AFRALO Monthly June Teleconference
Date: Wednesday, 01 June 2016
Time: 18:30 - 20:00 UTC (For the time in various timezones  click here  )      

Meeting Number: AL.AF/CC.14     BDB 0616/1

How can I participate in this meeting?

Comment participer a cette teleconference?

Adobe Connect room:

Conference ID: FR 1838 / EN 1638

Action Items:   EN 

 Transcript: English, Francais

Recording: English  Francais

Adobe Connect Chat Room:  AC Chat

Adobe Connect Meeting Room: 

Dial out participants: 

EN: Barrack Otieno, Sarah Kiden, Daniel Nanghaka, Beran Gillen, Isaac Maposa, Mohamed El Bashir

FR: Tijani Ben Jeema, Aziz Hilali, Etienne Tshishimbi, Michel Tchonang, Abdeljalil Bachar Bong, Brahim Ousmane, Arsene Tungali, Thierry Piette-Coudole, Ramanou Biaou, Baudouin Schombe, Wafa Dahmani

Apologies: Alan Greenberg, Heidi Ullrich, Seun Ojedeji

Staff: Silvia Vivanco, Gisella Gruber, Yeşim Nazlar

FR Interpreters: Camila & Isabelle

Call Management: Gisella Gruber / Yeşim Nazlar

AGENDA [French]

1.  Appel 2’ 

2.    Consultations Publiques Ouvertes (Aziz) 5’  

3.      Rapports

-    Activités récentes et à venir de l'ALAC (Seun, Wafa, Tijani) 5’ 

-    Activités récentes et à venir des membres d'AFRALO (tous) 5’

4.    Sujets pour information

-    Groupe de coordination sur la transition des fonctions de l'IANA (ICG) (Mohamed) 5’

-    Groupe de travail intercommunautaire de la transition du rôle de supervision des fonctions IANA sur les fonctions de nommage (CWG) (Seun) 5’

-    Groupe de travail intercommunautaire sur la Responsabilité et la Redevabilité de l’ICANN (CCWG) (Tijani) 5’ 

 -    AFRALO Outreach Strategy Plan FY17 (Daniel, Tijani), 5'

-    Elections Régionales d’ AFRALO Regional Selections (Aziz, Barrack) 5’  

5.    Sujets pour Discussion

-    Réunion conjointe Afralo/AfrICANN à Helsinki (Tijani, Seun, Aziz5’

-    Nouvelles demandes d’ALS (Aziz, Barrack) 5’

6.    Questions Diverses (tous) 5'


AGENDA [English]


1.     Roll Call 2’ 

2.    Open Public Comments (Aziz) 5’ 

3. Reports

-    Recent and upcoming activities of ALAC (Seun, Wafa, Tijani) 5’

-    Recent and upcoming activities of AFRALO members (all) 5’

4.    Items for Information

-    IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG),  (Mohamed) 5’

-    Cross-Community Working Group (CWG) (Seun) 5’

-    Cross-Community Working Group on ICANN Accountability (CCWG) (Tijani) 5’

-    AFRALO Outreach Strategy Plan FY17 (Daniel, Tijani), 5'

-    AFRALO Regional Selections (Aziz) 5’ 

5.    Items for discussion

-    Joint meeting AFRALO / African, Helsinki (Tijani, Seun, Aziz) 5’

-    New applications for ALS (Aziz, Barack)

-    Action Citoyenne pour l’Information et l’Éducation au Développement Durable” (ACIEDD), N’djamina, TCHAD

6.    Any Other Business (all) 5’ 



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  1. I would like to understand the process of granting support from CROPP. I introduce a request for Marrackech and I've never had a sequel. By completing a request for Mexico 96, I discovered that my application was approved.

    Why do I have not reported ? Or I'm not well impregnated for obtaining this support process.

    1. Hello Baudouin, please be so kind to specify to whom did you send the request.  Please see the CROPP wiki page for further information re the CROPP Program : AFRALO DRAFTS

  2. Today's meeting is very important. I can participate in the meeting by phone because I will not be with my laptop.
    my phone: + 243813684512 / + 243998983491

  3. Hi Baudouin - An operator will dial out to you a few minutes before the call start time on the French Channel.Thank you - Terri


  4.  I was not able to attend the entire meeting yesterday because of a technical problem link. The provider network was problematic.

    Regarding the ALs activities, I note that the CAFEC team managed to formalize the establishment of the National Forum on Internet Governance (IGF DRC).

    The first edition of this national forum is scheduled from July 6 to 9, 2016 with the participation of all stakeholders: government, private sector, universities, technical community, civil society entities etc ..

    IGF DRC actvities  will be held during  National Exhibition of ICT. DRC IGF website will be available in two weeks and all information will be housed.

    In medium term, CAFEC put on the construction project "Internet Network of Municipalities" which consistet to computerize all administrative services of decentralized territorial entities. Which will lead to create access to information centers to enable administrants and managed to have right information to make good decisions.

    CAFEC also proposed three activities for 2016-2017:

    * Training workshop of local stakeholders on Internet Governance.
    Objective: To inform and to train local actors on new directions of IGF according to resolution A / 70/125 of 16 December 2015.

    * A conference on the digital economy in the Democratic Republic of Congo

    * A multi-stakeholder workshop for the development of a policy on the Cloud

    *ICANN event in DRC

     * ICANN event
    objective: to inform and to mobilize actors in the DRC on ICANN activities, specifically: internationalization of ICANN, IANA management, structural organization of CANN and regional decentralization.


  5. Regarding the AFRALO / African meeting to be held in Helsinki, I propose a voluntary group be identified to develop a draft that we will all amended.