Please use the <Edit Contents> menu option (directly above) to complete this form. Remember to <Save> the page (bottom right) after making updates. Other than the two required fields immediately below, you may complete any portion of this form, save, and return later to continue where you left off.

Trip Proposals must be completed at least six (6) weeks before the event start date.

Person Completing Form
Name:Maryam BakoshiDate:


Form ID #



Trip Proposal Section

LINK:  NCUC Trip/Event Assessment 6 DRAFT

1) Number of Travelers:
(Note: Each traveler uses one trip of the five (5) allocated to each organization/structure).  


2) Traveler Contact Information and Itinerary:

Edward Morrisegmorris1@toast.netLeedsUnited Kingdom01-Jun-201603-Jun-2016
3) Special Travel Circumstances, Arrangements,
Explanations, or Notations: 
(Please identify each traveler, as applicable)
4) Event/Conference Name, Title, or Descriptor:International Conference on Cyber Conflict
5) Event/Conference Dates:
6) Event/Conference Website Link:
7) Primary Event/Conference Location:
Tallinn, Estonia
8) ICANN Geographic Region:Europe

9) Activity Sponsors:
(Note: all event sponsors must be identified
in order to comply with ICANN travel guidelines).

Arcadia Cyber Defence -


Think Logical -


10) Proposed Goals and Outcomes:

The International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon’s) is the leading international conference on cyber war and cyber security. Each year 500 cyber security professionals, academics and students come to Tallinn to listen to industry professionals and government officials (including the President of Estonia) and meet and converse with each other. ICANN corporate has sent their Chief Technology Officer, David Conrad, to attend the meeting the past two years. Despite this, ICANN does not have a high profile at this event. Four years ago I attended this conference and was at a presentation where ICANN was called in one session an intergovernmental organization and in another a division of the United States government. That later statement was made by a General in the United States Army. I corrected the speaker on both occasions. Attendees at this conference have a high year to year turnover. My experience suggests there are very few “regulars” at CyCon; as a majority of attendees are military officers sent there on assignment there appears to be a regular rotation of attendees. I doubt a majority of attendees at CyCon 2016 will have much knowledge about the function or governance of ICANN or its role in running securely the Internet’s DNS.
11) Additional Information (optional):

If awarded this CROPP funding I will:

1. Attend all days of the CyCon meeting.

2. Meet with NCUC Estonian members.

3.  Outreach, University of Tartu, Institute of Social Studies, Media Studies

Community Confirmation Section

Note: To be completed by a Pilot Program Coordinator (PPC) designated by this organization/structure.

The participants identified in this application agree to abide by the terms and conditions of this FY16 Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program (CROPP) as outlined on the Program Elements page. YesRafik Dammak05-May-2016
The ICANN Organization / Structure's leadership has authorized the submission of this Trip Proposal.YesRafik Dammak05-May-2016
The ICANN Stakeholder Engagement Vice-President has concurred that the Proposed Goals/Outcomes of this Trip Proposal are consistent with operational plans and/or strategies.YesJean Jacques Sahel05-May-2016Approved with the understanding that Ed is travelling from Europe.
Program Administration: STAFF USE ONLY

Approved Travel Elements:

Arrival Date
Departure Date
Approved Fees 

Staff Department Notifications:

Program RequirementDate Satisfied/ConfirmedInitialsNotes
09-May-2016BRTrip proposal does not meet the CROPP program requirement of 6-weeks minimum for travel.

Program Admin Transfers from Community Drafts to Approved Forms:

Trip Proposal Trip/Event Assessment

CROPP Trip Proposal Template v4 (Aug 2015)

For comments, suggestions, or technical support concerning this space, please email: CROPP Program Staff
© 2015 Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers