Board extends terms of all three NCDNHC representatives on the NC as of October 18, 1999, to expire on February 20, 2000.


Mr. McLaughlin noted that the Non-Commercial Domain Name Holders Constituency had submitted a request for extension of the terms of its representatives on the Names Council, which under the Board's October 18, 1999 resolutions recognizing the constituency expired on February 1, 2000. The constituency did not complete its elections by that date, but expected to complete its elections by February 20, 2000.
The following motion was duly made, seconded, and adopted unanimously by the Board:

RESOLVED [00.12] that the terms of all three NCDNHC representatives on the NC as of October 18, 1999, which were on that date set by resolution 99.101 to expire on February 1, 2000, are hereby extended to expire on February 20, 2000.

Implementation Actions

  • None

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  • The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.

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