This Public Comments Data Analysis Refresh (January 2015) is a continuation of the original report published in May 2013. The extended data set begins with January 2013 through June 2014 (4.5 years)

Background: After one full year of experience with the Public Comments enhancements introduced as part of the ATRT1 Recommendations, Staff undertook an analysis to determine what could be learned based upon actual community usage and participation patterns. The study period selected was all Closed Public Comments Forums from 1 January 2010 through 31 December 2012 (3 years). The data collection process involved harvesting information from each of 212 Public Comments Forums archived on and building an Excel workbook for subsequent analysis. Once the data was available in spreadsheet form, various statistical calculations were prepared along with graphs/charts that would serve to highlight trends and patterns. That report is available here: Public Comment Data Analysis (Jan 2010-Dec 2012).

If you would like to provide feedback about any aspect of this study, please use the <Comment> section at the bottom of this page. 

Report Contents:

  • Chapter 1 presents a Background and Overview including research scope and methodology.
  • Chapters 2 and 3 present detailed findings that may be useful as input to those who will continue working to improve the Public Comments capability within ICANN. 
  • Chapter 4 summarizes overall findings.
  • Finally, Appendix A contains information pertaining to the original ATRT1 recommendations.

Due to the length of the report, the individual sections (5) have been separated into separate PDFs (see tabs below) for those who wish to read the material online via the Wiki page.

Alternatively, the report can be downloaded by clicking this link: Public Comments-Data Analysis Refresh (January 2015)

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Online Report Sections (PDF)

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