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Date: 21 July 2014 (13:00-14:00 UTC)


Members: Tijani Ben Jemaa; James Bladel; Becky BurrAvri Doria; Stephanie Duchesneau; Chuck Gomes; Julie Hammer; Byron Holland; Alan MacGillvray; Leon Sanchez. 

StaffGrace Abuhamad; Bart Boswinkel; Glen de St. Gery; Marika Konings.

Meeting Notes/ Action Items

  • ICG timeline is still tentative and will need to be further discussed and considered by ICG - issues such as public comment and consultation has not been factored in
  • Outreach / education needed on how naming relationship with IANA differs from other communities which may also be reflected in proposals that will eventually be submitted
  • Not the role of the ICG to develop proposals or choose from competing proposals according to charter
  • Draft timeline does not allow for resolution of possible issues or testing, incl. no transition window

Composition of ccWG

  • Members (from chartering organizations)- consider keeping it relatively small to ensure being able to make progress (min. 2, max 3-5 from each chartering organization). Observers - consider leaving it open (can participate in conversations, but not responsible for getting the work done).
  • SO/AC/SG/C should consider opening up their processes so that others interested could also join as members who are not necessarily formal members of SO/AC/SG/C
  • Should this CWG redirect any requests from other communities to participate to their respective groups?
  • Proposal to have chartering organizations have min. 2, max of 5 of representatives on the CWG. Open to observers from all communities. Make CWG operations as transparent and open as possible for all, both with regard to F2F as well as online meetings.
  • Observers can provide input, but should decisions need to be made, only named members can provide input at that stage. - make sure to clarify this in the charter

Public consultations

  • At least one, if not two public comment forums

Involvement of the GAC

  • Reach out to the GAC and re-invite them (noting renewed committment to participate in community efforts following increase in GAC membership in ICG)

Development of workplan and timelines

  • Consider how to provide feedback to ICG on timeline (end of year deadline may not be feasible)
  • Consider having input ready following ICANN meeting in Marrakech as a possible alternative - what are other possible milestones in interim timeframe? Consider providing that feedback to ICG.
  • Should work on development of charter be done in parallel with initial work of CWG or does charter need to be approved first? Might be difficult for CWG to commence without charter nailed down. Maybe some of the administrative elements could be commenced earlier, but the substantive work can only begin once the charter has been approved.
  • Staff to develop draft timeline for public consultations by next week's meeting


(Edits in real time)

  • The focus is on names but will not be limited exclusively to names. 
  • Further comment on email list: 
    •     Accountability 
    •     Role of Maintainer 


The recording for today's call is available here: 

Chat Transcript

Marika Konings:Welcome to the DT meeting of 21 July 2014

  Tijani BEN JEMAA:Hi Glen and Marika

  Tijani BEN JEMAA:Why the bidirectional audi facility is not working?

  Tijani BEN JEMAA:audio facility

  Marika Konings:Hi Tijani, the audio function should be enabled shortly

  Grace Abuhamad:It should be working now

  Tijani BEN JEMAA:it's only anabled for listning

  Tijani BEN JEMAA:not talking

  Marika Konings:@Tijani- maybe try restarting Adobe Connect? It does give me the option to connect my audio.

  Julie Hammer:Didn't give me the option either.

  Marika Konings:@Julie - does the phone sign at the top of the screen appear?

  Julie Hammer:Yes, only option offered is to dial-in.  I usually speak via Adobe, but not this time.

  Grace Abuhamad:The meeting is being recorded.

  Avri Doria:talking requries dialing in?  oh well guess i will type any comments.

  Marika Konings:We'll look into the audio via AC - apologies for the inconvenience

  Grace Abuhamad:It should work now!

  Grace Abuhamad:You should be able to talk via computer microphone now

  Grace Abuhamad:@Avri @Julie @Tijani, can you let me know if the audio works for you?

  Avri Doria:now i even lost sound.  going to go look for a phone.

  Julie Hammer:Still doesn't give me the option to connect to speak in Adobe.  don't want to reconnect at the moment ...will miss something.

  Grace Abuhamad:Would you like for me to dial-out to you?

  Chuck Gomes:The phone conncection audio seems fin3e.

  Avri Doria:dialed in.

  Avri Doria:sounds like the birds

  Marika Konings:Please mute your computers if not speaking

  Avri Doria:ok

  Grace Abuhamad:Thank you all. Apologies for the technical difficulties.

  Grace Abuhamad:All the official resources from the ICG meeting are available at this link:

  Byron Holland (ccNSO):Agree...cant see the cctld community being able to make this timeline,  Likely need to have the opportunity to meet in Marrakesh

  Marika Konings:It will be important for the DT to also identify in its charter which (additional) resources may be needed to support the efforts of the CWG, including possible F2F meetings

  Leon Sanchez:Hello everyone, I apologise for coming in late. I had some technical problems that I had to solve

  Becky Burr:stepped away for a moment

  Bladel:SHould we assume that GAC is automatically participating in the "Naming" community?  I suppose they could be involved in all 3.

  Avri Doria:all SOs are invovled in both names and numbers.

  Avri Doria:i mean all ACs

  Avri Doria:duh

  Chuck Gomes:Let's target for end of year but be very clear that we are not going to compromise our work to meet that deadline and will adjust the target as needed.

  Avri Doria:draft by the end of the year?  but maybe final in Marrakech?

  Avri Doria:maybe even draft and comment period by end of year.

  Chuck Gomes:If we wait until participating SOs and ACs approve the charter, that will likely take us at least until September.

  Becky Burr:bacl

  Becky Burr:back

  Becky Burr:the draft does permit comments on numbers and protocol

  Julie Hammer:Avri, I amended the draft to say that

  Becky Burr:Functions 1 and 10 fall outside of the Naming Functions, but the ccWG may deem it appropriate to comment on relevant aspects of these functions as they affect the Naming Functions.

  Becky Burr:that's the language as of my comments last night.  we could just drop the "as they affect the Naming Functions" phrase

  Avri Doria:Julie I saw that and appreciated it, but it sounded like Byron was heading us away from that, and terefore spoke up.

  Julie Hammer:No worries :-)

  Becky Burr:further to Chuck's comment, the agreement between NTIA and Verisign provides that NTIA may tell Verisign to follow the direction of a third party

  Chuck Gomes:Thanks Becky.

  Avri Doria:i would add that IETF has something to say about names as well.  and i expect them to comment on that.

  Marika Guest:I'll send out an updated version of the charter per today's meeting to the mailing list so that everyone can use that version for further comments / edits.

  Julie Hammer:Do we also need to address the issue of a single submission?

  Julie Hammer:No, I mean from this ccWG.

  Marika Guest:I'll include both a clean and redline version so that people can still look at the redline as well.

  Marika Guest:and will definitely leave the comments in the clean version

  Leon Sanchez:thanks everyone

  Stephanie Duchesneau:thank you byron

  Bart Boswinkel:Bye all

  Grace Abuhamad:Thanks all

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