The call for the Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) in all gTLDs PDP Working Group is scheduled for Wednesday, 14 December 2016 at 17:00 UTC for 60 minutes.

09:00 PST, 12:00 EST, 17:00 London 18:00 CET

For other times:[]

The proposed agenda for our next Working Group call, scheduled for 14 December at 1700 UTC, is as follows:


  1. Roll call (via Adobe Connect/phone bridge only) and updates to Statements of Interest
  2. Continue discussion of proposed TMCH Charter questions (see attached document)
  3. [If time permits] Review responses received to TMCH Data Gathering Sub Team list of questions sent to New gTLD Registry Operators (see attached)
  4. Next steps/next meeting


For Agenda Item #2: the attached document contains updates made by staff based on the Working Group’s discussions on the call last week. It also includes the co-chairs’ proposed compromise language on the “generic terms” issue (Category 3, Question 2) that was circulated to the mailing list earlier today, and a few additional suggestions made to the mailing list since the last call and as of today (13 December).


For Agenda Item #3: the attached document is a compilation of responses received so far from three registry operators (Public Interest Registry, Donuts, and Afnic) to the list of questions for New gTLD Registry Operators that was prepared by the TMCH Data Gathering Sub Team. Staff will continue to update the document as and when we receive any additional responses from other registries.


Table of Edited Charter Questions on the TMCH - 13 Dec 2016

Compilation of Registry Responses to TMCH Data Gathering Sub Team




AC Chat


Apologies: Chris Thomas, Brian Beckham, Susan Payne, J Scott Evans, Beth Bacon, Alistair  Payne

Audio only: none

Follow up notes: 


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