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Trip/Event Assessments should be completed within three (3) weeks of the traveler's return date.

Trip/Event Assessment Form

LINK:  NCUC Trip Proposal 2

1) Describe the Trip/Event in sufficient detail
that an interested reader could understand Who,
What, When, Where, and Why concerning this
funded CROPP activity (please be as expansive
as possible):  

RightsCon is a conference that brings together human rights and digital rights groups to discuss and debate Internet governance and other digital policy issues. This year's meeting was held March 28-20 in Brussels, Belgium and was attended by nearly 1,500 people. 

NCUC proposed a panel on "Content regulation and private ordering at Internet governance institutions." The main topic of this panel was whether ICANN’s control of the root of the domain name system creates a centralised “choke point” where control over web site content and Internet expression can be exerted by regulating domain name registries and registrars (e.g., by taking down domains or withdrawing licenses to register names). In this regard, discussion focused on the "Healthy Domains Initiative" developed by a group of registries, including Public Interest Registry, the operator of .org.

The proposal was accepted by RightsCon and put into the program on 10:30 - 11:45 on March 30.

The panel included Milton Mueller (NCUC member) as moderator; Tatiana Tropina (NCUC member); Peter Vergote, Legal & Corporate Affairs Manager of DNS Belgium vzw; Brian Cute, CEO of PIR; and Jnea-Jacques Sahel, ICANN's Vice President for Europe & Global Civil Society Engagement. The program was also promoted on the NCUC website

2) Explain the extent to which the Proposed
Goals and Outcomes were accomplished
(see above LINK to review the original Proposal):  

The main goal was to document how the Healthy Domains Initiative and similar initiatives risk getting ICANN involved in content regulation, and to make suggestions as to how ICANN could be prevented from regulating content. These goals were achieved by means of a constructive, public, multistakeholder dialogue between PIR, NCUC, a ccTLD operator, and an ICANN staff person. The panel was very well attended, with standing room only for a group of about 30-35 people.

3) Additional information pertaining
to this outreach Trip/Event (optional):
In addition to planning and moderating the panel, Dr. Mueller distributed NCUC leaflets to everyone in the room, and spent a significant amount of time in the hub room at the ICANN table discussing ICANN and NCUC with visitors.
4) Date Completed:25-Apr-2017
Acknowledgements Section

Note: To be completed by a Pilot Program Coordinator (PPC) designated by this organization/structure.

The Trip/Event Assessment information has been gathered and properly entered into this form.YesMaryam Bakoshi26-Apr-2017
The ICANN Organization / Structure's leadership has authorized the submission of this Trip/Event Assessment.YesMaryam Bakoshi26-Apr-2017
The ICANN Stakeholder Engagement Vice-President has concurred that this Trip/Event Assessment satisfactorily reports the extent to which the goals/outcomes outlined in the original proposal have been achieved.YesOzan Sahin21-Jul-2017JJS concurred with the Assessment report on 21 July 2017.

CROPP-FY17 Trip/Event Assessment Template (Jul 2016)

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