This is the workspace for the Root Zone Evolution Review Committee (RZERC) Charter Review.

1. Background

The Root Zone Evolution Review Committee (RZERC) formed as a result of the Cross Community Working Group to Develop an IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions (CWG-Stewardship). Per the NTIA IANA Functions Contract that existed prior to the IANA stewardship transition, NTIA approval was required for the implementation of all changes to the DNS root zone environment such as the DNSSEC-signing of the root zone, many classes of changes to IANA processes, as well as edits that would be applied by the Root Zone Maintainer to the DNS root zone. Post transition, the CWG-Stewardship recommended that approval of routine content changes to the DNS root zone would no longer be required, however due to the critical nature of the root of the DNS, major architectural changes would require formal approvals. The CWG-Stewardship recommended that the ICANN Board seek recommendations from a standing committee, now known as RZERC, regarding the advisability of moving forward with such architectural changes.

On 9 August 2016, the Board approved the RZERC Charter and authorized the ICANN President and CEO to take such actions as appropriate to form the RZERC. The RZERC Charter requires that “The Charter of the Committee shall be reviewed at least every 5 years, and a review may be initiated more frequently if determined necessary. All reviews of the Charter shall be subject to ICANN public comment processes.” 

2. Intent of the Review

The first review of the RZERC Charter is intended to consider whether the Charter is adequate and provides a sound basis for the RZERC to perform their responsibilities as envisioned in the development of the CWG-Stewardship Proposal.

3. Scope of review

The Charter will be reviewed to determine whether:

  • the Charter enables the RZERC to fulfill its role and responsibilities as envisioned
  • there are any aspects of the Charter that are ambiguous that require amendment
  • there are any typographical errors in the Charter that require amendment
  • there are any elements of the work of the RZERC that should be captured in the Charter that were not captured at the time the Charter was originally drafted

4. RZERC Charter Review Team

As there are no explicit instructions in the ICANN Bylaws, RZERC Charter, or CWG-Stewardship Proposal, RZERC recommends having the RZERC conduct a self review on its Charter. ICANN org support staff for the RZERC will support the RZERC for its charter review. The review process shall determine the consensus model at the beginning of the charter review, which will be recorded in the draft and final reports.

5. Proposed Review Process

The review process is proposed include the following actions:

  1. Initiate the review process by sending an official correspondence from the RZERC Chair to the ICANN Board informing the RZERC will begin the formal review and detailing the proposed review process.
  2. Conduct a review of the RZERC Charter in accordance with the elements identified above that are considered to be within the scope of the review.
  3. Produce an initial report on the outcome of the review. This report should also include suggested changes to the RZERC charter, if any.
  4. Conduct feedback session teleconferences with each of the RZERC appointing organizations and other Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees on proposed changes to the RZERC Charter.
  5. Conduct a public session at a public ICANN meeting that is intended to provide an opportunity for the community to provide input to the process.
  6. Conduct a Public Comment proceeding on the initial report.
  7. Prepare a Final Report that includes a Revised RZERC Charter (if applicable) to the ICANN Board’s Board Technical Committee (BTC) for adoption.
  8. BTC reviews Final Report and a Revised RZERC Charter and makes a recommendation to the ICANN Board for adoption
  9. ICANN Board considers Final Report and Approves/Rejects Revised RZERC Charter

6. Proposed Review Schedule

Initiate Review ProcessWeek 1
Prepare Initial Report on findings and suggested changes to RZERC Charter-
Conduct feedback sessions with RZERC appointing organizations-
Public Comment on Initial Report 1 week before ICANN meeting
Public Consultation at ICANN MeetingFirst ICANN Meeting after Initial Report prepared
Finalization of Report6 weeks after Public Comment closes
RZERC submits Final Report to Board Technical Committee for review6 weeks after Public Comment closes
Board Technical Committee reviews Final Report and makes a recommendation to the ICANN BoardNext available Board Technical Committee Meeting
Adoption of Final Report by ICANN BoardNext available Board Meeting
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