AFRALO Rules of Procedures Working Group

Date: Friday, 26 September 2014

Time: 15:00 - 16:00 UTC . (For the time in various timezones click here)


How can I participate in this meeting? English Conference ID = 1638

Comment participer a cette teleconference?  French Conference ID = 1838

Adobe Connect:


EN: Barrack Otieno, Philip Johnson

FR: Michel Tchonang, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Hadja Outtara, Baudouin Schombe, Fatimata Seye Sylla

Apologies: Didier Kasole, Aziz Hilali, Pastor Peters, Beran Gillen

Staff:   Silvia Vivanco,  Gisella Gruber

FR Interpreter: Claire and Camilla

Call Management: Gisella Gruber


Action Items: AFRALO ROP WG EN 2014.09.26 Action Items ,  AFRALO ROP WG FR 2014.09.26 Action Items    

Chat:      AFRALO ROP WG EN 2014.09.26 Chat   

Recording: EN,  FR 

Transcript EN,   FR


AGENDA - English 

  1. Roll call and house keeping announcement – Staff – 2 min

  2. Adoption of the agenda – Tijani – 3 min

  3. Individual membership (discussion) – all – 30 min

  4. Compilation and approval of the proposed solution - All - 15 mins

  5. Next steps - Tijani - 5 min
  6. AoB - 5 min

AGENDA - Français 

  1. Appel - Staff - 2 min

  2. Adoption de l'ordre du jour - Tijani - 3 min

  3. Affiliation Individuelle (discussion) - Tous - 30 min

  4. Compilation et approbation de la solution proposée - Tous - 15 min

  5. Prochain étapes - Tijani- 5 min

  6. Questions Divers - 5 min

  • No labels


  1.  Individual membership
    I think we can create an AFRALO individual ALS to allow individual members to join. The question is how.  This ALS should be regional and may be we can ask Afrinic or another regional organization to host it.

    1. Thanks Fatimata, your comment is very stimulating. It is a very good idea to create an AFRALO individual ALS ;;; , but don’t you think we will in future give priority or preferential treatment to such an ALS ; nevertheless, it is very significant for discussion…….;

      Fruit for thoughts as we begin our debates on non or unaffiliated individual member within AFRALO ;  I understand we have indirectly  decided to have Non Affiliated individuals become members of AFRALO. If this is the case, I think we have to starting thinking about conditions to be consider as a non/unaffiliated individual member.

      Some Questions for thoughts:  Who should be considered as unaffiliated Individual member?

      1.  Individual users residing in Africa or an individual with interest in Internet users in Africa,?

      2, any individual who are member of AFRALO mailing list?  What will be their relationship to ALAC to At-Large staff? What are the interest of an unaffiliated individual within ICANN or AFRALO;

      Can this individual also a part of an existing African ALS?

  2. Here I would like to share the NARALO Rules on Individual membership:

    ARTICLE 17 OF NARALO Operating Principles allow for individual membership:

    17. The members of the unaffiliated individuals, including the representative to the NARALO General Assembly must submit an affirmation to At-Large Staff indicating that they meet the following criteria:

    • be subscribed to the NA-Discuss list,

    • be a permanent resident of one of the countries/territories in the North American region as defined by ICANN,

    not be a member of a certified ALS.

    Ceasing to meet any of the criteria terminates unaffiliated membership.

    The unaffiliated individuals will be responsible for selecting their representative to the General Assembly. Such representative must not be employed or contracted by, or have substantive financial interest in, an ICANN contracted registry or accredited registrar. Selection of a new representative of the unaffiliated individuals will occur whenever a new ALAC member is selected by the General Assembly.

    The unaffiliated individuals will adopt a verifiable process to ensure that votes cast via their elected representative reflect the views held among their membership. In the event of a tie, the unaffiliated representative will cast an extra vote.

