract ICANN funding since it wears the toga of nationalism.


      The Secretariat of AFRALO would act as a coordinating centre for all the ALS. It will be the responsibility of the secretariat to link all the ALSs together in any country, give general guidelines for their operations and once a national structure evolve, the Country representative will now act as liaison between AFRALO and their countries. This is without prejudice to prevailing rule of engagement between AFRALO and all ALSs. But on issues that requires voting, AFRALO will require any decision taken by the Country to be relayed to it through the Country Rep AFTER due process of discussion and voting by all the ALS in that country. This will reduce the workload on the Secretariat and save time on discussions and decisions on issues of regional interest. PLEASE THIS IS JUST A DRAFT. LET EVERYONE ADD OR EDIT TO THE BENEFIT OF AFRALO.
      Pastor Peters OMORAGBON