AFRALO 03 October 2012

Summary Minutes and Action Items


Roll call


2. Open Policy Issues

Introduction of Julia Charvolen


1. Review of the issues and dates.


OCL: Somethings to note, there are many comment periods ending around the end of October and they have just opened and how can we do this. There will be some statements made by ALAC, we do not know yet which ones.

The ICANN meetings will be made in each continent. NA, AFRICA, SA. The region of AFRALO agrees with this proposal?

This proposal gives a meeting in Africa every 3 years, and the others every year. So its not really fair.

Yaovi: It is very important and we need to read this decision which will have an impact., we need to read the document before we make a comment.


3. Reports


a. Recent and Upcoming activities of ALAC - Yaovi

Normally ALAC has a  meeting every month. ALAC is dicussing a response made by the Red Cross and everyone seems to agree that we need to contribute to the international Olympic Committe and the disucssion is at the level of the GNSO.

ALAC also made a statement on the URS.


Working groups on ROP still working

Working groups on ICANN Academy also


Tijani:  The document R3, Future Challenges

This group is that the ALAC tries to react and takes our time and we do not have to reflect on the issues that are a challenge for our future.

All ICANN, ALAC and Excom meetings are important.

Plase read the report.

The Director of Finance of ICANN started an improvement process of the financial and strategic planning. This work was launched last year. The system is working fine, we have 3 Ad-Hoc groups working on the process timeline.

There is a group that is going to work on the format. There is another group which is going gto work on strategic planning. Two weeks ago this group produced a document on planning and ALAC made a comment and thiis Committee made a comment and sent it. We have described the work of ALAC in this document.


Upcoming Activities of AFRALO members


Yaovi- For the ALS we have participated for the first meeting the Forum for Governance

We are going to organize a workshop oin November 2012 on " Unix Syetem administration". It will be financially supported by ISOC


Tijani: My ALS organized with the private sector the 1 national IGF, it was on the 4th of September and teh first forum will take place next year.

The Audience was not very large for North Africa, it was the first meeting of this kind. The ALS also participated on the IGF Forum on information society.


Yaovi: We participated on the IGF Forum on the 27th of Sept. We decided to have a focal point and we are 2 persons as focal point and the idea is to create a small group at the national level.  This will take place on Nov 2012.


Victor N:


Item for Information : The Association Tchadienne pour la Promotion et de  Développement de l'Internet au Tchad (ATPDIT),

We asked the association to answer some questions and we are waiting for the answers from Tchad.

OCL: Staff sent questions to ISOC on the questions and hoping for a response ASAP.


GF Baku, Azerbaijan (Tijani)

ICANN is financing and OCL will be remote moderator and everything is going smoothly.

Unfortunately Fatimata will not be able to come/.


c. Drafting Groups on ALAC ROP


Peter on Baku: Who is going on behalf of AFRALO to Baku and I cannot remember seeing an email on this.

The WS was announced long time ago and discussed in all the meetings, so it was discusssed.

One of the conditions is that speakers have to come from all over the world, so teh 5 regions have to be represented and there was a gender question which was important too, and we nominated people because they know the issues. There are people from the 5 reggions and we do send people to participate but to play an important role.

We can read that the Baku WS was discussed in 3 opportunities.

The participation in this kind of events is not because you are from a particular region. We have to clarify that there is a question. We have a crticial mass of peoplewho can speak on these issues.




The reaction from teh community was very positive and there were some comments and we have a final document which will be presented to teh community


At Large new gTLD Group on ALAC Applications and Objections.

Fatimata: The review group on ALAC Applications objections, the group discussed on the domain name and I ask you to see on the WIKI to see the different point of views. All these discussions are presented to see if ALAC is going to made some comments.  You can find the comments in the WIKI.


AZIZ: There is a comment on internet and on the request from AMAZON, we already spoke ab out it in the last teleconference.


g. Ad Hoc groups for the improvement of the budget preparation process.


Fatimata:  There was a proposal that was adopted that speaks about the implementation of ICANN funds.

We prepared everything, we had a drafting group , we prepared a report and we realized that there was a problem, that on Monday afternoon there was a meeting for all the African community in ICANN.

We were told that among the proposals, there  was the proposal at the level of AFRALO - AFRICANN joint meeting. We have to put it on the Agenda. Do we have to keep the meeting or cancel the meeting so as not to have the same amount of work.

Yaovi: Clarification. this meeting of Monday PM is it an open meeting or is it a meeting for the WG only?

It is an extended meeting then the Wednesday meeting is not needed anymore.

Monday meeting is open to all the community, in presence of the Chair of ICANN if we have this meeting on Wednesday, then its the same subject for the same meeting.

Fatimata: Wanted to thank you. If those WGs are going to do the same work is not necessary. On the list of the African community, the subject is on the proposal made by the WG. I think there is no use for the meeting of Wednesday.

Aziz: We have to make the devision today to send a mail to everyone.

Proposal: in the group declaration fo rthe African strategy we can add a paragraoh that the creation of an African fund is strongly supported y AFRALO.

AFRALO is in the WG of the Africann Strategy, so we can put this in the final reserve of the WG.

Yaovi: To tell you that I support the fact to cancel the Wednesday meeting.


Tijani: Who does not  want to  cancell of the Wed meeting?

We will cancel the Wed meeting







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