Bill Drake:not one, but two Marilyn Cades?

  Filiz Yilmaz:I thought I would call from Adigo but I think we already have audio from Adobe?

  Filiz Yilmaz:Scary indeed ;)

  Bill Drake:Olivier is suffering from ICCS

  Bill Drake:that being ICANN Conference Call Syndrome, of course

  Petya Minkova::-)


  Bill Drake:Does this group have an acronym

  Bill Drake:Are we the PGCCWGIG?

  Filiz Yilmaz:When we say "public meeting" do we mean the meeting on Monday at 13:30 pm?

  Filiz Yilmaz:Ok, thank you!

  Bill Drake:So the PMCCWGIG, then the F2FCCWGIG

  Bill Drake:13:30

  Bill Drake:

  Keith:Is there a link to the overall Singapore agenda?

  Keith:Thanks Bill

  kristina rosette:That's not good. We're going to lose a lot of audience to name collision.

  Filiz Yilmaz:In that sense, we got a good spot...

  kristina rosette:If we can persuade ICANN to switch our session with the GAG session, it appears that almost of all the conflicts disappear.

  Filiz Yilmaz:Which GAC session? Where?

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:GAG - Globalization Advisory Groups

  Filiz Yilmaz:Ah sorry. OK.

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:ICANN should be listening to the community/not just doing what meets the senior leadership interest.I understand some are advising panels, but there is a broader interest than the panels, who are now advised by some in the community..

  kristina rosette:It would seem to me that a short request letter, signed by the SO/AC/SG/Const chairs, should do the trick.  

  kristina rosette:Or at least one would hope.

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:i agree with Kristina.

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:I realize that ICANN has invited some folks to advise the panels, but that needs to be clear, doesn't it?

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:the panels are top down, even if advised by a few stakeholders, but the bottom up process needs to remain our priority

  Filiz Yilmaz:I am with you Olivier and Bill. If people do not find this important, they do not find this important. Besides there is always conflicts. Everyone wants their meeting to be running against no other sessions. It is mission impossible.  

  Keith:Fully agree with Marilyn - lets try and seek the change of time

  kristina rosette:Here's some suggested text:  We write to request that ICANN switch the times of the President's Globalization Advisory Groups and CCWG  on Internet Governance Public Sessions.  At its current time, the CCWG session conflicts with (i) the ALAC/ccNSO Joint Meeting; (ii) the Name Collision session; and (iii) the ICANN Accessibility Taskforce sessions.  Having the CCWG session from 10:30-12:00 avoids all such conflicts.

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:no one is saying no conflicts, Feliz. we are sying that some are more 'conflictual than others'.

  Bill Drake:Marilyn my views on this have nothing to do with anyone's personal involvements

  Keith:If the time can change, good, and if it can't change. we are stuck with it - but lets ask

  Bill Drake:The Campaign is becoming unhelpful

  Filiz Yilmaz:It is Filiz Marilyn :). I did not say you ssaid that but I am saying it is impossible to get a perfect slot too. There are often reasons for the schedule being this way.

  kristina rosette:I envision that the letter would be signed by as many SO/AC/SG/Const chairs as are willing.  But, agree with Sarah that we need to get some planning done.

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:I wil add only one sentence about how important it is to support the participation of the broad community

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:Kristina, agree that seeking support from SO/AC/Const chairs is important. Planning should now be focus/

  Bill Drake:right, like three broad topical areas

  Bill Drake:great Marilyn, kum bi ya

  Bill Drake:90 minutes...if you have more than 3 questions and go across the groups that's going to be a 45 minutes right there, and we want time left for the open forum

  Bill Drake:3, 4, may not matter if we all keep ourselves on a clock

  kristina rosette:Like the 3 topics - 25 minutes each.  Add 5 minute introduction.  Leaves 10 minutes for open Q&A.

  Bill Drake:hand around the iPhone with timer

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:I was thinking about as much input as possible on each topic, then an open mike, then a summing up, with rapporteurs listing during the session.

  Filiz Yilmaz:Are we going to collect input on the draft document we are gathering?

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Yes Filiz

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:it will be additional input that we can take to NetMundial

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:Keith/agree to that as a better formulation

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:I think Keith suggested taking my topic and merging it into a broader topic/what MS might mean

  Sarah Falvey - RYSG:I agree with Keith. I think we want to make sure that we aren't too negative in our framing of the discussion topics to leave room for a real discussion

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:PDP is a GNSO issue/not a cross community issue, so I want us to focus on issues that are broadly applicabl

  kristina rosette:With apologies, I have to drop off the call.

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:sorry. can I better understand Bill's point?

  Bill Drake:yes but I'm hearing the same rap from GNSO people over and over

  Bill Drake:Ms. Cade CSG2 I'm simply saying having the top down/bottom up conversation in every meeting is sort of blocking out the ability to do anything else

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:Bill, thanks, but this is a real issue of today, and we can't ignore it.

  Bill Drake:I hardly think it's being ignored, it's all I hear

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:that doesn't mean that it is a negative messge but it is am inportant subject. many do feel it is being ignored.

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:I don't support only one topic as Brazil. that makes it look like ICANN is all about NetMundial.

