NEXTi - Organização das Executivas de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação


 NEXTI is a private organization of public interest, not for profit, which members are all ICT executive women. Our name in english "ICT Executive Women Organisation"

Main objetives are to promote knowledge and best practices on ICT technologies, including Internet and Digital Media  among women. One of main NEXTI focus is to training young women in languages and specific technologies demanded by clients in order to allow those young women to ascending higher social level by education and higher income with employment and a career in the ICT field. Our focus is on large cities periphery where lower social classes lives and where the majority of women have just few opportunities to get a job and even so, a low income one. Young women additionally suffer with less opportunities and be trainned in ICT programming languages, associated with a chance of future job, can give them the chance to overcome poverty and growth to a better social level.

 NEXTI also keeps relationship with other local associations as Software, ICT users, e-Commerce , Telecommunications and related,  locally and internationally to  exchange information, statistics and specific data of interest, always focusing on the promotion of new opportunities for women in the ICT field. NEXTi woks with all ICT companies to create these matching opportunities.

 The organization keeps a blog and has a portal full designed and in final phase of implementation.  We could not finalize the implementation of our sophisticated portal ( designed for free by a large company in the country), due its cost but we are still working on that. The organization has, nowadays, 61 members. 

 With partnership with our members NEXTi has distribute booklets with tips for Internet security to families and children, in public schools and lower social level women associations,  to promote a more secure internet users. 

 In 2012 Next had the opportunity to be part of a round table in New York to debate professional women in Latin America and exchange experiences. in 2013/2014 Nexti has participate on women's day at Google Women Techmaker as speaker and Sao Paulo City Women Design Thinking.

 2013 NEXTI has contact other Latin-American similar organizations to expand its relations and also with DNS Women, another international women group to promote internet issues, business and security issues among women  around the world.

  Plans for 2015 includes:


  1. Finalize the Portal
  2. Establish formal agreements with other interested parts
  3. Establish formal agreements with Government of Sao Paulo State
  4. Expand training facilities.



Vanda Scartezini -

Miriam vasco -

Sylvia Herlein Leite -

NEXTi - Organização das Executivas de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação


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1 Comment

  1. NEXTi has a Facebook at

     we are also a chapter of DNS WOMEN  and have been also promoting Internet issues and new gTLds awareness in our country since 2014 in several events.

    we have enlarge our members to open to  colleague from Haiti and Uruguay. one of our members is also member of the MAG - Renata Aquino.