Summary Minutes and Action Items

15 August 2012


Open public consultations

1.  Review of the activities:


Open Policy Issues


1.Statement of ICANN's Role and Remit in Security, Stability and Resiliency of the Internet's Unique Identifier Systems

2.Interisle Consulting Group's WHOIS Proxy/Privacy Reveal & Relay Feasibility Survey

3. Security, Stability & Resiliency of the DNS Review Team (SSR RT) Final Report

4. Proposed Modifications to GNSO Operating Procedures.

5. name Registry Agreement Renewa

6. Locking of a Domain Name Subject to UDRP  Proceedings

7. Preliminary Issue Report on Uniformity of Contracts to Address Registration Abuse


3. Reports

a. Recent and upcoming Activities of ALAC

Yaovi spoke about ALAC activities, first the last item, the statement. There are some statements of ALAC written in English.

Some International organizations requested to vote on their name to ask for new domain names. Related to GNSO activities, ALAC made a statement.

ALAC statement on IDN prioritization, IDN names on the treatement of the issues regarding domain names. A statement has been made by the ALACA

Final report made by the ALAC on this subject.

ALAC wanted to have a translation on that document and there will be interpretation for that meeting.

There are 2 statements and I would like you to follow all the details on the ALAC website. ALAC participated on some

ALAC made a statement on doman name organizations and registrations. The commiunity is invited to participate and submit comments on that document. It is a data model,. The problem is that we need a unified model for domain names.

AC made a comment on this issue. This is a very important document. This is on the webminar issue. There are other activities on the ALAC level. There were some translation problems related to some RALOS. When emails are translated there are problems with the translation.

There is another working group of ALAC which met thee 30th of July and tried to defined the criteria to see the level of participation

WG on ROP: We are going to speak about the details in that meeting. We can see the evolution about the different kinds of documents we have.

Translation: We have different translation tools to translate:

Heidi Ullrich: The At-Large wiki pages now have a translation tool to translate into many languages. This translation tool is located at the top of each wiki page.


Recent and Upcomig activities of AFRALO members


1. Update will be done by email.


Muslim month of Ramadan.


Item 4: Information about AFRALO meeting in Prague

During the Prague meeting we had some interventions asking for some changes, Tijani sent it to the AFRALO list. We emphasized the low participation of Africa in the new gTLD applications and we asked ICANN to do some more efforts regarding internationalization.

We asked ICANN for communication policy and African policy.

Link to the statements (chat)

Fatimata: The statemt which was reatified. We are waitingf for  your opinion. Any questions?

Yaovi: For our next meeting we can begin earlier working on the issue. We can kow what we are going to speak about because the staff has to work hard before the meeting, we have to do that on the September meeting.

We wanted all the community to participate, we did not want that only few people participate. And not the same people working all the time. The idea was to have a large number of people working.


Selection of AFRALO officers and representatives.

We have to select the Secretariat, ALAC members and the rep to the NOMCOm.

In the email I forwarded the reasons why we have to select the people.

I would like to have a report of activities, unanimously decided that the job was well done.

Questions or comments?

Yaovi: The people who have nominated accepted the nomination. For the next stage we shall ask ourselves if they will be able to take the position.

Fatimata: Received an email from Heidi regarding this item.

I will forward the email to you from August 15th to see if we have recommendations.

Yaovi: We must received proposed candidates and ALAC will see if ALAC agrees ot not with the candidates. ALAC will be informing the Nomcom by the  25 August but as of today we must let ALAC know our recommendation. Between August 15-20 ALAC will have to review the candidates.


Baku Workshop- Dates set Nov 15th

New gTLD Objection Review Group


d. Rules of Procedure Drafting Teams .

Yaovi: The ROP of ALAC and the work that is being done has been done by the review group on thsi document, for those who have not reviwed in 2010.

In order to achieve this we created a working group and the members participating are Tijani, Fatima and myself as well as other people participating. The grouop has been divided into 4 to make progress.


1. Structure and Definitions

2. Metrics

3.  ROP - Roberts or UN rules? Meeting  discussed with regards to quorum.

4. Elecctions and nominations and appointments.

The groups have a lot of work ahead and I would like to offer the posibility to join the WG . The ROP are being reviewed in ICANN's best interest.


Fatimata: Thanked Yaovi. Any questions?


e. African Strategy Working Group (ASWG)

Fatimata: During the last ICANN meeting in Prague we created a WG with the African community present there and were given the possibility of meeting with the new CEO of ICANN and noted the issues at the African level and explained the new Gtld program and the role of the new VP for Africa and the lack of representaton of the African Union in Africa and the participation of Africa within ICANN. The CEO was very inrterested and suggested that we crreate this group and we will continue to work on this in the Toronto meeting. And he also asked that AFRALO be a member of the group. Tijani represented in that meeting. AFRALO is a member of that group and he participated in that session.


Michele: We had the fortune of being there at the meeting.


Fatimata: If no more questions.


5. Item for discussion

 ALAC New gTLD Objection Review Group (Fatimata, Aziz) 8’

Group has not received any comments on the issue


Michele:  IDot Delta. ssue of the state of Nigeria, we have not yet decided  on the strategy to avoid conflicts. We have to see how AFRALO can work with the community regarding the dot Delta issue.

This is the time for the Nigerian community to see what they can do because in the domain name after all, they need to decide.

It was Mary who spoke about this and I asked her to talk about this in the GAC.

My role was to inform the community.


6. AOB

Michele was at a ameeting last month which coincided with a meeting that her associaiton organized as strategy for governance and i was a good meeotng with over 100 participants and there were prominent people and ICANN funded some people and we had people from Cameroon.


Forum Information Forum, you can sign up online and it has been organized  by the Egyptian Communications Association.










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