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Appendix 1: Documentation of Prior Actions

Prior to the creation of this white paper, a number of teleconferences were held. The initial one was a brain-storming session of the North American Regional At-Large Organization (RALO) which resulted in a proposal for the overall structure of the process as well as suggesting a number of specific features. This was followed by a community-wide teleconference on the process and later one on voting mechanisms. Agendas, outcomes and community comments can be found in the following web pages:

·A wiki page, "Ideas for Consideration", created 2009 Sep 26 to collect preliminary community comments(

·Related to the NARALO "brainstorm[ teleconference held 2009 Sep 21:
MeetingInformation ( ( ( draft selection process based on the brainstorm, which was subsequently revised and includes community comment (

·Two wiki pages posted 2009 Oct 7 to solicit community feedback:

Questions About Legal or Other Issues][ ((questions about legal or other issues])

Draft Candidate Requirements]" (Draft Candidate Requirements

·Related to a community-wide teleconference on the issue held 2009 Oct 8:
Meeting information (8 October 2009 Community Call. At-Large Director Appointment Process)Transcript (08 october 2009 transcript community call at large director appointment process en)

·Related to a meeting held 2009 Oct 27 between the ALAC and the ICANN Board's Structural Improvement Committee (SIC) during the Seoul ICANN meeting:
Meeting information ( (

· Related to a community-wide teleconference on the issue held 2009 Dec 7 (which included a presentation by Ralph McKay of BigPulse Online Voting Service):
Meeting information (7 december 2009 community call at large director appointment process)Transcript (07 dec 2009 at large director appt process transcript en)


Comments will be accepted in any of the six UN languages.