    18. Participation to NARALO affairs and discussions implies agreement with the NARALO Code of Conduct.

     See link: RALO Organising Documents


    Silvia Vivanco

    ICANN Staff

  3.  Here I would like to share the new APRALO  ROPs regarding individual members


    27.5 Unaffiliated Individual Members.


    27.5.1 These members are the unaffiliated individuals, including any certified

    Nomination Committee appointed representatives, to the APRALO who meet the

    following criteria:

    27.5.2 Unaffiliated Individuals must: be subscribed to the APDiscuss

    list, be a permanent resident of one of the countries/territories in the

    APRALO region as defined by ICANN, not be a member of a certified ALS. By way of 'certification' of having met this criteria and therefore to be

    able to contribute fully to APRALO an Unaffiliated Individual Member must

    submit an affirmation of these criteria to AtLarge Staff indicating how they

    meet the required criteria and also note that:

    Upon ceasing to meet any of the criteria, unaffiliated membership is


  All unaffiliated individuals (treated as a group) will be responsible for

    selecting their representative (when required to from time to time and or to

    contribute to the Regional General Assembly

  This representative must not be employed or contracted by, or have

    substantive financial interest in, an ICANN contracted registry or accredited


    Here is the link to the document:


  4. Proposal of text regarding the Individual affiliation:

    1. Non Affiliated persons can become AFRALO members (unaffiliated members)

    2. Unaffiliated members shall constitute a group inside AFRALO called “Unaffiliated Individuals”

    3. The members of the unaffiliated individuals must submit an affirmation to At-Large Staff indicating that they meet the following criteria:
      • being a permanent resident of one of the African countries/territories
      • being not a member of a certified ALS.
      • Accepting the AFRALO Operating Principles
      • being subscribed to the AFRI-Discuss list,
    4. Ceasing to meet any of the above criteria terminates unaffiliated membership.

    5. The group of “Unaffiliated Individuals” has the same rights as any AFRALO ALS

    6. The unaffiliated individuals will be responsible for selecting their representative who shall vote on behalf of them. Such representative must not be employed or contracted by, or have substantive financial interest with an ICANN contracted party.

    7. The unaffiliated individuals will adopt a process to ensure that votes cast via their selected representative reflect the views held among their membership.

    8. The Selection of a new representative of the unaffiliated individuals will occur every 2 years, in the same time of the selection of a new ALAC member by AFRALO.
  5. Dear All,

    I am sorry I have been involved with my activities with the UN on climate change and just returned to base just this morning.

    I am adding my voice to the discuss and have the following observations/reservations.

    1. How many MUST BE the Unaffiliated be to constitute a 'The Group of the Unaffiliated'? We know before an ALS is considered for membership within AFRALO they must be able to prove their membership strength.
    2. Who decides the approval or other wise of ANY unaffiliated individual? Is it the AFRALO leadership made up of elected officers or the AFRALO as a whole body?
    3. Anyone wanting to become an unaffiliated member MUST demonstrate or prove why he/she hadnot been able to fit into the ALS or work with the ALS in his country-unless where this is not present, 
    4. Why would the unaffiliated have the same rights and privileges as the ALS? This is a misnomer because, the ALS is a body of individuals, legitimate in their country of operations answerable to the its regulating bodies, whereas, the unaffiliated is answerable to NO ONE except themselves.
    5. Nurses Across the Borders would want to propose that, there must be at least 20 individuals who meet the criteria above in item 3 of Tijani proposal before they can be considered as a group taking into consideration my observations in 1-4 above.
    6. WHere THERE is more than two unaffiliated individuals in one country, they must be encouraged to start  their own NGO or ALS to meet the criteria of other ALS already in existence to become a member of AFRALO
    7. What value are these individuals bringing to AFRALO/ALAC that they cannot do within a collective? Anyone who cannot be a follower cannot be a good leader. The danger of the precedence we are setting with this UNAFFILIATED will destroy the very democratic precedence of ICANN in the nearest future
    8. Finally, ANY decision or otherwise that must be taken with any process of admitting the UNAFFILIATED must be taken by the whole body of AFRALO and not the leaders. This we must vote on and not pushed down our throats by anyone,

  6. An Addendum

    1. The Unaffilaited group cannot have the same rights as an ALS because they are not established by statute with no structure other than a set of people who do not want to belong to an ALS seeking through the back door what others labored to put in place.
    2. At best, they should be granted OBSERVER Status and can contribute to discussions but WITH NO VOTING RIGHT?
    3. Once they have fully been established with their rules of operations which must be vetted by the AFRALO body as a whole then they could be considered for full membership rights as other ALS.