• Category:  gTLDs
  • Topic: Board Data and Consumer Protection Working Group Recommendations
  • Board meeting date: 10 December 2010
  • Resolution number: 2010.12.10.27, 2010.12.10.28, 2010.12.10.29
  • URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-10dec10-en.htm
  • Status: Ongoing


Accepting the Working Group Recommendations and dissolving the Working Group.


Whereas, on 5 August 2010, the Board asked the Board Governance Committee to assist in the formation of a Board Data and Consumer Protection Working Group (DCP-WG) to identify issues relating to the use of registry data and where registrant protection might be further explored or proposed policies might be introduced.

Whereas, on 25 September 2010, the Board formally established the DCP-WG to address data and consumer protection issues.

Whereas, the DCP-WG has completed its work and has identified recommendations on next steps on the items of work identified in the Charter for the DCP-WG.

Whereas, the BGC has reviewed the DCP-WG Charter and recommends approval of the DCP-WG charter and approval of the DCP-WG's recommendation that DCP-WG be dissolved as it has concluded its work.

Whereas, the Board previously accepted a recommendation from the GNSO in 2007 calling for a study and related community discussions on domain-name-related data collected by registries and the uses to which it is put, but ICANN and GNSO work referenced in those recommendations still needs to be completed; see "Policies for Contractual Conditions - ICANN Staff Discussion Points" [PDF, 43 KB] and "Council Report to the Board, Policies for Contractual Conditions - Existing Registries (PDP Feb 06) - 2 November 2007" [PDF, 426 KB].

Whereas, the DCP-WG has identified additional related work and has recommended that ICANN conduct a study on domain-name-related data collected by registries and registrars and the uses to which it is put.

Resolved (2010.12.10.27), the ICANN Board approves the Charter of the DCP-WG and receives the DCP-WG’s report <http://www.icann.org/en/committees/consumer-protection/report-on-recommendations-07dec10-en.htm> on recommendations arising out of its work.

Resolved (2010.12.10.28), the Board directs the President to conduct a study on domain-name-related data collected by registries and registrars and the uses to which it is put.

Resolved (2010.12.10.29), the Board hereby dissolves the Data and Consumer Protection Working Group and thanks its members for their work: Harald Alvestrand, Dennis Jennings (Chair), Mike Silber, Bruce Tonkin, and Ram Mohan (non-voting member).

Implementation Actions

  • Conduct Study on domain-name related data collected by registries and registrars and uses to which it is put
    • Responsible entity: ICANN Staff
    • Due date: None stated
    • Completion date: Ongoing

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