00:12:32 Nigel Hickson: Good afternoon
00:13:31 Christopher Mondini: @Tatiana, You should probably hear the story first ! But sure !
00:26:12 Tatiana Tropina: We see how great governments regulate. When people got their things hacked they don’t even go to police. Sorry :-) just a thought.
00:28:52 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: The problem is that we are living in a world where online content vandalism is so low a priority that many feel it is a waste of time to report it. As a result, it is so widespread...
00:29:26 Tatiana Tropina: Olivier, exactly. But when it’s about IP or copyright somehow it’s much much more important you know??
00:29:39 Tatiana Tropina: There are call kind of imbalances here
00:29:52 Tatiana Tropina: But this is of course outside ICANN’s issues and remit
00:30:16 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: but look at DNS abuse --- has anyone gone to jail for DNS abuse?
00:30:17 Tatiana Tropina: I mean, what I said is outside of ICANN :-)
00:30:52 Tatiana Tropina: Olivier, dunno, in general custodial sentences for cyber are not that common
00:32:07 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: exactly. They generally require a high complexity research to gather proof, with few significant convictions, except in high profile cases where costs amount in millions of dollars or more
00:32:31 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: and that's often because of the thread of a civil case pushing the criminal case
00:34:14 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: Please cut down on Acronyms!!!
00:34:31 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: RPM / IGO / EPDP / etc.
00:34:50 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: :-)
00:37:51 Roberto Gaetano: Hi Maureen :-)
00:40:42 Tatiana Tropina: Olivier, oh oh ooops. Didn’t see your message. You could have transcribed them.
00:40:51 Maureen Hilyard: Hi Roberto.. I have to reboot my system because I am having audio connection issues.
00:41:16 Christopher Mondini: We owe you a drink !
00:42:50 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: RPM - Rights Protection Mechanisms / IGO Internet Governmental Organisation / EPDP Expedited Policy Development Process / NCSG Non Commercial Stakeholders Group / TT Tatiana Tropina :-)
00:43:09 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: IGO --- wow spelling check
00:43:31 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: IGO - Inter Governmental Organisation
00:43:45 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: where did this "Internet" come from? Hmm...
00:44:15 Sébastien Bachollet: Great OCL
00:44:36 Sébastien Bachollet: Oups! Olivier Crepin-Leblond
00:44:44 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: LOL
00:44:49 Natalia Filina: -))))) LOL
00:45:59 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: .UK?
00:46:15 Tatiana Tropina: Tx from TT, OCL. LOL.
00:49:07 Tatiana Tropina: Marie, OMG I finally can SEE you. Nice!
00:49:09 Olévié KOUAMI: To OK
00:50:02 Christopher Mondini: Well said, Marie and Rowena
00:55:17 Tatiana Tropina: Yes, DNS abuse should be defined, I guess we really all agree on this.
00:56:20 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: The other day the At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group had the visit of Graeme Bunton from DNS Abuse institute and they proposed a definition
00:56:47 Tatiana Tropina: Well as Marie said there has been around two dozens of definitions proposed
00:57:43 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: ATRT3 - Accountability and Transparency Review Team #3
00:58:04 Tatiana Tropina: Let’s see if you use 0 acronyms, OCL
00:58:33 Christopher Mondini: The Acronym Challenge ! We are keeping score !
00:58:50 Tatiana Tropina: I lost :-) swamped in GNSO
00:59:12 Marie Pattullo: Good to see you too, Tanya. Although as our hairdressers are shut you can see I have the opposite problem from Nigel - I'm heading towards full-blown yeti status ;-).
00:59:24 Christopher Mondini: GNSO = Generally Not So Obvious
00:59:36 Sébastien Bachollet: ICANN Internet Corporation for Ass Names and Numb…
00:59:38 Tatiana Tropina: Oh I thought Belgium was re-opening!
00:59:51 Tatiana Tropina: @Chris LOL
00:59:53 Marie Pattullo: Not yet...
01:00:12 Heidi Ullrich: The At-Large ICANN70 workspace: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/ICANN70+-+March+2021%3A+Community+Forum
01:00:32 Tatiana Tropina: Belgians have been constantly telling Dutch how much better Belgium is doing.. and we have hairdressers open.
01:02:38 Nigel Hickson: just realised why Olivier looks different, not the sunset but no tie!
01:04:14 Tatiana Tropina: Nigel, indeed!
01:10:02 Heidi Ullrich: They are finaliizing the statement.
01:12:35 Judith Hellerstein: Sorry for being late but we had a NA Stakeholder consultation but luckily it was only for 60 minutes. So can Join this session for the last 30 minutes
01:13:18 Natalia Filina: Welcome, Judith!
