BCEC 28 Oct 2010:  Action Items

Heidi to arrange to have the due diligence questions sent to the individual e-mail addresses of the BCEC members.

Cheryl and staff to publish the Board selection timeline after the correction regarding the apostrophe, pointed out by Heidi, is made.

Cheryl and staff to publish the Candidate Selection diagram today, after adding wording along the lines of:  “The publication of this diagram is subject to change pending the outcome of an extraordinary meeting of the ABSdt on Monday.”

Cheryl and staff to send the candidate’s references, in their entirety, to the members of the BCEC.

Cheryl and staff to post on Confluence and get out the announcement of the final slate of 3 candidates and their SOIs, the SOIs of the other 19 candidates, and explanatory release notes that contain a link to the description of the regional petition process (along with the Candidate Selection flowchart diagram and Selection Process Timeline diagram – see AIs above).

Heidi to check with Legal about whether a dual mandate is allowed for someone holding both positions on the NomCom and Board.

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  1. > ...  send the candidate’s references, in their entirety, to the members of the BCEC.

    BCEC has to date received a few references for the 'leading' candidates. We have not received the references "in their entirity".


  2. > check with Legal about whether a dual mandate is allowed . . . 

    May I be clear that I do not support 'dual mandates' in the At Large context at all (whatever ICANN Legal has to say about it).

    Candidates who hold one mandate should not be applying for another before their existing mandate has expired.

    If a candidate should have to resign one mandate before taking up another, BCEC, ALAC and the Nominating Committee would have to take into account the eventual constraints associated with appointing or electing a replacement.

    In general, At Large and its representation in ICANN is already excessively centralised upon a very few individuals. If we allow dual mandates, we shall but aggravate the problem.


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