Terri Agnew:Welcome to the AFRALO Rules of Procedures Working Group on Friday, 05 December 2014 at 15:00 UTC
Terri Agnew:meeting page: https://community.icann.org/x/7zrxAg
Alan Greenberg:Hi all. Just here to listen unless any question is directed at me.
Terri Agnew:AFRALO Members Performance: https://community.icann.org/x/GDrxAg
Terri Agnew:Aziz Hilali has joined
Aziz:Hello Evryone
Barrack Otieno 3:Hello Colleagues
Barrack Otieno 3:I agree with Tijani
Barrack Otieno 3:ALS have to demonstrate what they are doing on the ground
Barrack Otieno 3:as a basic minimum
Barrack Otieno 3:because this is what we normally ask for when doing due diligence
Barrack Otieno 3:We need periodic reporting
Barrack Otieno 3:from the At Large Structures
Barrack Otieno 3:minimum documentation can be listing the activities on the ALS Website
Barrack Otieno 2:Tijani
Barrack Otieno 2:i think we can deliberate on the issues on the mailing list
Barrack Otieno 2:but the issues you raise are very important
Barrack Otieno 2:if the RALO is to be effective on the Continent
Terri Agnew:Performance Metrics: https://community.icann.org/x/04MHAw
Barrack Otieno:ok
Terri Agnew:AFRALO Members Performance: https://community.icann.org/x/GDrxAg
Barrack Otieno:Thank you Terri
Barrack Otieno:noted Tijani
Barrack Otieno:i agree with the next steps
Barrack Otieno:lets issue a doodle for the day