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  1. Ok - because I had the opportunity to do the summing up of our discussions - I can kinda remember some of the discussions and I'm hoping that the rest of the team can fill in some of the gaps. 

    Employment of staff (developing countries) - We felt that there were some great initiatives coming out of the Middle East and the Singapore hubs which was a STRENGTH.

    However, we also considered it a WEAKNESS when there was not anything specific for accessibility within these regions (nor for other underserved developing regions (and I HAVE to mention the Pacific here - because I am holding the pen)

    We also considered the lack of high level ACCESSIBILITY CHAMPIONS was a WEAKNESS - and here we were referring to those at senior level who have a passion for accessibility issues and are in a position of influence that could create accessibility opportunities - that is, close to the funds (smile)

    AWARENESS TRAINING in the area of accessibility in all its guises is a WEAKNESS - although we immediately think of persons with disabilities, ti think that the wider awareness of accessibility issues across the board also needs to be considered. This is perhaps something that could be taken to the Capacity Building Working Group.

    At the same time we recognised that there are lots of OPPORTUNITIES that ICANN could be taking advantage of to promote accessibility issues and these are listed. I see the new WEBSITE as an opportunity for ICANN to demonstrate the requirements of the accessibility guidelines to cater for the different disability groups. A DISABILITY SHOWCASE as a special workshop during one of the accessibility sessions at an ICANN meeting could draw more interest and support for Accessibility Taskforce activities.  

    Other items on the list could perhaps be explained in better detail by my SWOT colleagues. 

    However I must add that we didn't consider anything on the list we had to work with, was a THREAT to accessibility issues.