
Presenting CSC (open session, 30 minutes)

1.     Welcome & Roll call for attendees

a.     Brief introduction members and Liaisons

2.     Introducing the CSC

a.     Presentation

b.     Q&A on CSC

3.     Overview & Schedule meetings with specific groups


Open regular meeting CSC meeting (1 hour)

1.     Welcome and roll call

2.     Action items (only report on open items)

Action 07 2017-09 Doodle poll to schedule optimal date and time August 2017

Doodle poll will be sent for dates August 17, 18, 22 after the CSC meeting in Copenhagen

Action 07 2017-11 Reach out to liaisons to and seek terms. Liaisons to reach agreement among themselves on term

Term: 2016 - 2019

Term: 2016 - 2018

Term: PTI Liaison

Jeff Bedser

Lars-Johan Liman

Elise Gerich

Mohamed El Bashir

Elise Lindeberg


James Gannon



Action 07 2017-14 Send the timeline IANA Survey asap, but no later than 10 May 2017. Ongoing

Action 07 2017-15 Reach out to community at Johannesburg meeting ICANN 59 (June 2017) to create awareness Survey, to increase response rate  CSC. Pending

3.     PTI performance February 2017

a.     PTI report to CSC

b.     CSC report

4.     Formal adoption Internal Procedures

5.     Review and ‘Triage’ of ‘List of Identified Work Items for CSC’

a.     Agree priority and scheduling

b.     Next steps (including dedicated intersessional meeting in April/May time frame?)

6.     Review of Implementation of Existing SLE’s

a.     Introduction “Roadmap” document PTI

b.     Initial discussion

c.     Next steps

7.     AOB

8.     Adjourn


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