
Board adopts the Reconsideration Committee's recommendation to take no action on RC 06-3.


Whereas, the Reconsideration Committee presented its recommendations to the Board, as was posted at

Resolved (06.32), that the Reconsideration Committee's Recommendation RC 06-3 is adopted for the reasons stated in that recommendation set out as follows: The committee concludes that there are no grounds for reconsideration, as Article VII, Section 8, is clear that Marilyn Cade cannot, under any circumstances, become eligible to fill the current midterm vacancy on the ICANN board without a change to the applicable bylaws. Moreover, Article VII, Section 8, does not allow flexibility to consider "exigent circumstances" under any situation. Finally, the request does not demonstrate any reason sufficient to stay the contested action.

Implementation Actions

  • None
    • Responsible entity: None
    • Due date: None 
    • Completion date: None 

Other Related Resolutions

  • Other resolutions TBD.

Additional Information

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