Summary Minutes from Durban Showcase on 19 June 2013:

-  FSS to contact Coura

She did not respond. Contacted Nena. I will not get help from Anriette, she won't be able to gather the local community.

If no support from Google:

- FSS to phone Ariette from APC

-FSS contacted Titi

- Afrinic accepted managing the funds and

- Google has confirmed 16,000 $ will go to travel support. and $ will go through AFRINIC.

-Heidi  reported from At Large support there is only ONE flight available.

-Matt will work with Fatimata developing a TRAVEL budget.

-Heidi suggested that Universities be contacted .(Link contains all the information of the Universities-teachers and students).

-Tijani to send emails to Uniforum

Next step: Do a table to include all the sponsor students/people.


ICANN Speakers:

1) Fadi Chehade

2) Olivier Crepin Leblond

3) Pierre

4) Tarek

5) Steve Croker


Heidi: Room is large and will have interpretation.

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1 Comment

  1. What is the target number of ALSes to be invited to participate in the ICANN 47 Durban meeting?  @ contacting Universities, there is a need for empowerment of National ALSes to become more active in reaching out to Universities in thier respectives local communities. taking into consideration that Universities play an important national role in Africa. They are frequently the most effectively performing institutions in their countries. Universities are the principal reservoir of skilled human resources in most African countries. University roles in research, evaluation, information transfer,and technology development are therefore critical to social progress and economic growth.

    Suggest that discusion should also look at how can AFRALO works with ICANN in empowering its members to carry out more outreach within their local communities.