01:13:38 Judith Hellerstein: We have a process to deal with auction proceeds but we do not have board approval of this process
01:14:13 Maureen Hilyard: @Oivier, Great report on At-Large@ICANN Thank you
01:14:45 Maureen Hilyard: Olivier
01:16:38 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: Virtual killed my ties. Every day I find a lifeless tie on the floor
01:17:16 Tatiana Tropina: You collection of ties must be really huge :-) if one dies every day
01:17:49 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: I hang them on the tie rack and they come back to life a few days later.
01:19:07 ADAM PEAKE: Very hard for newcomers. They must wonder why many of us enthusiastically use the word “community”. When we meet face to face you see the Fellows and NextGen become community of their own, enjoying the learning and social aspects of the meetings.
01:19:16 Sébastien Bachollet: If you have Q or comments it is time to raise your hand
01:19:28 Sébastien Bachollet: Or to write the Q in the chat
01:19:52 Tatiana Tropina: What kind of platforms, Chris?
01:20:23 Tatiana Tropina: I probably should have said Christopher.. !
01:20:37 Christopher Mondini: @Tanya. Adam Peake has some ideas. Do you know him?
01:21:06 Christopher Mondini: Social Event Platforms, networking platforms etc
01:21:18 Christopher Mondini: I invite Adam to chime in!
01:21:36 Sébastien Bachollet: OK
01:22:05 ADAM PEAKE: We hope so, working on a few ideas. But as will all new bits of technology, adding them to complex systems has its challenges. But I am hopeful
01:22:13 Christopher Mondini: Chris and Christopher are both fine for me!
01:22:15 Nigel Hickson: Good point Adam.
01:23:27 Christopher Mondini: lol
01:24:20 Christopher Mondini: If people here are willing and interested to try out platforms please let Adam know.
01:27:46 Nigel Hickson: UK happy to help re platforms. Agree with Olivier re Zoon, webinar format with no chat is no way for intreraction.
01:27:56 Tatiana Tropina: Olivier actually it was discussed at the NCSG meeting with the Board
01:28:02 Tatiana Tropina: We did ask the question
01:28:18 Judith Hellerstein: Yes and webinar format with chat is a bit better but still really bad
01:28:50 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: Thanks Tatiana - I missed that meeting.
01:29:03 Tatiana Tropina: Well of course you did it was NCSG/Board one.
01:31:43 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: gather.town
01:32:11 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: remo.co
01:32:16 Joanna Kulesza: Sorry team, gotta sign off now, great meeting Seb and team, thanks for this!!!
01:32:37 Christopher Mondini: Great feedback and ideas - we have some ‘best practice’ to be welcoming to newcomers but they have dropped off a bit in the virtual meeting. Also : Gather and Hop In are among the tools
01:32:59 Adam Peake: I think for now, we can only do what governments and then the related industry will allow. The Hague, no meetings allowed in The Netherlands, quite simple (unfortunately).
01:32:59 Christopher Mondini: But please keep sending the ideas to Adam. I would be happy to pilot something in “Europe”
01:33:30 Tatiana Tropina: Virtual Europe :-)
01:33:33 Christopher Mondini: @Maureen - I fully agree. At Large was strategic and effective and advanced the issues very helpfully
01:34:02 Heidi Ullrich: Watch this space: the At-Large ICANN71 workspace: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/ICANN71+-+June+2021%3A+Virtual+Policy+Forum
01:34:51 Christopher Mondini: Are our Latin America and Caribbean stakeholders invited to the Spanish read-out?
01:35:13 Maureen Hilyard: Great suggestion Chris..
01:35:17 Roberto Gaetano: @Chris - good idea!
01:36:03 Judith Hellerstein: It is the web foundation not the W3C
01:36:24 Nigel Hickson: Good to see you Judith!
01:36:48 Nigel Hickson: Thanks all, have to go, was an honour taking part.
01:37:01 Natalia Filina: We will invite them @Chris, nice idea! And we invite you all to ICANN70 Russian readout on 20 Apr-)
01:38:06 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: Great to see Read-Outs in so many languages!
01:38:32 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: Next thing, we should have ICANN ReadOuts in ClubHouse :-)
01:38:49 Natalia Filina: haha-))) clubhouse-)))
01:39:02 Pari Esfandiari: Thank you everyone.
01:39:06 Natalia Filina: I would like to thank Sebastien and everyone who came and made this readout so informative and interesting! thank you all!
01:39:09 Adam Peake: Thank you all.

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