
Board resolves to negotiate agreement reflecting commercial and technical terms upon completion of sTLD selection, resolves that selection process and implementation for sTLDs will be evaluated, and directs President to finalize and post open Request for Proposals for limited number of new sTLDs.

Whereas the ICANN community has called upon the Board to commence long term strategic plans to launch a long term process for the creation of new gTLD's and to act on community input already received in a timely manner.

Whereas the Board resolved in Montreal to invite public comment on the draft request for proposals for sTLDs posted on 24 June 2003, and in particular on the question whether or not the RFP should be limited to applicants who proposed sponsored sTLDs in November 2000.

Whereas, at the ICANN Board meeting held 13 October 2003, the Board discussed at length the topic of how, and within what timeframe, ICANN should proceed with the creation of new gTLDs, including sTLDs.

Whereas the GNSO has called upon the Board to go forward with the process for an interim round of sTLDs. The GNSO has discussed and commented on its desire for the Board to take action again on 29 October 2003.

Whereas the Board has heard the expression of concerns by experts and affected parties through the GNSO, and from users directly and through the ALAC.

Whereas the Board recognizes community consensus that it would be very difficult, both for practical reasons and as a matter of equitable policy, to restrict a new sTLD round to prior applicants from the 2000 round.

Whereas the Board also recognizes general community agreement that the appropriate form of sponsoring organization for new sTLDs should not necessarily be restricted to not-for-profit entities, but could include other forms of entity that otherwise meet the criteria for a sponsoring organization.

Resolved [03.169] that the Board directs the President to finalize and post no later than 15 December 2003 an open Request for Proposals for a limited number of new sTLDs, such final RFP to be based on the points of agreement indicated above and the comments received concerning the draft RFP.

Resolved [03.170] that upon the successful completion of the sTLD selection process, an agreement reflecting the commercial and technical terms shall be negotiated, although such terms may be subject to further amendment, as appropriate, as a result of the New gTLD process which is scheduled to be completed in 2004.

Resolved [03.171] that the selection process and implementation for sTLDs shall be evaluated and the results of such evaluation shall be utilized in the New gTLD process scheduled to be completed in 2004.

Implementation Actions

  • Finalize and post open Request for Proposals for limited number of new sTLDs.
    • Responsible entity: President
    • Due date: 15 December 2003
    • Completion date: December 2003
  • Upon successful completion of sTLD selection process, negotiate agreement reflecting commercial and technical terms (such terms subject to further amendment).
    • Responsible entity: Not specified
    • Due date: 2004
    • Completion date: Ongoing
  • Evaluate selection process and implementation for sTLDs, evaluation of which will be be used in New gTLD process.
    • Responsible entity: Not specified
    • Due date: 2004
    • Completion date: 2004

Other Related Resolutions

  • Resolution 03.112 and 03.113 - Board invites public comment on draft request for proposals for sTLDs; requests President to provide to Board detailed plan and schedule for development of appropriate long-term policy for introduction of new gTLDs:
  • Resolutions 03.166, 03.167, and 03.168 - Board calls for the development of process and policy for streamlining introduction of new gTLDs as specified in ICANNs MoU with the U.S. Department of Commerce:
  • Other resolutions TBD

Additional Information

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