Gisella Gruber:Welcome to the AFRALO Task force: Outreach for more African representation in ICANN leadership positions on Wednesday 22 October 2014 at 1400 UTC

  Gisella Gruber:Draft agenda:

  Gisella Gruber:Strategy document:

  Fatimata:Hi Terri

  Terri Agnew:Hi Fatimata, I just sent you a private Adobe chat

  Fatimata:Will try to reach Michel?  He had confirmed in the Doodle

  Fatimata:Tijani will join us too

  Terri Agnew:We will try to reach both

  Terri Agnew:Please remember to mute when not speaking

  Seun:Hi all

  Terri Agnew:Michel has VM on his phone

  Seun:apoligies i am going to be mute here

  Seun:in another meeting

  Terri Agnew:Thank you for letting us know Seun

  Fatimata:Hi Seun

  Fatimata:It will be fine.  We will type as much as we can to allow you to follow

  Fatimata:Hello All

  Fatimata:we will wait 2 more minutes to wait for Barrack and Michel to join

  Fatimata:and then we will start

  Terri Agnew:Barrack is back on


  Terri Agnew:Mwendwa, I sent you a private adobe chat

  Fatimata:Seun, we just started

  Fatimata:I am asking other members what they think about my comment

  Seun:I agree with that comment

  Seun:specific action points, and specific events that will be useful to achieving the goal should be reccommended

  Seun:also we may suggest leveraging on people that may already be attending existing events without necessarily utilising the CROPP

  Seun:a timeline will be useful for follow-up

  Fatimata:Tijani is suggesting to define the profiles we are looking for each year

  Seun:also perhaps milestone of how many we got to apply for the positions from Africa may also be useful

  Fatimata:this is to be done first

  Seun:+1 to that suggestion

  Barrac k:ok

  Barrac k:noted

  Barrac k:i think staff can assist

  Mwendwa Kivuva, Nairobi:The roles are already defined by Nomcom

  Terri Agnew:Tijani, we are unable to hear you

  Barrac k:we can also aggregate the list and share it on a website

  Fatimata:Mercy is getting answers  to her questions about defining the needed profiles

  Fatimata:Tijani, are you here?

  Tijani BEN JEMAA:I hear u but u don't

  Fatimata:we have the needed positions available

  Fatimata:I just ask a clarification question for methodology #2

  Mwendwa Kivuva, Nairobi:Barrack is talking about DNS business

  Fatimata:which other regions?

  Fatimata:Mercy is recommending to be careful

  Barrac k:i g

  Mwendwa Kivuva, Nairobi:I don't get Mercy's argument of hiden agenda

  Barrac k:i think icann is a forum

  Barrac k:open to all internet users

  Barrac k:hence volunteerism

  Mwendwa Kivuva, Nairobi:It's ok. I dont see a problem with the business comming in to develop their business

  Mwendwa Kivuva, Nairobi:That is part of the outreach that AFRALO should be doing

  Fatimata:it will be a good motivation to be involved

  Barrac k:yes

  Mwendwa Kivuva, Nairobi:Sorry, I dont have sound, but I can hear you all

  Fatimata:that is Ok

  Barrac k:Mercy Icann structures have checks and balances

  Fatimata:Mercy said that we have to make sure when we select potential candidates

  Barrac k:i think ourgoal is to cast the net

  Barrac k:we might catch fish crabs etc

  Fatimata:we are talking about the suggestion I made at the end of the document

  Fatimata:we need to specify exactly what to do, when, by who, with what means, etc?

  Barrac k:ok

  Barrac k:noted

  Fatimata:Barrack agreed to go with the timeline

  Fatimata:what do you all think?

  Barrac k:we can assign members tasks

  Fatimata:the drafting members?

  Barrac k:or members canvo


  Barrac k:volunteer

  Barrac k:yes

  Mwendwa Kivuva, Nairobi:Those timelines should be put on the draft document. Some of us were not in LA :)

  Fatimata:Ok, please go ahead

  Barrac k:ok

  Barrac k:Seun

  Barrac k:is our scribe

  Fatimata:Terri, do you have the timeline?

  Barrac k:will coordinate with him

  Fatimata:TIMELINE (tentative):    October 2014: Weekly Strategic meetings of the task force.      End of October 2014 = final strategic document submitted to AFRALO leaders for validation.    November 1-5:  Review and validation of the document by AFRALO leaders    November 6- March 2015  = Implementation of the recommendations outlined in the document  by AFRALO (Outreach and Recruitment period)    Aug 2015 = Evaluation of the results and recommendations for next year (strategic document to be updated)

  Barrac k:great

  Mwendwa Kivuva, Nairobi:Yes


  Barrac k:we are on course

  Fatimata:So Barrack, you can go ahead and ask for volunteers for specific tasks

  Barrac k:ok

  Barrac k:will start with members here

  Barrac k:mwendwa web design

  Barrac k:mercy profiles

  Mwendwa Kivuva, Nairobi:ok

  Barrac k:Seun implementation timelines

  Mercy:Ok, is there a source were I can get these profiles

  Barrac k:yes

  Mercy:Ok, cool

  Fatimata:@Mercy, have you received the PPT document I sent last week?

  Barrac k:online i will share contacts

  Mercy:Please send me the link to the souces via email

  Barrac k:sure

  Mercy:No i didnt receive any powerpoint from you Fatimata

  Mercy:Please re-sent probably lost in cyberspace

  Fatimata:Oh, didn't I send it to the list?

  Mwendwa Kivuva, Nairobi:on position of nomcom

  Fatimata:it was about the NomCom


  Mwendwa Kivuva, Nairobi:Yes we got. Cyberspace does not loose anything :)

  Fatimata:Thanks Mwendwa

  Fatimata:Mercy, please check your email

  Mercy:I didnt get it please would you mind resending

  Barrac k:no

  Barrac k:cant hear

  Barrac k:are we on?

  Barrac k:ok

  Barrac k:i can hear

  Barrac k:tuesday is ok

  Fatimata:Barrack to send the list of tasks with the name assigned toeach of them

  Barrac k:ok

  Barrac k:thats fine

  Fatimata:we will then have a draft ready for discussion on the next meeting

  Barrac k:yes

  Fatimata:next Tuesday

  Barrac k:ok

  Fatimata:a Doodle will be sent by staff


  Barrac k:ok

  Fatimata:Mercy, I will send again the PPt

  Mercy:noted, thanks Fatimata

  Fatimata:What do you all think?

  Fatimata:Where is our Dean Tijani?

  Barrac k:fruitfull meeting

  Fatimata:He is too quiete

  Barrac k:we are on course


  Mercy:Thank you

  Mwendwa Kivuva, Nairobi:Thanks

  Tijani BEN JEMAA:I hear u


  Tijani BEN JEMAA:Thank you Fatimata and all

  Fatimata:Thank you all

  Barrac k:bye all


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