Board authorizes amendment to .NAME registry agreement to allow additional time for implementation of EPP.


Whereas, GNR, the ICANN-designated operator of the .name registry has requested an extension of time for the implementation of EPP.

Whereas, the gTLD registries and registrars continue to work together to foster a coordinated plan for implementation of the EPP v.1 across all gTLD registries.

Whereas, granting the requested extension would allow for a smooth transition and implementation of EPP v1.0 and would be beneficial for the both the .name registry and registrars.

Resolved [04.94], the President and General Counsel are authorized to extend the .name registry EPP implementation deadline for a reasonable time to allow for its introduction in coordination with other gTLD registries and registrars.

[The Board passed this resolution 9-0 with one abstention from Mr. Markovski.]

Implementation Actions

  • Amend .NAME registry agreement.
    • Responsible entity: ICANN Registry Liaison, Registry Operator
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: 15 November 2004

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