  Bill Drake:All I know is we have a CCWG that is really struggling to reach agreement on Any substantive IG issue in a Net Mundial submission, and instead of trying to find common ground, we're talking about does Fadi have the right to have groups other than us

  Bill Drake:I don't see it as a zero sum game, we do our thing, he has these things, some good ideas have come out, some less so, c'est comme ca

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:the Brazil meeting is one mechanism and that we will be after the submission, right? evryone understands that? the roadmap for IG evolution, as it applies to ICANN, is to me a 3rd topic.

  Filiz Yilmaz:The prioprity if the Brazil meeting in Singapore. Anything further can be discussed post-Brazil, in London.

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:I spend my time on a number of other events, where ICANN staff is frankly, not taking any input into account, and just saying things, and creating events without regard to the community. Our ICANN can help staff to support the ICANN that we have built and support,

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:IG: what is ICANN's role and what is broader than ICANN?

  Bill Drake:Why not use the wiki to identify possible topics and then sort our preferences when we can see the set of suggestions?

  Filiz Yilmaz:I agree with Bill. I think we can come up with a short list here and then open it for voting even on Doodle to the bigger CCWG.

  Bill Drake:yes the choice should involve all CCWG members

  Bill Drake:so a Doodle poll would make sense

  Oliver Sueme:agree with collecting ideas on the wiki

  Filiz Yilmaz:And lets not forget we have 90 mins. We need to pick and choose if we want to be able to discuss any topic properly. Otherwise it will be very superficial.

  Bill Drake:No agreement on the topics, just that we should have topics

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:Rafik is making a strong case for the three topics: 1) feedback on submission 2)what should the Commuity do before and during NETMundial/remote participation, etc 3)what shoudl the CCWG do next?

  Bill Drake:NO

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:Bill is not agreeing, so we should hear what your concrns are, Bill

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:Most of the Constituencies/SGs will al

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:sorry/ just noting that most of us have meetings to further discuss internally...

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:I agree that we are liaisons to our groups, and we would take this idea back to the communities we are liaisons from.

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:We have a CCWG call Friday, don't we? can't we make a proposal and then discuss it on Friday?

  Bill Drake:I will say no

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:sorry, Bill, I need to ask my colleagues from business.

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:but they do expect for the liaisons to generate ideas. perhaps your group is different.

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:who is not represented?

  Filiz Yilmaz:I have my hand up...

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Filiz you're next

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:I think there is a misunderstanding. I think that all of us are going back to our colleagues, we are each 1 from a group of 4 or so, and we are asking our colleagues on the CCWG. I am just trying to understand if Bill is proposing asking those members, or something differrent?

  Filiz Yilmaz:Can we just have one topic: Collect feedback from wider community on the draft input that CCWG had been working on?

  Filiz Yilmaz:And then come up with "break-up" points to be able to collect this feedback?

  Sarah Falvey - RYSG:apologies. I need to drop off.

  Filiz Yilmaz:And then these "break-up" points can be detailed by feedback from the CCWG at large.

  Bill Drake:Of course we should talk about Brazil.  But WHAT about Brazil?

  Bill Drake:what substantive questions do we think would be worth trying to foster discussion on?

  Filiz Yilmaz:I agree! The reason of CCWG had been Brazil and we had been working on it about all the time. We need to double-check our work with the wider community, hence the public meeting in Singpare, as far as I am concerned.

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:I support Olivier's point that Brazil  submission be one of the points, we are working on input and I support that we try to work together on that submission.

  Filiz Yilmaz:So we have the draft right? Summarize the main points from that draft and ask if the main message supported by the community.

  Bill Drake:paw in the air OCL

  Filiz Yilmaz:For each of those points/arguments of the draft...

  Filiz Yilmaz:We have them already: Multilateral vs multistakeholder, Critical Infrstructure, etc etc

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:I encourage Bill to post his ideas alongside the input from the input from the rest of the members of the CCWG

  Filiz Yilmaz:I cannot remember all, but those arguments we worked with the volunteering teams.

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:the last event was hijacked by the ICANN staff who meant well, but changed the uqestions that we presented, with new questions and we were a bit surprised.

  Bill Drake:I agree Marilyn

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:so, I understant the concern, but we were 'surprised'.

  Bill Drake:we don't need another session like that

  Bill Drake:and I don't think that's what we'll have

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:I agree with you, Bill, on that, and that was why I declined having ICANn staff as the moderator. :-)

  Bill Drake:yes!  tools are good.

  marilyn Cade - CSG 2:i said something embarrassing like: a pretty moderator is not enough. I am embarrassed by that comment.

  Bill Drake:there's a finance call...

  Filiz Yilmaz:I will be travelling and I would prefer a Doddle.

  Bill Drake:oh that's one hour earlier

  rafik:it is 6am here I prefer doodle

  Bill Drake:We should pick a time that's very early in Japan

  Filiz Yilmaz:This is my 3rd call. First one was at 4 am, yes, we all have it. So lets put all posisible options on Doodle so people can choose.

  Bill Drake:He's tough

  Bill Drake:resiliant we are

  Bill Drake:bon soir

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