The next GNSO Standing Selection Committee teleconference will take place on Thursday, 21 September 2017 at 13:00 UTC for 60 minutes.

06:00 PDT, 09:00 EDT, 14:00 London, 15:00 CET

For other times:


  1. Welcome and Agenda Review
  2. SOI Updates
  3. GAC Liaison Selection
  4. AOB



Attendees: Maxim Alzoba, Susan Kawaguchi, Frédéric Guillemaut, Poncelet Ileleji, Rafik Dammak, Tony Holmes

Apologies:  Renata Aquino Ribeiro, Lori Schulman

ICANN staff: Andrea Glandon, Emily Barabas, Marika Konings, Julie Bisland


Notes/ Action Items


ACTION ITEM: Staff will create sample survey for SSC members to review before the poll opens.

ACTION ITEM: Staff will send out a Doodle poll for a meeting next week.



1. Welcome and Agenda Review

- Update on ATRT3 selection – On 20 September, the GNSO Council nominated candidates recommended by the SSC (see

2. SOI Updates

- No updates

3. GAC Liaison Selection

- Three applications were submitted with endorsement – see SSC members can view application materials on the closed wiki workspace:

- Two applications were individually submitted without ensorsement, and are therefore ineligible. 

- In the previous two processes, an evaluation sheet was used to rank candidates. A version of this document could be used by SSC members if they find it helpful.

- Document deadline for this selection process is 16 October. If the SSC needs additional time to make a selection, a placeholder motion can be submitted on the 16th.

- Members expressed general support for leveraging the template used in the previous selection processes.

- Members would also be interested to receive feedback from Carlos Raul Gutierrez on the poll and the process more generally.

- The SSC will meet next week and make sure to convene at a time that is convenient for Carlos.

- The following week, the SSC will meet to discuss candidates and poll results.

4. AOB

- Next task for the SSC will be to review the SSC Charter. 

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